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Station Closings????

Along with every other supplier/vendor/lessor UA is involved with, the company is in the process of negotiating with the UAX carriers for better fee for departure rates. Only time will tell if they're successful.
On 10/22/2002 10:18:37 AM Busdrvr wrote:

We did, the flight attendants wouldn't let us keep them...

This is not accurate. AFA has no problems with UAL owning regional (UAX) carriers, as long as they are on the AFA/UAL System Seniority List and work under the AFA/UAL Collective Bargaining Agreement. That is the scope language in our contact that management agreed to in exchange for other significant scope advantages for UAL (namely, having non-AFA F/As based in SIN and BKK) which haves realized much financial advantage for UAL over the years at the expense of AFA-represented F/As at UAL.

Certainly ALPA has strict scope langauge too that pilots expect UAL to follow?

Perhaps it would be more accurate to say something like UAL is not inerested in owning regional carriers in a manner consistent with existing labor agreements.