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Tempe Going CHEAP on the A330-200's

Please stay on subject--seniority and lists are NOT to be discussed here as they have no bearing on the subject at hand. The issue is cheaping out on the 330-200's and lack of crew rest areas-seniority has NOTHING to do with it.

If you want to discuss seniority lists I think you all know where that is appropriate.

Thank you.
AA and DL 767-300ER aircraft come to mind, but I'm sure we can find other airlines flying 767's on long routes without any real crew rest. You can do the research as to the routes, but there are some long ones (like ATL-FCO). I'm not sure, but what about CO 767-400 that flies EWR-HNL? That's a long haul, too.

As to the 31" pitch discussion, I'm not disagreeing that it sucks. But ALL THE COMPETITION DOES IT TOO. Why should Tempe change to actually be better than the competition?!?

That simply is not true. When you start going over 12 hours, airlines DO offer bunks! We aren't talking about 8- 10 hr flights, but longer.

CAL 777

Also, UAL also provides bunkc on their long distant international flights. Remember, the 330/340 will be used for China. Will the company offer ottomans on THAT??
Has the AFA grieved this issue yet? Or maybe Tempe needs to make a visit to some sort of college for futon ideas. Just joking with the latter, but
Has the AFA grieved this issue yet?

Remember when the UA pilots made their management park brand new 747-400's because they hadn't agreed on a pay rate yet when the aircraft were delivered?

Remember the DL captain that parked an MD-11 in PDX en route from ATL to NRT because the crew rest facilities were inadequate?

Ah, but this is US (East), where greed and fear usurp principle and safety every time.

On paper, it would appear that the PHL-TLV trip will pay almost 23-and-a-half hours; meaning crews will only need to fly it three, or maybe four times a month. All the chest-pounding and complaining about rest facilities notwithstanding, that trip will be bid every month by the most senior people, and other crew members will be on the bid sheet or ETB every day trying to pick it up.

And Parker knows that.
On paper, it would appear that the PHL-TLV trip will pay almost 23-and-a-half hours; meaning crews will only need to fly it three, or maybe four times a month. All the chest-pounding and complaining about rest facilities notwithstanding, that trip will be bid every month by the most senior people, and other crew members will be on the bid sheet or ETB every day trying to pick it up.

And Parker knows that.

Well, that's a great reason to assume the f/a's won't care...NOT!! This company will NEVER, EVER be respected from customers or employees until they first learn how to treat the human race. Is it ANY wonder we are the most hated airline in the world?!? I guess you and others are somehow proud of this? I hope not! Is it any wonder for piss poor attitudes?
All the chest-pounding and complaining about rest facilities notwithstanding, that trip will be bid every month by the most senior people, and other crew members will be on the bid sheet or ETB every day trying to pick it up.

And Parker knows that.


For the 23 hours, the company could put egg crates to sit on in the closet as crew rest facilities and the most senior people would fly it.
It must feel incredibly warm and fuzzy to work for a company that has such high regard for it's employees. :lol: Simply adding a crew rest bunk would show good faith judgement by management. It would also show that they DO care about their flight attendants. Everything is bare minimum from management yet they want the MAXIMUM from you the employee. 🙄
Everything is bare minimum from management yet they want the MAXIMUM from you the employee. 🙄
It has been extraordinarily tough getting the line flight attendant/pilot to understand that very issue. In fact, the "executives" bonus' depend on line flight attendant/pilot subservience. Their "enabling" seems embedded.

I say, past time for Louisville. Time to send execs to occupational therapists. It would likely reduce costs for US.
SEE, That's the difference!!! I love my job and I am happy. I just think that TEMPE is doing a terrible job running the airline...and the DOT complaint numbers bear that out. Having seen 5 different mgt groups in 25 years, this group takes the cake....and not in a good way!

I was here when they came in, I'll be here when they go! 🙄

(again..just my opinions)
AMEN BROTHER! You have taken the word's right out of my mouth. I never thought i'd say bring back the Wolf and gang! They would at least be able to run an ailrline and present a product that would be able to compete in this enviroment..WITH A LITTLE CLASS I might add.

Though i agree with you whole heartedly, the only thing that will get these idiot's attention out in Tempe is when the bean counter's actually see people booking away from US. Parker admitted in the last crew new's session that unless they see a drop in reveneue, they wer'nt going to remove any seat's.
As far as Tempe goes, you can't instill CLASS in these people. You either have it or you don't. And by the look's of this place it's quite appearant they DON'T. You know, Delta had a slogan not so long ago, WE LOVE TO FLY AND IT SHOW'S... And their image reflect's that! I wonder how thing's would turn around here if our management took that attitude!
The AFA should just grieve it anyway. BTW what was the exact MD-11 story, what was the crew rest issue and was the CAPT fired?
Remember when the UA pilots made their management park brand new 747-400's because they hadn't agreed on a pay rate yet when the aircraft were delivered?

Remember the DL captain that parked an MD-11 in PDX en route from ATL to NRT because the crew rest facilities were inadequate?
The AFA should just grieve it anyway. BTW what was the exact MD-11 story, what was the crew rest issue and was the CAPT fired?

You can probably Google it and get the whole story (which I'm too lazy to do right now), but as I recall, DL had changed the crew rest facilities on the MD-11 from a reasonably private, somewhat comfortable set-up that crews called the "condo" to a Mickey Mouse affair that was basically a cot separated from the cabin and galley by only curtains, which made it noisy, not very private, and apparently not at all comfortable. Crews called this set-up the "casket".

Having been unable to rest in this arrangement, the captain asked the augmented crew members if they felt they would be adequately rested when they got to NRT, and they said no.

So, figuring there would be four pilots too tired to land the plane safely in Japan, he parked it in PDX.

IIRC, DL wanted badly to fire him, but the story made the Wall Street Journal among other media outlets, and DL management was not only embarrassed into not firing the captain, but embarrassed into restoring adequate crew rest facilities on their aircraft, as well.