I think you all have me confused as an Idealist...
I am a realist.
I work for US Airways, until such time I do not, I will do everything I can to help US Airways succeed. I am a realist. IF US Airways does go under I will deal with it, but until then, I sure will not wish for it to happen.
Hmmm, well no one held a gun to my head to make me take the position at MDA, not the company nor ALPA. But, I am a realist. My position at Allegheny ceased to exist much like the many positions of the F/A's bidding into MDA ceased to exist at mainline. I had little choice but to work at MDA if I wanted to still fly for US, but I
still had a choice. IF US goes under, no one will have any choice whatsoever, nor future payoff for sacrifices made now. 35K meets my bills, and I can find the same elsewhere out of flying tomm.
So yes, In my situation 35K is my bottom point, in which I will leave flying to support my family, rather than do the job I love. I am a realist.
Too much time,
Do not know what to say, other than you have "too much time to quit". Your chips are the only chips you have if
you have. US goes away, then
you have to quit. No vote on that amigo...
Read the post, only way I see high salaries remaining for CSA's is a more productive CSA workforce. Not work rules, but technology improvements so that one CSA can do the work of two. Like I said, fewer agents as a result, but also more competitive as a result.
There is no answer to your questions because they are based upon an emotional repsonse. "Trust" is a feeling. I am a realist.
I "like" Lakefield because he seems savvy, up front, and honest to
I have no control over your emotional responses, nor likes/dislikes, nor whom you trust. That is up to you.
You understand why I said your "questions" sounded more like rallying cries meant to rally support to your cause (playing on people's emotional response), rather than real questions? Trust is an emotion, a personal emotion.
Realism...? US managment has "run out" of time as much as we have. They too have no choice but to adapt and change, or they too will fail. It is not a "trust" issue, it is cold hard reality. They cannot afford the "status quo" anymore.
I would hope that the new leaders have a new vision, but "hope" is just a feeling too. I know that they have already made a few changes to the way thngs have been...
Take for example your quip:
If it is so profitable then why did US pay Mesa $232,000,000 last year to fly 50 RJs
Yeah, why indeed...?
But in case you missed it, Dave left.
New Bosses = RJ growth in house = Profits kept in house
That is one of the things that make me FEEL that Lakefield is more savvy. But, that is
only IMHO, only my "feeling"
Anyways, enough of the mushy-ish feelings talk. Reality and realism is what is on the menu for US Airways. So we all better put our feelings aside and get down to business.
Peace B)