On 3/25/2003 9:07:57 PM PineyBob wrote:
PITbull let me try to answer this based on what I know about SWA and some research I have done over the past months.
1. Work Rules - Old line industries are filled with restrictive and unproductive work rules that date back to well before de-regulation of the airline industry. SWA has far fewer "past practices" to deal with than US
3. Attitude of management towards workers - US has at least 4 VP or higher with the duties that involve labor relations. SWA has one and her title says alot, VP People.
Hi, Piney Bob,
I''ll stipulate to your other points; I want to get into these two.
1. The big work groups at U have been ALPA, AFA, IAM-mechanic, IAM-fleet, and CWA. The first three have been union forever; IAM-F and CWA ratified in 1999. ALPA has generally had some very nice perks in their contract; you are seeing those stripped out before your eyes. AFA never had ALPA or IAM-M''s leverage; their contracts have trended to the industry average. IAM-M had some serious leverage, second only to ALPA. They''ve taken it in the shorts as well. But ALPA or IAM-M never trended above the industry average, and their work rules didn''t stray from industry norms. IAM-F and CWA merely ratified the corporate policy guide in 1999; it was no gravy train. The fact it took 5 years to negotiate the corporate policy guide (which naturally, was VERY favorable to management) and the contract''s duration was 5 years (historically, contracts were 3 year deals) is another rant I won''t go into here. Additionally in 1999, the parity review for wages was instituted. For ALPA and IAM-M, it was considered concessionary. For CWA and IAM-F, pre-contractual pay was so low, parity resulted in a significant raise.
The upshot is, the bulk of the workforce has worked for quite a while on terms favorable to management. WN''s secret is they deploy their resources more efficiently; an area U labor has no say in.
2. Right on, brother. This is a major issue historically (why do you think IAM-F and CWA organized? we got tired of management arrogance!) and right up unto today. I don''t know how it is in other work groups, but nothing has changed in mine from the W&G days. And I''m in a position to know. I''ve recently been in a deal that indicates to me nothing will change, except perhaps for the worst.