A DM email being sent out. Somebody must think I still care.........
Today, America West and US Airways unveiled our new aircraft paint scheme that will be used when we join together this fall to create the world’s largest low-fare, full-service airline. And you’re among the first to get a peek at the new look!
The stylish, modern paint scheme incorporates an important new element: A symbol near the front of the body of the airplane that pays tribute to each of the airlines that have joined together over the years to make up the new US Airways:
Allegheny Airlines
America West
Pacific Southwest Airlines
Piedmont Airlines
In addition to this symbol that celebrates the combined heritage of the new airline, several aircraft will be painted in the
classic paint schemes of these airlines to pay tribute to each of them and their important role in the creation of the new US Airways.
Learn more about the look of the new US Airways and get answers to frequently asked questions such as:
How much does it cost to paint an airplane?
Did employees contribute to the new look?
Why is the new airline going with a new look if the name will still be US Airways?
In the coming months, we will be unveiling more exciting news about the new US Airways service, frequent flyer program, and other important information. Click here for the latest news and updates as we progress with the merger.