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Teamster's will Destroy Comair


Sep 6, 2005
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If the Teamster's keep dragging their feet on reaching an agreement with the Company, the company has the power to throw out the contract. According to the Judge's decision, the IBT is holding out for benefits that will only benefit the most senior f/as at Comair. If we strike or take any disruptive action, we will be fired, replaced and/or Comair will be destroyed.

I thought our Union was here to protect us, not make us participate in a work action that will leave us penniless. I know we do not have to participate, but being a "scab" is not respectable in the airline industry.

My state will not pay unemployment benefits if our Union calls a strike and we lose our jobs.

If anyone has any input please reply.
The pros and cons of having a union. They can get you raises and also paycuts. You may want to have a backup plan, just in case. just my thoughts......
Maybe, just maybe, you need to figure out what you're worth. And I'll tell yo it is substantially more than Comair is willing to pay you.

For that reason the union should strike and my bet is that Comair will capitulate. If they do not, then they should go broke.
If we strike or take any disruptive action, we will be fired, replaced and/or Comair will be destroyed.

First off, if the union has met all of the requirements under labor law for calling a strike--negotiated in good faith (decided by the courts, not the company), waited through any cooling off period ordered by the President of the U.S., etc.--you can not be fired.

TWA f/as were out on strike for something like 3 years. The company hired scab replacements, etc, but in the end every one of the TWA strikers who wanted their jobs back, got their jobs back.

Also, don't believe the company's line that Comair would be destroyed. The company wants you to believe that. But, ask yourself, why would those same company executives allow themselves to be put out of a job if you strike? If it comes down to giving your union a fair shake or giving up their stock options, bennies, and fat paychecks, trust me...your union will be given a fair shake. It probably won't be everything they are currently asking for, but it will be more than the company is currently saying they are willing to give.

Both sides start with asking for the moon while giving nothing. Both sides will declare that the other side is being totally unreasonable.

The Company: "This union is attempting to destroy Comair."
The Union: "This company is trying to reinstate slavery in violation of the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution."

From there, they will work toward a compromise that neither side is totally happy with, but each side can live with. That's why it's called negotiation.

If, in fact, Comair goes out of business (highly doubtful), you will find that life goes on. You will start over at another airline--there are a number of former Eastern, Braniff, and Pan Am f/as at AA. Or, you will get out of the airline business--probably the smarter move given the current environment. :lol:

Twenty years ago, if you had told me that my company, Texaco--at the time the 3rd largest oil company in the U.S.--would not exist in 2006, I would have asked what you were smoking because it was bound to be illegal. But today, Texaco does not exist--there are Texaco gas stations, but the company itself was bought by and folded into Chevron.

Hang in there. There's no point in getting too upset or worried about what the company and the union are or are not going to do. There's nothing you can do to influence the situation either way. (BTW, the advice to have a Plan B in place is excellent. In fact, you should ALWAYS have a Plan B.)
Also, don't believe the company's line that Comair would be destroyed. The company wants you to believe that. But, ask yourself, why would those same company executives allow themselves to be put out of a job if you strike? If it comes down to giving your union a fair shake or giving up their stock options, bennies, and fat paychecks, trust me...your union will be given a fair shake. It probably won't be everything they are currently asking for, but it will be more than the company is currently saying they are willing to give.

Excellent post, straight forward and to the point. Job well done

But, ask yourself, why would those same company executives allow themselves to be put out of a job if you strike?

Because the execs at Comair will simply be given cushy jobs at mother Delta? Or they will be given multi-million dollar severance packages from mother Delta leaving them very comfortable? Either way, the execs at Comair have little to fear from a strike.

You have to remember that Comair isn't an independent airline. It's tied solely to the whims and ways of a larger parent company (Delta), that has its own agenda.
That may be, but considering how much of Delta's flying in the U.S. has been turned over to Comair from mainline, it would be odd indeed for Delta to assist in killing off Comair. There would be immediate, huge holes in their route system.
That may be, but considering how much of Delta's flying in the U.S. has been turned over to Comair from mainline, it would be odd indeed for Delta to assist in killing off Comair. There would be immediate, huge holes in their route system.

They may get what's coming. The IBT are hardcore and don't put up with the politics of managemnt crying "We will shut the airline down!"
If the Teamster's keep dragging their feet on reaching an agreement with the Company, the company has the power to throw out the contract. According to the Judge's decision, the IBT is holding out for benefits that will only benefit the most senior f/as at Comair. If we strike or take any disruptive action, we will be fired, replaced and/or Comair will be destroyed.

I thought our Union was here to protect us, not make us participate in a work action that will leave us penniless. I know we do not have to participate, but being a "scab" is not respectable in the airline industry.

My state will not pay unemployment benefits if our Union calls a strike and we lose our jobs.

If anyone has any input please reply.

You're not wrong... I believe the #1 reason Comair was granted authority to void the FA contract was due to CD (Stand up) lineholders. The IBT walked away from negotiations due to the company insisting that they lose days off in order to operate more highspeeds. The judge felt they were not negotiating in good faith as CD lines only effect 70 of the most senior flight attendants. Interesting fact the President of teamster local 513 Connie Slayback is a CD lineholder,
That may be, but considering how much of Delta's flying in the U.S. has been turned over to Comair from mainline, it would be odd indeed for Delta to assist in killing off Comair. There would be immediate, huge holes in their route system.

Comair's flying in slowly being put out for bid to other regionals. The only flying that we have that seems to be safe is JFK and LGA.