Thanx for Nothing,....... ' W ' and Dick !

eolesen said:
The fact is that Obama could have pushed to keep troops in place.  I'll take Leon Panetta's word over a couple of meme's and Wikipedia articles:
How much are you willing to spend on this since you are so budget conscious? How long are you willing to commit US Forces (including your son) on this effort to secure the middle east?
Glenn Quagmire said:
How much are you willing to spend on this since you are so budget conscious? How long are you willing to commit US Forces (including your son) on this effort to secure the middle east?
Boots on the
What about cost?? Obama just donated 300 billion to the UN Green fund.
eolesen said:
Silly Bears, always looking in the rear view mirror....
Had troops been left in Iraq, ISIS would have been contained early on.  But, let's not interrupt his Viagra moment with facts.
People who actually know about these things say that the commonly mentioned 10,000 or so US troops wouldn't have made a bit of difference.

No one has explained how we were going to leave 10,000 troops in Iraq without a SOFA, or how those 10,000 tropps were going to re-occupy the entire countey against the government we put there's will.

I guess Eolsen knows more than the prople actually involved and deciding these thongs too.

Wish I had some of that ...

"A small force could have advised..."


Advised what?

Not to abandon the weapons we gave them and run away when ISIS is taking their homes from them?

Sure... That's the ticket....

Bottom line...

ISIS exists because a group of religious extremists want to rule their world their way

ISIS has grown through fear and intimidation, and because the above is appealing to angry young men who have nothing else

ISIS is in Iraq because the Iraqui Army let them waltz in unopposed

We, as in The West, will defeat them militarily. Likely by containing them until they implode.

If we, The West, continues doing what we have done the last hundred years or so, another group will appear to fill the vacuum and become the new apocalyptic enemy.

Just watch...
eolesen said:
Silly Bears, always looking in the rear view mirror....
Had troops been left in Iraq, ISIS would have been contained early on.  But, let's not interrupt his Viagra moment with facts.
Had Sadam been left in power the US never would have had to lose 5,000 troops, over a trillion dollars and ISIS would never have even happened.  
You guys R hilarious. :p
Lefty-Righty finger pointing foo for rah.
Get a grip!
RepubliRats will throw us under the bus just as fast a the DemoRats.
I voted for it before I was against it.
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xUT said:
You guys R hilarious. :p
Lefty-Righty finger pointing foo for rah.
Get a grip!
RepubliRats will throw us under the bus just as fast a the DemoRats.
I voted for it before I was against it.
POLE SMOKER   :rolleyes:
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delldude said:
Wiki: President Obama's speech on 27 February 2009
On 27 February 2009, at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune in North Carolina, President Barack Obama announced his revision to the original date of withdrawal of combat troops from Iraq. The revision was to extend the original date of 30 June 2009 for an additional 10 months, to 31 August 2010. After which all but a "transitional force" of 35,000 to 50,000 troops would be withdrawn from the Middle Eastern nation. President Obama reaffirmed commitment to the original complete withdraw date of 31 December 2011, set by the agreement between the Bush Administration and the Iraqi government.[28] President Obama defined the task of the transitional force as "training, equipping, and advising Iraqi Security Forces as long as they remain non-sectarian; conducting targeted counter-terrorism missions; and protecting our ongoing civilian and military efforts within Iraq"
And Obama modified it.
Isn't that the date Obama extended?

Many WMD's have been found. 
dell.  Who found said WMD's ?
Condi, or (dirty) DICK ?

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