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Ta Dah! New Paint Job

I agree...anticlimatic, but it's not THAT bad. I have seen worse. Has anybody noticed an airline called Southwest? Now that is UGLY!
I think the stylized flag should be altered a bit.
The best news was the "retro" planes. I think it is great for morale of those employees from the former airlines.
No surprise. This is pretty much what most of us expected. I for one was growing tired of the fading dark blue. I have a feeling this paint job looks better in person than what we see in the picture posted here.
I like the new paint scheme. It looks "refreshing."

The retro liveries are GREAT!

So, where's the EMPIRE and MOHAWK airplanes? If you're gonna do it, do it right and include EVERYBODY!
firstamendment said:
No surprise. This is pretty much what most of us expected. I for one was growing tired of the fading dark blue. I have a feeling this paint job looks better in person than what we see in the picture posted here.

I saw the plane this morning and it does look much better. I looks good with the "old" planes as well. It will take some time to get all the planes done, so it doesn't look mismatched like SW old and new do.
Love the RETRO planes!!!

I'd suggest that the US Airways workmark be made a little smaller and slightly greyed out in color. There needs to be a little more white between the three planes with their colored stripe (HP is fine). Its probably the perspective of the aircraft to the workmark that makes it look out of place to the rest of the livery.

Also, what about changing the colored wing tips to just the respective logo (i.e. blue speedbird on white, flying wedge on white, stylized nose shot of psa plane & AW with three stripes (original). Not as overpowering as the colored tips, but a little something extra for the enthusiast....

Oh, new paint is OK....I'll warm up to it like the last one.
I don't ride outside on the wing. They can paint all they want to, but unless they clean the inside or doing something about the filth, then it is just more lipstick on the pig.

Like someone said here, many of the ideas posted here were much, much better.

Just goes to show you, many folks here could do a better job running the joint.
Enough already. The new livery although white is much better then the royal blue ovens.It's refreshing.The retro ones are great.Try some forward thinking now. Now that the morons that put us in this financial state are mostly gone, give Doug and his group a chance to try to bring it back.Slow and steady. 😀
All in all, not bad - but not a home run, either. I am glad that they decided to come up with this in-house instead of spending a fortune on a complete re-design which wasn't necessary. Keeping the stylized flag was a good move - easily recognizable by the flying public. While there are probably some very good operational reasons (desert heat) for going w/ a color scheme that's mostly white, it does not provide a very good marketing edge. With so many other white planes out there (UA, B6, CO, DL, etc), these will likely just blend in.

I do like the retro planes - probably a good move for internal and external marketing purposes. Very interesting visually and historically; it's also a nice gesture of respect and appreciation for the employees who laid the foundation for the new US as these individual carriers.

A mixed bag, but still more positive than negative.
I like it.. congrats everybody. I think it's refreshing, but not too cold, like the UAL scheme. Even the new design has a bit of a retro feel to me with the curved off cheat line.

They'll be time for re-branding, re-logoing later. Now that I think about it, there would be a LOT of material to be changed, extending all the way to Star Alliance stuff. Enjoy your new look.
FM2436 said:
Is the fuselage white or is it a off-white kinda soft grayish? Can I change my rating from a 3 to a 4? Still not a 5.
It's white

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