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Southwest Airlines To Begin Pittsburgh Service

ELP_WN_Psgr said:

SkyHigh...I think we've humored you enough. Now...here's some unvarnished truth for you.

I've been to KCFlyer's house. He lives in Southern Johnson County, Kansas in an upscale neighborhood of houses which (I'm guessing) sell from $350K-$600K.

I'm an Army LTC with a wife who is gainfully employed by a local school district. We're not quite as high on the food chain as KC, but we pull in low 6 figures every year and manage to have a heated swimming pool in a house in a doctor lawyer neighborhood.

Do you know what KC and I have in common? We both fly Southwest. It's our airline of choice. The reason we have nice things is we don't squander money unnecessarily on things that have no lasting value...namely, a seat in a metal tube that whisks us from point A to point B.

You can keep on thinking Southwest caters solely to the scum of the earth, SkyHigh...I'm sure that will be quite all right with Southwest management and employees. You see, that's what USAirways management did when Southwest arrived in Baltimore.

They said things like:

"Only cheap, trashy people will fly them"

"Business travelers won't fly on Southwest"

"harrrrummpppph they don't even have First Class"

And you know, as Paul Harvey would say, the "rest of the story."

USAirways got handed their head on a platter and BWI belongs to the people with the ugly 737s.

That will keep happening in other places until USAirways figures out how to compete effectively with them.

The way to compete is not to pretend that they cater to cheap trashy people.

Your management ought to listen to Art_at_ISP....he's got it about half right. Frankly, I am not sure how many people out there would pay much of a premium to avoid Southwest.....some of us would pay a small premium in order to fly with them over someone else. But the bottom line is your airline is all dorked up because of its fare structure.....and until they change it, you guys are toast.

Have a nice day.

Now this is funny. You're a government employee household bringing down 100 thou a year, and in one post, you brag about your taxpayer-financed heated swimming pool in a plush neighborhood while at the same time singing the praises of Southwest Airlines. Frugal or spendthrift -- Which one???

Personally, I would prefer the nicer airline service over a swimming pool, but that's my choice. I would appreciate it if you would recognize that fact, that maybe not everyone is going to make the same choices as you, especially those of us in the real world not on the public dole.
Personally, I would prefer the nicer airline service over a swimming pool, but that's my choice. I would appreciate it if you would recognize that fact, that maybe not everyone is going to make the same choices as you, especially those of us in the real world not on the public dole.

Yeah...especially those on the public dole who are SHOT AT as a part of their job. 🙄
JS said:
Frugal or spendthrift -- Which one???
I believe the answer would be D. None of the above.

People make choices in their purchases based on individual perceived value. Clearly, ELP doesn't value the additional features of the legacies enough to pay the extra money. He does, however, value the heated pool enough to pay for it.

Of course, ELP's past ties with WN probably have something to do with the value he places on air travel features. I'd hardly expect him to be unbiased in that regard.

...especially those of us in the real world not on the public dole.
An employee of the government is hardly by definition on the public dole. Do you know what he does for a living?
JS said:
Personally, I would prefer the nicer airline service over a swimming pool, but that's my choice. I would appreciate it if you would recognize that fact, that maybe not everyone is going to make the same choices as you, especially those of us in the real world not on the public dole.

What a JERK, you are!!!! How dare you describe a member of the Armed Forces of this country defending your sorry @ss as "on the public dole."
KCFlyer said:
Looks like US must have been paying enough to survive on. And I've come to conclude that skyhigh is the U equivalent of WNrforlife.

Hey KC - What are you implying? Jaggoffs like yourself think they are so much better than everyone else.
You know things are bad when thier supporters sound as pathetic as USAirways' long term outlook appears.

Can we PLEASE stop this senseless rhetoric about USAirways and who's better and who has first class and who flies cattle and who lives in a mansion...blah blah blah, yadda, yadda, yadda.

Anyone who follows the industry at all knows that MOST (note: not ALL) people like me prefer price and schedule (nonstop vs. connection) before perks. I like both USAirways and Southwest because they both offer frequent service to where I usually go - so I will pick who's the cheapest at the best time I want to travel. If the fare is the same on both, then I'll take USAirways because I have more miles with them. This is what the industry is becoming - it's a fact.

My employer depends on both US and WN as customers, but I'm not going to root for one or the other - both are important in many ways to many differant people. The fact is anyone who is "bashing" or "rooting" for a USAirways liquidation is doing so to get a rise out of people like Skyhigh - and he feeds right into it.
If you feel so strongly to "defend" your airline of choice, please do so in the correct media (read: the US board). When I come on the WN area I want to read about WN, not this trash.

So SKYhigh - please, while sitting at your cherry wood computer desk in your patent leather high back chair, in your spacious home office, in your million dollar home spare me the "woe is USAirways everyone hates us" crap on hear so I can read about WN new PIT service. If I want to read about this USAirways BS - I'll go there! Good luck to USAirways and continued success to Southwest, now lets continue on...please.
Hey KC - What are you implying? Jaggoffs like yourself think they are so much better than everyone else.

I'm implying that you are a piss poor representative of Southwest Airlines, if indeed you are the "four digit dinosaur" that you claim to be. Why not do the company a favor and retire. Or at least let us know which station you work at so that we might be able to see if we can pick you out of the crowd when we pass thru. Expressing glee at the plight of the employees of a competing airline, especially one that is near becoming a "defunct" airline, is about as low class as they come.
KCFlyer said:
Looks like US must have been paying enough to survive on. And I've come to conclude that skyhigh is the U equivalent of WNrforlife.

Sky high states:..............name-calling, how mature.
You going to correct my grammar next? LOL....LOL....LOL!
markkus757 said:
Can we PLEASE stop this senseless rhetoric about USAirways

sky high states: YESSSS, FINALLY. A man of reason. thank you, Markkus.
Regarding WNs 2 gates at PHL, I imagine they will (or already have) come in handy during PHL ground delay programs. WN doesn't want to have their customers waiting for a gate when all of the delayed flights show up at the time when their scheduled flights are back on time and have a big mess on their hands. As often as it happens in PHL, they're smart to do it.

Does anyone know if they have used them for irregular ops yet?
KCFlyer said:
I'm implying that you are a piss poor representative of Southwest Airlines, if indeed you are the "four digit dinosaur" that you claim to be. Why not do the company a favor and retire. Or at least let us know which station you work at so that we might be able to see if we can pick you out of the crowd when we pass thru. Expressing glee at the plight of the employees of a competing airline, especially one that is near becoming a "defunct" airline, is about as low class as they come.

I have never "expressed glee" towards anyone or their plight. I merely state what I feel- that I am glad that the same thing is not happening to myself or my co-workers at Southwest.

I would be doing a disservice to the company if I retired. I helped make this company what it is today during its early years.

Now, back off, and go mind your own business. :up: :up: :up: 🙄
WNrforlife said:
I have never "expressed glee" towards anyone or their plight.
Uh huh... 🙄
Example 1
Example 2
For those of you interested in seeing lots of them, you can look at this.

Perhaps our dinosaur is unable to separate the demise of other carriers with the termination of other people's jobs. :down: