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Tennessee Rep. Joins Wright Amendment Repeal

Ch. 12 said:
So like I said...Shelby was designed to continue to stifle real competition out of DAL and you can bet that the intention was to convince people like you that "hey...WN isn't adding hundreds of DAL-BHM flights so why should we add MDW, etc?".

Actually, that was not the intent of Shelby. The intent was to increase air service to Alabama and Shelby needed Trent Lott's support so MS got added also. SWA was all for the Shelby Amendment. If the intent had been to continue the Wright Amendment, SWA would NOT have been in favor.

SWA saw it as another chink in the Wright Amendment armor. That was the statement I was objecting to. I knew you were not putting down AL or MS. I can do that all by myself with no help from outsiders. :lol: