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Still Working, Still Worrying

cavalier said:
You know what Bob. I am tired of your self-righteous lectures. You get by in this life by stabbing the next guy in the back first and then give yourself praises and call others stupid and all kinds of adjectives if they fail to follow your pathetic wisdom. You use the Lord’s name in vane, which says it all.

Pray you never lose your health Bob, pray misfortune never falls upon you because in your world you will become what you loathe and should just die. Bashing the unions and calling employees stupid and dumb for what’s happening at this airline is what's really stupid Bob. We were going along just fine until this new, young, ruthless management team came aboard slaughtering us, and then you have the nerve to come on here and tell us the employees where we went wrong. You seem to believe you are some kind of intellectual accomplishing the exploits of Alexander the Great. You and Mr. airplane wacko don’t deserve my time for a response, you’re not even employees and that makes the both of you that much more of a farce, a joke. The employees are going through the worst possible times ever and we have your kind on here spouting your bizarre wisdom.
Life has a way of putting things in balance, you and your kind will realize it one day and until then your insane way of thinking will consume you.
You can't blame management for individual irresponsibilty. You can't spend what you don't have. 45.000 in consumer debt is irresponsible, no way around it. To try to blame this on hard luck, bad times, bad management etc. etc., is again shirking responsibility, just like filing for bankruptcy is. Our country is in trouble do to people like this and then they try to clean the slate by filing. They are the ones that turn around and file again.
MrAeroMan said:
We were going along just fine until this new, young, ruthless management team came aboard slaughtering us, and then you have the nerve to come on here and tell us the employees where we went wrong.

If U was doing just fine then I'd hate to see what you would consider an airline in trouble!
Twelve years ago I moved from SFO-NYC. Why? Our stock was around $3 a share and most felt we were close to bankruptcy. I wanted to be on the east coast, just in case the place went under.

I just moved to NC because I do not want to be in NYC if the company goes under...too expensive..no hope for a raise..wouldn't want to be there every day.

Wow!! Not much has changed. Oh..lets' see...who was running the company then? No matter who runs this company, it's the same old same old. Labor was blaming management. Management was blaming labor. Anyone who is here knows the state of the US (Airways). We are here because we want to be.

Either we love a challenge, love the drama, or are just loyal employees who have the jet fuel running through our veins.
4merresrat said:
You can't blame management for individual irresponsibilty. You can't spend what you don't have. 45.000 in consumer debt is irresponsible, no way around it. To try to blame this on hard luck, bad times, bad management etc. etc., is again shirking responsibility, just like filing for bankruptcy is. Our country is in trouble do to people like this and then they try to clean the slate by filing. They are the ones that turn around and file again.
I love you self-righteous zealots on here.

Individuals are filing bankruptcy because they were raped by broken promises and contracts and these people in your mind are the bad guys.

But you forget to mention corporate America and the Enron’s that live in it, to the point Bush had to make it a law holding corporate America accountable with yearly reports. These greedy low life sub human scum live like Gods off the backs of the working class as they steal millions upon millions that we the middle class end up paying for, but that's ok I guess in your mind. Talk about twisted logic.

Funny how you Dave lovers all come on here pointing fingers preaching virtue and the proper way to live while not even mentioning the fact that Dave broke every contract signed, and he lied and deceived employees all the while making sure he walks away very wealthy not caring if he leaves behind a huge path of destruction of U employees and their families.

Our responsibility is to come to work every day and do our jobs and we do verified by all the high marks U employees receive in different surveys, but yet you come on preaching that's not good enough and to get your financial house in order least the employees and not Dave is at fault, that the employees are not living right, that they are the fools and it’s not in the least Dave’s fault that woes fell upon employees.

Spin, twist, stretch, bend, contort the truth so the employees are the bad guys and management is only doing their job. The only ones you are fooling on here are yourselves with this charade of what you call common sense.
cavalier said:
Individuals are filing bankruptcy because they were raped by broken promises and contracts and these people in your mind are the bad guys.
No, they're filing bankruptcy because they didn't make solid financial decisions. Nothing more, nothing less.
MrAeroMan said:
No, they're filing bankruptcy because they didn't make solid financial decisions. Nothing more, nothing less.
NO, they made their decisions based on the fact they believed Dave's lies, believed they would be working and making X amount, then all of a sudden it didn't happen.
Your assumption is that the U employees are fools and never learned how to handle simple finances, it’s more than just that, but of course you will never see that because you don’t want to given your bias thinking process.

Like I said, it's real easy to sit on the sidelines and judge.
Mr. Aeroman: I feel pretty sure, that most kids in high school do not learn about finances, economics or bankruptcy. It would be very nice if finances and economics were mandated for every year in high school, but it is not. I believe they are elected classes unlike having to take physical education, history, english and science. I believe this is an atrocity in the education system. These things are very important to survival, yet many young people hit the streets and work force without a CLUE of how to handle anything financial or plan at all for the future. Some are fortunate to have families that guide and teach them and most are not. I further believe that this is by design. This is a creation of people in Power to keep the little folk that much more ignorant and helpless. Just look around to see just how many people do not have a clue on how to handle their lives. It is rampant.

Folks get a job, making a decent living and most live hand to mouth every week and every month. This is all by design in MOHO. Those fortunate to go to college or have the strength and wherewithall and intelligence will undoubtedly prevail most successfully over those weren't given the education.

All of this should start in our schools at a very early age. We need to educate our children on what the REAL WORLD is really like. Then the likes of DAVES would not be able to come into our homes and take our power away. I know, I have strayed somewhat from topic.
ktflyhome said:
Mr. Aeroman: I feel pretty sure, that most kids in high school do not learn about finances, economics or bankruptcy. It would be very nice if finances and economics were mandated for every year in high school, but it is not. I believe they are elected classes unlike having to take physical education, history, english and science. I believe this is an atrocity in the education system. These things are very important to survival, yet many young people hit the streets and work force without a CLUE of how to handle anything financial or plan at all for the future. Some are fortunate to have families that guide and teach them and most are not. I further believe that this is by design. This is a creation of people in Power to keep the little folk that much more ignorant and helpless. Just look around to see just how many people do not have a clue on how to handle their lives. It is rampant.

Folks get a job, making a decent living and most live hand to mouth every week and every month. This is all by design in MOHO. Those fortunate to go to college or have the strength and wherewithall and intelligence will undoubtedly prevail most successfully over those weren't given the education.

All of this should start in our schools at a very early age. We need to educate our children on what the REAL WORLD is really like. Then the likes of DAVES would not be able to come into our homes and take our power away. I know, I have strayed somewhat from topic.
can you amagine a world where it is filled the prolific likes of the crooks we have today, if every person in this country goes to college and gets a degree , who will flip your burger or wash your car, or serve your cocktail at the Country Club you belong to. wake up..or You may be asking...Do You Want Fries With That.
MrAeroMan said:
No, they're filing bankruptcy because they didn't make solid financial decisions. Nothing more, nothing less.
BS...According to you, no one should have purchased anything the last 10 years...house car, education etc.... We should all have your Crystal ball... :lol:
ktflyhome said:
I further believe that this is by design.
You're slightly paranoid, but that doesn't mean they're not out to get you. 😉 In all seriousness, there are companies that are all too willing to take advantage of those without a solid understanding of finance, but they don't go around trying to keep financial education out of the scholastic system. They don't have to; most people consider it too "hard" to ever learn, so they give up on the whole thing.

Were I a less scrupulous person, I would have made a killing through taking advantage of people in precisely this way; it's astonishingly easy to do.
PITbull said:
According to you, no one should have purchased anything the last 10 years...house car, education etc....
Not at all...there's a huge difference between carrying some debt and being leveraged to the hilt.
willnotworkforfree said:
can you amagine a world where it is filled the prolific likes of the crooks we have today, if every person in this country goes to college and gets a degree , who will flip your burger or wash your car, or serve your cocktail at the Country Club you belong to. wake up..or You may be asking...Do You Want Fries With That.
/well, there will be extemely educated hamburger flippers if we give the "ELITESTS" want they want. :down:
mweiss said:
Not at all...there's a huge difference between carrying some debt and being leveraged to the hilt.

Oh yea, sort of like what corporations do.... :lol:

Carrying a mortgage, car payments and education loans are not considered "light debt". These are major debts. Being leveraged, is when you don't have the money in the bank to pay it all off. Most Americans don't, unless you are part of the "Elitists".
MrAeroMan said:
No, they're filing bankruptcy because they didn't make solid financial decisions. Nothing more, nothing less.
I agree with you to a certain extent, What is your opinion of a CORPORATION filing bankrupcy because they didn't make solid financial decisions ?