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The Abortion Issue:

Hey x! I found this picture of your wife! No wonder your intimidated by the right!........ Good looken girl by the way!
Hey x! I found this picture of your wife! No wonder your intimidated by the right!........ Good looken girl by the way!
That there is going to give many a liberals a seizure and explosive diarrhea.
But here's the deal...If keeping abortion legal means that it will be available for a person who has a "medical need" for one, then I am all for keeping it legal.
7.6 million. That is the number of abortions provided by Planned Parenthood. That is a hell of a lot of "medical need". By the way that was the total (not the annual) number for 2017. The annual number goes up every year.

The estimated population of the United States in 2017 was 325.7 million.

Had those babies been born that would represent 2.28 percent of the population.

7,600,000 2.28%
325,700,000 + 7,600,000 = 333,300,000 100%

We lost 2.28 percent of our population..... to abortions.... performed by Planned Parenthood. Let that sink in.

I absolutely have a problem with my tax dollars going to an organization that aborted 2.28 percent of our population.

Politicians will tell you we need immigration because our population is contracting. I wonder why?

That's why I equate gun control with abortion control. I am sickened by the site 17 dead high school students at the hands of a deranged kid shooting an assault rifle. I am nauseated at the site of 27 young souls in an elementary school laying dead, again at the hands of a maniac with a semiautomatic weapon. And I am angered at the site of nearly 500 concert goers in Las Vegas who were killed or had their lives significantly changed because of someone wielding a....you guessed it...semiautomatic weapon. So when I say "we need to ban semiautomatic weapons", it's no different than someone saying "we need to ban late term abortions". Sure...the number of people using semiauto weapons to kill school kids is vastly outnumbered by those who don't. Just like the number of people who use late term abortions as a means of birth control is vastly outnumbered by those who don't. The logic used by those who defend our rights to own a device specifically designed to kill humans (a good number of them who are "pro life") is that "first it's semiauto's, then it's pistols, then it's shotguns". It's the same thing with abortion. You ban part of it, and there will be a move to ban all of them.

So those 544 deaths and injuries sicken you but 7.6 million deaths.... you find a way to justify that.

Just keep pushing that insane leftist narrative.

You think disarming the civil population in America will work out for the citizens? Disarming the populace has always been one of the first actions taken by a dictator.

So saying that the government should stay out of abortion does NOT mean that I support abortion as a form of birth control.
When you have 7.6 million deaths then yes..... abortion is being used as birth control. When your actions result in something as significant as the creation of life you should not be able to just get a quick fix on someone else's dime and walk away.

I consider it a sad side effect of our freedom.
That is NOT a sad effect of our freedom. That is a sad effect of an immoral society.

And if there is a God, then I'd prefer that HE be the final judge of whether a decision made on earth was right or wrong.

Well let's just stop punishing people for murder, assault, theft, arson and rape. Let's just let GOD judge them.

7.6 million. That is the number of abortions provided by Planned Parenthood. That is a hell of a lot of "medical need". By the way that was the total (not the annual) number for 2017. The annual number goes up every year.

The estimated population of the United States in 2017 was 325.7 million.

Had those babies been born that would represent 2.28 percent of the population.

7,600,000 2.28%
325,700,000 + 7,600,000 = 333,300,000 100%

We lost 2.28 percent of our population..... to abortions.... performed by Planned Parenthood. Let that sink in.

I absolutely have a problem with my tax dollars going to an organization that aborted 2.28 percent of our population.

Politicians will tell you we need immigration because our population is contracting. I wonder why?

So those 544 deaths and injuries sicken you but 7.6 million deaths.... you find a way to justify that.

Just keep pushing that insane leftist narrative.

You think disarming the civil population in America will work out for the citizens? Disarming the populace has always been one of the first actions taken by a dictator.

When you have 7.6 million deaths then yes..... abortion is being used as birth control. When your actions result in something as significant as the creation of life you should not be able to just get a quick fix on someone else's dime and walk away.

That is NOT a sad effect of our freedom. That is a sad effect of an immoral society.


Well let's just stop punishing people for murder, assault, theft, arson and rape. Let's just let GOD judge them.

YOu didn't actually read any of my posts. If you did, you would have seen these words "I don't believe in abortion as a form of birth control". But there ARE cases where there is indeed a "medical need". The number of those is very small. But when you try to define a "medical need" in a law, then that law is open to interpretation and THAT can cause problems. Oh..they try, they added words like "if the life of the mother is endangered". In our case, my wife's physical health was not in danger, at least not directly related to the pregnancy. But her MENTAL health certainly was. Ever have someone you love contemplate taking their life? But any law doesn't address the mental health side of it. So...no procedure for you. If you take your own life, fine...at least we tried to save the baby (that would have died within an hour of being born).

And I equate a "medically necessary" abortion to the number of people who bought a semiautomatic weapon and used it on children. The numbers are very small. The difference is that "pro-lifers" want to ban ALL abortions, but will staunchly defend our right to own a device that, oddly enough, was expressly designed to kill human beings.

Final note...I believe in other threads that you made it clear that you are NOT among those who would adopt pregnant girls baby to keep her from having an abortion, nor do you want your tax dollars going to support that child's food, health, housing, and education needs. You don't want her to kill that baby, but you will leave it up to someone else to adopt it. And you'd rather give the "shoulda kept your legs together" speech than do anything to help that baby you saved live.
YOu didn't actually read any of my posts. If you did, you would have seen these words "I don't believe in abortion as a form of birth control". But there ARE cases where there is indeed a "medical need". The number of those is very small. But when you try to define a "medical need" in a law, then that law is open to interpretation and THAT can cause problems. Oh..they try, they added words like "if the life of the mother is endangered". In our case, my wife's physical health was not in danger, at least not directly related to the pregnancy. But her MENTAL health certainly was. Ever have someone you love contemplate taking their life? But any law doesn't address the mental health side of it. So...no procedure for you. If you take your own life, fine...at least we tried to save the baby (that would have died within an hour of being born).

And I equate a "medically necessary" abortion to the number of people who bought a semiautomatic weapon and used it on children. The numbers are very small. The difference is that "pro-lifers" want to ban ALL abortions, but will staunchly defend our right to own a device that, oddly enough, was expressly designed to kill human beings.

Final note...I believe in other threads that you made it clear that you are NOT among those who would adopt pregnant girls baby to keep her from having an abortion, nor do you want your tax dollars going to support that child's food, health, housing, and education needs. You don't want her to kill that baby, but you will leave it up to someone else to adopt it. And you'd rather give the "shoulda kept your legs together" speech than do anything to help that baby you saved live.
I read everything you posted and as usual, you are talking out of both sides of your mouth.

Frankly I am getting sick of your "shoulda kept your legs together" diatribe. I expect an ADULT to make responsible ADULT decisions. When they make bad decisions I expect them to deal with the consequences like an ADULT. What you want to do is make others suffer the consequences of bad decision making (a leftist staple), the tax payers and the baby. When a woman engages in activity that results in a baby yes I expect her to deal with the consequences of her decision.

I am also getting tired of hearing woman say my body my right. Yet the man's right is not even a consideration. The time to exercise control of their bodies should have been made the day of conception.

Let me educate you.

Unnecessary abortion outside medical need and rape is not about a woman controlling her body. It is about denying the rights of another person to live for the convenience of the woman.

Then I see crap like this leftist propaganda.


Yet another leftist shill abrogating a woman from ANY responsibility for her part. Again a typical leftist tactic.
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Ironic how promlifers and the right have to insult and disparage people that don’t agree with them.

He’s soms statitics, how come you pro lifers aren’t offering economic help to these woman who you want to force to have a child?


Every year more than 3.6 million referrals are made to child protection agencies involving more than 6.6 million children (a referral can include multiple children).

The United States has one of the worst records among industrialized nations – losing on average between four and seven children every day to child abuse and neglect. 1, 2



National Statistics on Child Abuse1
In 2015, an estimated 1,670 children died from abuse and neglect in the United States.1 In 2015, Children’s Advocacy Centers around the country served more than 311,0002 child victims of abuse, providing victim advocacy and support to these children and their families.

Nearly 700,000 children are abused in the U.S annually. An estimated 683,000 children (unique incidents) were victims of abuse and neglect in 2015, the most recent year for which there is national data.

CPS protects more than 3 million children. Approximately 3.4 million children received an investigation or alternative response from child protective services agencies. 2.3 million children received prevention services.

The youngest children were most vulnerable to maltreatment. Children in the first year of their life had the highest rate of victimization of 24.2 per 1,000 children in the national population of the same age.

Neglect is the most common form of maltreatment. Of the children who experienced maltreatment or abuse, three-quarters suffered neglect; 17.2% suffered physical abuse; and 8.4% suffered sexual abuse. (Some children are polyvictimized—they have suffered more than one form of maltreatment.)

About four out of five abusers are the victims’ parents. A parent of the child victim was the perpetrator in 78.1% of substantiated cases of child maltreatment.
Ironic how promlifers and the right have to insult and disparage people that don’t agree with them.

He’s soms statitics, how come you pro lifers aren’t offering economic help to these woman who you want to force to have a child?


Every year more than 3.6 million referrals are made to child protection agencies involving more than 6.6 million children (a referral can include multiple children).

The United States has one of the worst records among industrialized nations – losing on average between four and seven children every day to child abuse and neglect. 1, 2



National Statistics on Child Abuse1
In 2015, an estimated 1,670 children died from abuse and neglect in the United States.1 In 2015, Children’s Advocacy Centers around the country served more than 311,0002 child victims of abuse, providing victim advocacy and support to these children and their families.

Nearly 700,000 children are abused in the U.S annually. An estimated 683,000 children (unique incidents) were victims of abuse and neglect in 2015, the most recent year for which there is national data.

CPS protects more than 3 million children. Approximately 3.4 million children received an investigation or alternative response from child protective services agencies. 2.3 million children received prevention services.

The youngest children were most vulnerable to maltreatment. Children in the first year of their life had the highest rate of victimization of 24.2 per 1,000 children in the national population of the same age.

Neglect is the most common form of maltreatment. Of the children who experienced maltreatment or abuse, three-quarters suffered neglect; 17.2% suffered physical abuse; and 8.4% suffered sexual abuse. (Some children are polyvictimized—they have suffered more than one form of maltreatment.)

About four out of five abusers are the victims’ parents. A parent of the child victim was the perpetrator in 78.1% of substantiated cases of child maltreatment.

So your solution is to kill them all.

Don’t put words in my posts.

You have zero solution Pete.

You posted an article about child abuse in defense of abortion. For what purpose other then to prop up the ideology that abortion would have solved said problem.

A bit of a monster you are eh?
Keep deflecting and trying to put words in my post.

Just pointing out the facts and issues you and your right wingers fail to address.

Protect the fetus, but once your born it’s ok for you to be murdered in school by an assault weapon.

Your such a compassionate human being Pete
So your solution is to kill them all.

Actually...it's pretty much the same as yours, except that his proposes killing them all BEFORE they are born. You prefer to let them die AFTER.

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