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Thanks for holding.... - Remarks of a CEO

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On 1/14/2003 7:41:59 AM REACC1 wrote:


I can testify for the latter comments. The near exact scenario filled my life with grief and I vowed never to purchase another GM. Consumers voting with their feet. It is really a crap shoot.
The former comments irk me somewhat, in that, concessions were given and given and given and squandered at this particular carrier. The eventuality is there is no carrot. Nothing really at the end of the rainbow. I have the same job, but nothing improves for the rank.(I already realize I have a job)(bargining in good faith?????)
My comments were directed at the UAW, not U employees. If there was an award for past management blunders former U management would be runaway winners for at least 15 years running. From Uncle Ed to Schofield to Stevo and his little sidekick Rakeesh they didn't have a clue as to what the airline really needed. If they did the airline wouldn't be where it is today. The employees saved this airline...I hope management realizes that.
On 1/13/2003 5:51:06 PM MrAeroMan wrote:


Yep, those dratted greedy unions! In fact, while the above statement repeats a common myth about the economics of trade unions, it is not accurate. In reality, the UAW has been anything but greedy over the last 25 years. Concessionary contract after concessionary contract has been the norm for the last 25 years. Amongst these concessions has been an expansion of outsourcing and the industry wages have actually dropped dramatically, as enterprises previously internal to GM, Chrysler and Ford are now legally separate companies where employees make wages considerably lower than at the core (Delphi, American Axle, etc). (Sound familiar?)

Yep....those unions give, give and give. They never get anything do they? That's why they get full pay even if they've been furloughed. The spin on concessions is out in full force here. Those concessions you speak of certainly didn't come without the UAW getting something in return. Both the Union and the auto makers looked at how they could get what they both wanted and they turned to the consumer....as usual. Just raise the price....let the saps that drive the junk they produce pay for it and we'll hammer 'em on the backside when the cars they paid prime dollar for breaks after oh say....37,000 miles and we sell them replacement parts or better yet we sell them another piece of junk. The good ole American Auto Industry...gotta love it but you don't have to buy into it.

I can testify for the latter comments. The near exact scenario filled my life with grief and I vowed never to purchase another GM. Consumers voting with their feet. It is really a crap shoot.
The former comments irk me somewhat, in that, concessions were given and given and given and squandered at this particular carrier. The eventuality is there is no carrot. Nothing really at the end of the rainbow. I have the same job, but nothing improves for the rank.(I already realize I have a job)(bargining in good faith?????)
1045am Tuesday..11 minutes to make a resvtion change,and a busy signal txfring to award booking agent. And 6 days or less right away agent pick up(probably non reissue non award trained). Odd inconsistency.Won't be long til people learn the trick and push this last option to get right thru.But if they have to txfr the call, more wait.
I'm sure Itrades batphone will get him right thru though no matter what.
I called res yesterday to hear the new soundtrack/theme music. Was greeted by Dave. Nice touch actually. Pushed prompt to conx to agt. Was told i should expect a 7 minute wait. So i did get to hear the new some of the new music. However i heard more marketing/service info than music. What i could hear of the music was nice. I was surprised to hear Providenciales and Punta Cana were going daily from CLT. Its ironic ive not heard this before and i try to be informed. I pull briefings daily, but this was news to me. Kind of disappointed i had to hear this on the reservation line(speaking as an employee) which i never would have called if it hadnt been for the new music.[BR]Seems to me the flow of communication is jammed somewhere. I hope we will see an improvement at some point.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]On 1/14/2003 9:49:53 AM Severed-N-Happy wrote:
[P]1045am Tuesday..11 minutes to make a resvtion change,and a busy signal txfring to award booking agent. [/P]----------------[BR][BR]It is amazing how the furlough employees spend their days- Calling the reservation department each day. What a way to spend the day. Time to move on.[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][/P][img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/9.gif']
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/14/2003 1:45:28 PM Do_it_for_Dave wrote:
[P][BR][BR]It is amazing how the furlough employees spend their days- Calling the reservation department each day. What a way to spend the day. Time to move on.[/P][BR][BR]
[P]Amen, Brother Dave. The fact that some people spend their entire day on the phone, calling an airline reservation system, for the sole purpose of seeing how long the delay may or may not be is a certain sign that some people need to think real hard about getting the want ads out of the trash, remembering how to access [A href="http://www.monster.com/"]www.monster.com[/A], or realizing that the United Way needs folks to help out.[BR][BR]Quite sad, really.[/P]
On 1/14/2003 1:55:28 PM ITRADE wrote:

Amen, Brother Dave. The fact that some people spend their entire day on the phone, calling an airline reservation system, for the sole purpose of seeing how long the delay may or may not be is a certain sign that some people need to think real hard about getting the want ads out of the trash, remembering how to access [A href="http://www.monster.com/"]www.monster.com[/A], or realizing that the United Way needs folks to help out.

Quite sad, really.[/P]
2 minutes out of 1440 in a 24 hour day hardly qualifies as "all day". I see math and couth aren't 2 of your strong points, but exaggeration for the sole purpose of condescending belittling is(as is your common Itrademark throughout the msg board).. Perhaps you could be doing other things with your time as a non-airline employee besides spreading your ill willed antagonism on a public message board..UNICEF,soup kitchen maybe?
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