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The Abortion Issue:

On the interwebs you can make up any story you want.

The only mile
you walked is
a mile of lies

REally? It sure felt real when it was happening. I usually wouldn't wish what my wife and I had to go thru on anyone. I'd make an exception in your case, but I won't, because I wouldn't want your wife (if you ever had one) to go thru it with someone like you.
REally? It sure felt real when it was happening. I usually wouldn't wish what my wife and I had to go thru on anyone. I'd make an exception in your case, but I won't, because I wouldn't want your wife (if you ever had one) to go thru it with someone like you.



No, they aren't. Neither was medical science back when the bible was written. In "the good old days" we had no idea what a woman was carrying. And why is it that most right wingers read only bits and pieces of the Lord's word? They seem to skip over the parts in Leviticus that deal with adultery and enthusiastically support a 4 time (at least) adulterer as their president that their children should aspire to be like...forgetting that the penalty in the bible for that is the same as if "a man were to lie with another man". They also tend to overlook that part that says "judge not, lest ye be judged"...while holding that bible as they pass judgment on so many. But....if they really believe that book they are holding, then there may still be hell to pay (no pun intended) regarding that "lest ye be judged" part.


Where were you in 1991 and how do you know what I and my wife were doing. Again...I'd hope you could see how "full of it" I am, but there is that wife (that you most likely don't have) who would have to deal with it.
Where were you in 1991 and how do you know what I and my wife were doing. Again...I'd hope you could see how "full of it" I am, but there is that wife (that you most likely don't have) who would have to deal with it.

Now let's see.
Why is abortion LEGAL ?
Oh, I remember. The SCOTUS made it legal, in the case of ROE v WADE.
Furthermore, with the court deadlocked at 4 - 4, Republican appointed, conservative Justice Sandra Day O'Conner, voted with the Liberals, then 'Presto', a 5 - 4 decision for legality.

Game-Set-Match !!!!!

Since Justice O'Conner, the RE-PLUGS have NEVER appointed a WOMAN, or Minority to the Bench.
WHY is that ??????????????

Isn't Roe v Wade the lawsuit that was based upon lies?

Not to worry.......Trump fixed it for you.

Your the one who made up wild stories in defense of baby killing. Shame on you.

You know. You're right. And if a woman is stupid enough to stay with you then I DO hope you both get to experience what your think I didn't go thru. Now...if you are into focusing on lies...why not take a closer look at Trump.
I’m always skeptical when people like you, who recall an event in your life that fits the perfect liberal narrative. So yeah I’m callin BS all over you and your “story”.

Um...I recall that event because I never forgot that event. If you should ever have to face that, I doubt you would forget it easily either. Yes...it does fit the "liberal narrative"...just like a chirpy "abortion doctor" describing a smiling baby face looking at him as he performed a second trimester abortion fits the pro life narrative. IMHO, and doctor who spoke of such an intimate procedure in his cheerily sarcastic manner should have his license to practice medicine revoked.
Um...I recall that event because I never forgot that event. If you should ever have to face that, I doubt you would forget it easily either. Yes...it does fit the "liberal narrative"...just like a chirpy "abortion doctor" describing a smiling baby face looking at him as he performed a second trimester abortion fits the pro life narrative. IMHO, and doctor who spoke of such an intimate procedure in his cheerily sarcastic manner should have his license to practice medicine revoked.

So it was a lie all along eh?

So it was a lie all along eh?


Not sure where you got that from. Because a story "fits a narrative" doesn't mean it didn't happen. And the fact that it DID "fit a narrative" might go to prove that the "narrative" was accurate.

You say I'm lying. When Donald Trump said he would be too busy to golf...was he lying?

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