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The Abortion Issue:

Keep deflecting and trying to put words in my post.

Just pointing out the facts and issues you and your right wingers fail to address.

Protect the fetus, but once your born it’s ok for you to be murdered in school by an assault weapon.

Your such a compassionate human being Pete

Then what was the purpose of your post?

Explain your reasoning.

If you can.
how come you pro lifers aren’t offering economic help to these woman who you want to force to have a child?


I expect an ADULT to make responsible ADULT decisions. When they make bad decisions I expect them to deal with the consequences like an ADULT. When a woman engages in activity that results in a baby yes I expect her to deal with the consequences of her decision.

She and her sex partner are the ones that conceived. Let them deal with the economic consequences. I am getting tired of leftest trying to make social consequences result from individual decisions instead of making the individual take responsibility for their own actions. In fact I think Americans are getting tired of it in general.

After all we are not talking isolated incidents here. We are talking about 7.6 MILLION abortions performed by Planned Parenthood. Aborting 2.28% percent of the population goes a little beyond "accidental pregnancy" and into the realm of carelessness.

Do you think these people would be so careless if they had to face the economic consequences of their decisions instead of passing it on to someone else to bear?

National Statistics on Child Abuse1
OK let me stop you right there. As long as the government considers spanking child abuse I really could care less about their statistics.
Protect the fetus, but once your born it’s ok for you to be murdered in school by an assault weapon.

Actually...it's pretty much the same as yours, except that his proposes killing them all BEFORE they are born. You prefer to let them die AFTER.
What a couple of idiots.

They know their idealistic arguments are flawed so they concoct this fantasy to justify their stupidity.
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Preach it LaLa. You and Junior would be a hit at the First Church of the Babbling Trump.
Keep deflecting and trying to put words in my post.

Just pointing out the facts and issues you and your right wingers fail to address.

Protect the fetus, but once your born it’s ok for you to be murdered in school by an assault weapon.

Your such a compassionate human being Pete
The difference is that unborn babies are innocent, and defenseless!.......While shooters, and let's make a distinction here, "shooter's", not gun's, are neither innocent, nor defenseless!!!
Keep deflecting and trying to put words in my post.

Just pointing out the facts and issues you and your right wingers fail to address.

Protect the fetus, but once your born it’s ok for you to be murdered in school by an assault weapon.

Your such a compassionate human being Pete
The level of stupidity here is such that it's actually pretty depressing.

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