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The Abortion Issue:

You two make a cute couple...

It all started with his fake outrage over the MAGA adolescent he dreamed of being.
Okay....a single woman comes to an abortion clinic because she is pregnant. She knows she can't afford that baby and the daddy skipped town. You are out front. You counsel her not to have the abortion. So she has the baby...what do you do now that the baby is here, pro lifer?

How about putting that living soul up for adoption instead of killing him.
That would involve bravery and compassion.

Something the left has very little of, unless they can exploit it for political purposes.

Which you apparently lack as in all of your replies to me, you NEVER suggested that.
Now let's see.
Why is abortion LEGAL ?
Oh, I remember. The SCOTUS made it legal, in the case of ROE v WADE.
Furthermore, with the court deadlocked at 4 - 4, Republican appointed, conservative Justice Sandra Day O'Conner, voted with the Liberals, then 'Presto', a 5 - 4 decision for legality.

Game-Set-Match !!!!!

Since Justice O'Conner, the RE-PLUGS have NEVER appointed a WOMAN, or Minority to the Bench.
WHY is that ??????????????
How about putting that living soul up for adoption instead of killing him.
Here's my deal. I don't support abortion as a form of birth control. Period. There are better, cheaper, and far less "violent" forms of birth control. But the original post was about second trimester abortions. And the number of those, or late term abortions, that are used for birth control methods are extremely small. A woman gets a hint that she is pregnant within 30 days after conception. Odds are that if she wants an abortion, she's not going to wait 22 weeks to get one. Most late term abortions are medically necessary. So this eeriliy chipper doctor talking about sucking the face of a baby out a woman's womb is more disturbing to me that the woman getting an abortion.

Now...I have "walked that mile" with my ex wife when she as pregnant with tour fist child...a child that we wanted badly. We had been trying for almost a year. But in the second trimester, we learned that our child had a horrible deformation...no brain had formed. The soul was only living because my wife's body was keeping it alive. On it's own, after 9 months in her womb, it was going to die when it's "life support system" was disconnected. Because it couldn't breath, suck or eat. The medical books described our child as a "monster". Even so, the decision we made was not an easy one. It went against everything that we believed in. But knowing she was carrying a "monster" that was going to die within hours, if not minutes, of being born was taking a devastating toll on my wife's MENTAL health. Physically she was fine. Had she been forced to carry it to term, she may well have killed herself.

But here's the deal...If keeping abortion legal means that it will be available for a person who has a "medical need" for one, then I am all for keeping it legal. The "pro life" groups here would fight any government imposed exceptions to that law. And in the case of my wife and I, they have have successfully saved a baby that wasn't going to live, but cost the life of a 30 year old woman who WAS living. And the sad fact is that if the government stays out of the abortion business, then people WILL used it as a form of birth control. And that's just a reality that we have to accept.

That's why I equate gun control with abortion control. I am sickened by the site 17 dead high school students at the hands of a deranged kid shooting an assault rifle. I am nauseated at the site of 27 young souls in an elementary school laying dead, again at the hands of a maniac with a semiautomatic weapon. And I am angered at the site of nearly 500 concert goers in Las Vegas who were killed or had their lives significantly changed because of someone wielding a....you guessed it...semiautomatic weapon. So when I say "we need to ban semiautomatic weapons", it's no different than someone saying "we need to ban late term abortions". Sure...the number of people using semiauto weapons to kill school kids is vastly outnumbered by those who don't. Just like the number of people who use late term abortions as a means of birth control is vastly outnumbered by those who don't. The logic used by those who defend our rights to own a device specifically designed to kill humans (a good number of them who are "pro life") is that "first it's semiauto's, then it's pistols, then it's shotguns". It's the same thing with abortion. You ban part of it, and there will be a move to ban all of them.

So saying that the government should stay out of abortion does NOT mean that I support abortion as a form of birth control. I consider it a sad side effect of our freedom. And if there is a God, then I'd prefer that HE be the final judge of whether a decision made on earth was right or wrong.
Here's my deal. I don't support abortion as a form of birth control. Period. There are better, cheaper, and far less "violent" forms of birth control. But the original post was about second trimester abortions. And the number of those, or late term abortions, that are used for birth control methods are extremely small. A woman gets a hint that she is pregnant within 30 days after conception. Odds are that if she wants an abortion, she's not going to wait 22 weeks to get one. Most late term abortions are medically necessary. So this eeriliy chipper doctor talking about sucking the face of a baby out a woman's womb is more disturbing to me that the woman getting an abortion.

Now...I have "walked that mile" with my ex wife when she as pregnant with tour fist child...a child that we wanted badly. We had been trying for almost a year. But in the second trimester, we learned that our child had a horrible deformation...no brain had formed. The soul was only living because my wife's body was keeping it alive. On it's own, after 9 months in her womb, it was going to die when it's "life support system" was disconnected. Because it couldn't breath, suck or eat. The medical books described our child as a "monster". Even so, the decision we made was not an easy one. It went against everything that we believed in. But knowing she was carrying a "monster" that was going to die within hours, if not minutes, of being born was taking a devastating toll on my wife's MENTAL health. Physically she was fine. Had she been forced to carry it to term, she may well have killed herself.

But here's the deal...If keeping abortion legal means that it will be available for a person who has a "medical need" for one, then I am all for keeping it legal. The "pro life" groups here would fight any government imposed exceptions to that law. And in the case of my wife and I, they have have successfully saved a baby that wasn't going to live, but cost the life of a 30 year old woman who WAS living. And the sad fact is that if the government stays out of the abortion business, then people WILL used it as a form of birth control. And that's just a reality that we have to accept.

That's why I equate gun control with abortion control. I am sickened by the site 17 dead high school students at the hands of a deranged kid shooting an assault rifle. I am nauseated at the site of 27 young souls in an elementary school laying dead, again at the hands of a maniac with a semiautomatic weapon. And I am angered at the site of nearly 500 concert goers in Las Vegas who were killed or had their lives significantly changed because of someone wielding a....you guessed it...semiautomatic weapon. So when I say "we need to ban semiautomatic weapons", it's no different than someone saying "we need to ban late term abortions". Sure...the number of people using semiauto weapons to kill school kids is vastly outnumbered by those who don't. Just like the number of people who use late term abortions as a means of birth control is vastly outnumbered by those who don't. The logic used by those who defend our rights to own a device specifically designed to kill humans (a good number of them who are "pro life") is that "first it's semiauto's, then it's pistols, then it's shotguns". It's the same thing with abortion. You ban part of it, and there will be a move to ban all of them.

So saying that the government should stay out of abortion does NOT mean that I support abortion as a form of birth control. I consider it a sad side effect of our freedom. And if there is a God, then I'd prefer that HE be the final judge of whether a decision made on earth was right or wrong.
Now...I have "walked that mile" with my ex wife when she as pregnant with tour fist child...a child that we wanted badly.

On the interwebs you can make up any story you want.

The only mile
you walked is
a mile of lies


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