Still Working, Still Worrying

cavalier said:
It is indeed a mean old world and people that line the executive team of this company make sure it stays that way with their actions of total and absolute disregard for the human element, except THIER own PERSONAL human element.

It’s really easy to sit on the sidelines and criticize people that are in real pain.

Yes, there is absolutely a thing called personal responsibility and then there are also things called honor, respect, dignity, and true upright leadership, which U has none of. Then we have people like yourself defending these pathetic actions which result in making real people's lives difficult and worse, people are even killing themselves and you are on here acting like Rush Limbaugh and all the other self righteous right wing extremists that are bringing to a close the middle class in this country.

Not everyone can or is capable of starting their own business, or has the gifts to rise above the masses with a good education. These are the people most affected to which you point an accusing figure of self-indignation. I guess these people don’t matter; they don’t count in your little book on life. Your posts speak volumes of the inner you.
Cav....where do I begin!!

It is indeed a mean old world and people that line the executive team of this company make sure it stays that way with their actions of total and absolute disregard for the human element, except THIER own PERSONAL human element.

It's basic economics. You can't spend more than you earn. It's not really that hard is it?

Yes, there is absolutely a thing called personal responsibility and then there are also things called honor, respect, dignity, and true upright leadership, which U has none of.

I guess I need to head to the next IAM meeting to see that huh? Scotty and the group can give a class on how to squeeze more money out of already strapped union members even after they go to $13.01 an hour.

Then we have people like yourself defending these pathetic actions which result in making real people's lives difficult and worse, people are even killing themselves and you are on here acting like Rush Limbaugh and all the other self righteous right wing extremists that are bringing to a close the middle class in this country.

Tell me Cav where I defended their actions? Go back and read the post again Cav. You're putting words in my post that weren't there. Don't let the facts get in your sermon.
Are you actually saying management is making people kill themselves?? Call Andy Rooney Cav. I hear he needs a good lead story to go with. I guess because I don't buy into your Liberal jibberish or agree with all you have to say I'm automatically a cold hearted right wing extremist. I hear the only people that can identify such a person is a left wing fanatic or a blind trade unionist. Which one are you?

Not everyone can or is capable of starting their own business, or has the gifts to rise above the masses with a good education. These are the people most affected to which you point an accusing figure of self-indignation. I guess these people don’t matter; they don’t count in your little book on life. Your posts speak volumes of the inner you.

I actually agree with part of what you have to say here. Not everyone can start their own business or can rise out of wherever they are to climb the socioeconomic ladder There are indeed people working in jobs that they can never hope to replace the income that is derived from it because of the items you stated and some of them are employees of UAIR. How big of you to stand up and fight for them Cav. Why aren't you the very person who wants to pull them under your arm and lead them out the door as the sun sets on their career and the doors close? Aren't you one of the leaders of a vocal voice of shut it down, no more concessions, the consession stand is closed, full pay to the last day....did I forget any? Yet you accuse me of pointing an accusing finger at them? I guess in your eyes you can accuse me of pointing my finger at them but it'll be you who will be pulling the rug out from under them. That's the kind of person you are Cav. These people may not be as ready as you to shut it down yet according to you only your point of view matters. So what will be your wise words of wisdon to these people who are collateral damage to your trade unionist stance??
See Cav, here's what if all boils down to. I want people to succeed on their own and to give them the tools to do so. You on the other hand want them to succeed but only if they're paying union dues to a group of visionless people that hasn't had a unique or fresh idea in generations. You're still living on your Grandfathers laurels as a unionist beating your chest yet your track record in the past two decades bares the true witness of what has or more importantly hasn't been accomplished.

“It's basic economics. You can't spend more than you earn. It's not really that hard is it?â€

Ask personal bankruptcy attorneys that handle well-educated clients that question.

“I guess I need to head to the next IAM meeting to see that huh? Scotty and the group can give a class on how to squeeze more money out of already strapped union members even after they go to $13.01 an hour.â€

This is not an answer, it's an attitude.

“Are you actually saying management is making people kill themselves?? Call Andy Rooney Cav.â€

Yes. People are indeed doing themselves in, WAKE UP!

Andy Rooney IMO showed his colors with that Mel Gibson remark making him look the fool.

“I'm automatically a cold hearted right wing extremist. I hear the only people that can identify such a person is a left wing fanatic or a blind trade unionist. Which one are you?â€

Look no further than your twisted posts.

“Why aren't you the very person who wants to pull them under your arm and lead them out the door as the sun sets on their career and the doors close?â€

Don't twist it Mr. spin doctor, Dave himself is doing it with his actions of lies, deceit and deception, which you are applauding by backing him.

“Aren't you one of the leaders of a vocal voice of shut it down, no more concessions, the consession stand is closed, full pay to the last day....did I forget any?â€

Yes, I will not give him another penny, SO WHAT?

“Yet you accuse me of pointing an accusing finger at them? I guess in your eyes you can accuse me of pointing my finger at them but it'll be you who will be pulling the rug out from under them. That's the kind of person you are Cav.â€

You don't have a clue who I am, not even a glimpse of a clue.

“These people may not be as ready as you to shut it down yet according to you only your point of view matters. So what will be your wise words of wisdom to these people who are collateral damage to your trade unionist stance?? “

Twisting it again when I didn't do a damn thing except my job while DAVE and Dave alone has caused personal grief to the employees. Your wisdom requires you to lower yourself to the dirt and then let yourself be kicked in the face, and you call me to task!

“See Cav, here's what if all boils down to. I want people to succeed on their own and to give them the tools to do so. You on the other hand want them to succeed but only if they're paying union dues to a group of visionless people that hasn't had a unique or fresh idea in generations. You're still living on your Grandfathers laurels as a unionist beating your chest yet your track record in the past two decades bares the true witness of what has or more importantly hasn't been accomplished.â€

Again, you don't know what I want, you don't know me. I suggest you go to a shrink and get that anger under control that you hold against unions because anger will kill you via a heart attack, stroke or severe stomach acid. In the meantime, Dave loves you for your support, just ask him.
I don't need a bankruptcy attorney to shine light on something learned in high school. If you spend more than you earn or if you don't have a financial plan you will most certainly end up in financial ruin. Perhaps you could use a refresher course in economics.

Everyday in this great country people kill themselves Cav. It's time you woke up and discovered there are many underlying problems with people that resort to that type of action to deal with their problems. Dave and company didn't set out to cause people to kill themselves and for you to allude to such just shows how desperate you are to be right.

I missed in your previous post which of the groups you were affiliated with to be able to call me a right wing extremist. So which are you? A left wing fanatic or a blind trade unionist? I know but I'm not sure you do.

I understand you don't want to give anymore in concessions and there is nothing wrong with that but by your own words you said, "Not everyone can or is capable of starting their own business, or has the gifts to rise above the masses with a good education. These are the people most affected to which you point an accusing figure of self-indignation. I guess these people don’t matter; they don’t count in your little book on life." These are the very people you will take out with your views so don't take me to task over something you THINK I said when in fact it's your words that have repeatedly said it's all about you and your unwillingness to take concessions that show how indignant you are to their plight. It sure shows how much you are willing to sacrifice for them huh Cav?

What's sad Cav is you post your views on these boards and you get mad at anyone who disagrees with them. You take it personally and then you attack the person because you have nothing left in your little black magic hat. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they agree with management. Grow up for crying out loud. You call names and twist, spin and doctor views to fit your mantra then you start practicing medicine on an internet bulletin board. :lol: Afer all that you tell ME that I am going to have some affliction? Did you spend a little too much time on WebMD tonight?

You obviously have an anger problem and what's really funny is it's over an anonymous name on the Internet.

We will never agree! Your type will always be around for people like Dave to walk on. I don't care how you spin it, Dave has gone over the line and anyone with any self worth knows when to say enough. Your defeatist attitude of submission and insults to people who will not cower is what feeds the Daves of this world. You are his fuel and his reason to keep pushing, knowing your type will let him have his way at any cost because of your fear. I will go on welfare before I give Dave or his kind any more pay cuts or benefit cuts, period. This management team is so bad it’s hard to even find the proper label, hostile coming immediately to mind. You can write your pathetic pleas and insults all day long of why I am wrong and Dave's actions are right and correct and for the employees. All you are doing is succeeding in showing the world how corporate America can win with intimidation and threats. A country full of your kind and we will all be indentured slaves to men of power who live off exploited workers. You are talking to the wrong poster if you believe I will ever come close to your twisted, distorted, and fear filled way of reasoning. This company with Dave in charge is in very big trouble and it isn't my fault or any of the unions’ faults, so stop with your insane propaganda of Dave said we must or else.
There's a difference between saying that Dave's a bad manager and saying that you have to file for bankruptcy because Dave's such a bad manager.
cavalier said:

You obviously have an anger problem and what's really funny is it's over an anonymous name on the Internet.

We will never agree! Your type will always be around for people like Dave to walk on. I don't care how you spin it, Dave has gone over the line and anyone with any self worth knows when to say enough. Your defeatist attitude of submission and insults to people who will not cower is what feeds the Daves of this world. You are his fuel and his reason to keep pushing, knowing your type will let him have his way at any cost because of your fear. I will go on welfare before I give Dave or his kind any more pay cuts or benefit cuts, period. This management team is so bad it’s hard to even find the proper label, hostile coming immediately to mind. You can write your pathetic pleas and insults all day long of why I am wrong and Dave's actions are right and correct and for the employees. All you are doing is succeeding in showing the world how corporate America can win with intimidation and threats. A country full of your kind and we will all be indentured slaves to men of power who live off exploited workers. You are talking to the wrong poster if you believe I will ever come close to your twisted, distorted, and fear filled way of reasoning. This company with Dave in charge is in very big trouble and it isn't my fault or any of the unions’ faults, so stop with your insane propaganda of Dave said we must or else.
No anger here dude. Reread some of your posts if you want to see anger! :p
One thing you are right about is we will never agree. I don't know where you get this thing you have about me agreeing with Dave or condoning what he's done or is doing but you obviously have me mixed up with someone else.
I'm living proof there is life after U. I don't rely on Dave and crew for anything. I did something you and your union leadership could never do and would never think of doing. I went out on my own, took a risk and it's paid off. I don't have to worry about a seniority date. I earn my money everyday because I use my God given talents not because I have to hide behind a union contract. As a matter of fact I have saved a few former U employees in the process so I feel pretty good about myself. (Former IAM members too!! :shock: )
A country full of my kind is just the thing you and your kind can't stand and that's people that don't believe the Union baloney they try to force feed their members daily while they go out and eat Filet's at the local hot spot. Meanwhile they charge the rank and file for that privilege. That's where their true power lies and it's guys like you that keep giving them their power. What's funny about your post is you talk about slaves to men with power living off the exploited worker. Now doesn't that sound familiar to you? Just what are you to the leadership at the IAM?
MrAeroMan said:
Now doesn't that sound familiar to you? Just what are you to the leadership at the IAM?
Next time you see Rush give him a hug, but not for me, do it for yourself.

IAM has men as leaders; U has children as leaders, spoiled children.

Best take my advice and get help with that hate/anger problem you have with unions, it will kill you and then you will have zero income to brag about.
cavalier said:
Next time you see Rush give him a hug, but not for me, do it for yourself.

IAM has men as leaders; U has children as leaders, spoiled children.

Best take my advice and get help with that hate/anger problem you have with unions, it will kill you and then you will have zero income to brag about.
One thing about you Cav is you're true to form. The closer one gets to the truth about you and your "Wild" visions you have the more you attack. So spout away and have at it. I'm a big boy and I can take it not to mention we're all use to it when it comes to you.
I'll get help with this so called anger problem you think I have with the unions if you'll be my therapy partner. You know, we might even be able to sit in the same room... :unsure: On second thought....never mind.

PS....who's bragging about income?? Reread the post again truly are dillusional.
I'm sure I will be attacked for printing this but it is sooo encouraging to know my taxes etc increase so these people can have extravigant weddings, replace appliances and go on cruises and then file bankruptcy. How irresponsible, how disgusting. I would be ashamed of myself. It is hard to feel sorry for a family that racks up 45,000 in consumer debt and then bails.
I don't think the guy in the article went out and purposefully got in over his head and hopefully he can regain his financial foothold but nevertheless it was financial irresponsibility that got them to this point. It is everything you say it is 4merresrat but I don't think they're bad people just because they made some financial mistakes. Don't get me wrong, I get just as po'd as you because the ones that suffer from such irresponsibility are you and I and everyone else who pays on time. Business build those costs into doing business and raise rates, costs etc on everyone to help alleviate their losses.
Get ready to be attacked though. It's coming and just so you know you're going to be cold and callous because you think people should pay their bills. Imagine that, paying for something you buy!! :shock:
PineyBob said:
You know what Bob. I am tired of your self-righteous lectures. You get by in this life by stabbing the next guy in the back first and then give yourself praises and call others stupid and all kinds of adjectives if they fail to follow your pathetic wisdom. You use the Lord’s name in vane, which says it all.

Pray you never lose your health Bob, pray misfortune never falls upon you because in your world you will become what you loathe and should just die. Bashing the unions and calling employees stupid and dumb for what’s happening at this airline is what's really stupid Bob. We were going along just fine until this new, young, ruthless management team came aboard slaughtering us, and then you have the nerve to come on here and tell us the employees where we went wrong. You seem to believe you are some kind of intellectual accomplishing the exploits of Alexander the Great. You and Mr. airplane wacko don’t deserve my time for a response, you’re not even employees and that makes the both of you that much more of a farce, a joke. The employees are going through the worst possible times ever and we have your kind on here spouting your bizarre wisdom.
Life has a way of putting things in balance, you and your kind will realize it one day and until then your insane way of thinking will consume you.
cavalier said:
We were going along just fine until this new, young, ruthless management team came aboard slaughtering us...
Oh, you were, were you? I don't suppose you ever considered that an aircraft at 10,000ft AGL descending at 3,600fpm isn't going along just fine if the goal is continued flight. But without an altimeter and VVI, you'd never realize just how soon you're going to crash.
We were going along just fine until this new, young, ruthless management team came aboard slaughtering us, and then you have the nerve to come on here and tell us the employees where we went wrong.

If U was doing just fine then I'd hate to see what you would consider an airline in trouble!

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