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Southwest Airlines To Begin Pittsburgh Service

...........uhhh, YOU'RE "assuming" this person had work ethics. :blink:

Maybe if your employees would stop the U bashing on a SOUTHEST BOARD, people wouldnt feel the need to come over and DEFEND their company.
I regret that I bashed back but enough is enough.

Um...if you'd read the entire thread, you'd see that there is only one poster who purports to be a SWA employee that is "U bashing", and you'd also see several replies that this person does not represent the majority of SWA employees, and many of us doubt if this "four digit dinosaur" is an employee of Southwest at all.

And you'd also see that many "loyal U customers" who work for "world renowed companies" come on this board and bash LUV...and THEIR motive isn't to defend the employees of U....their motive is pretty much based on the fact that they don't want to see their precious dividend miles upgrades go away, and they blame Southwest for the problems facing U. Trust me....if these guys actually had to PAY for their first class seats, then they'd be bitching about coach class on U.
KCFlyer said:
Um...if you'd read the entire thread, you'd see that there is only one poster who purports to be a SWA employee that is "U bashing"

Sky high states: ONE POSTER?

Just who started these TOPICS?:
"Just got back from tempting in Phl"--->wnjetdoc
"the beginning of the end of U"-----> Ramper in Las

:down: :angry:
Sky high states: ONE POSTER?

Just who started these TOPICS?:
"Just got back from tempting in Phl"--->wnjetdoc
"the beginning of the end of U"-----> Ramper in Las

What did jetdoc say that was bashing U? Hell, he used to WORK for U. And the topic, "the begining of the end of U" isn't bashing - it's pretty much stating fact. Your management, not your people, have guided U to the point where it most likely cannot be saved. Your managment hasn't been proactive in addressing the very real threat posed by SWA and other LCC's. Your managment is totally reactionary, and in several instances, they have reacted to the point of retreat. Why should we expect anything different with PIT or PHL? YOur management has sucked so bad that the employees now look at SWA or AirTran as the reason that U is where it is. That's not true at all....U mangement could have taken steps well in advance of SWA's entry into PHL to stem the defections. Instead...they twiddle their thumbs and do NOTHING until the canyon blue jets show up, then their response is to UNDERCUT the fares that SWA has. Here's a tip for U managment....nobody has ever beat Southwest with that strategy. And U has pretty much bailed on PIT -even before any hard core competition at that airport.

So don't interpret posts that are stating the ugly truth as bashing...Where have either of the posters you cited took glee in the dire straits that U is in? Only one poster who purports to be a SWA employee is doing that.
KCFlyer said:
What did jetdoc say that was bashing U? Hell, he used to WORK for U. And the topic, "the begining of the end of U" isn't bashing - it's pretty much stating fact. Your management, not your people, have guided U to the point where it most likely cannot be saved. Your managment hasn't been proactive in addressing the very real threat posed by SWA and other LCC's. Your managment is totally reactionary, and in several instances, they have reacted to the point of retreat. Why should we expect anything different with PIT or PHL? YOur management has sucked so bad that the employees now look at SWA or AirTran as the reason that U is where it is. That's not true at all....U mangement could have taken steps well in advance of SWA's entry into PHL to stem the defections. Instead...they twiddle their thumbs and do NOTHING until the canyon blue jets show up, then their response is to UNDERCUT the fares that SWA has. Here's a tip for U managment....nobody has ever beat Southwest with that strategy. And U has pretty much bailed on PIT -even before any hard core competition at that airport.

So don't interpret posts that are stating the ugly truth as bashing...Where have either of the posters you cited took glee in the dire straits that U is in? Only one poster who purports to be a SWA employee is doing that.
KCFlyer said:
So don't interpret posts that are stating the ugly truth as bashing..

...I suggest you take your own advice the next time someone comes here and states that your airline is low class, a cattle car and has no frills SERVICE.
Yep, that's ugly.................................................too.
...I suggest you take your own advice the next time someone comes here and states that your airline is low class, a cattle car and has no frills SERVICE.
Yep, that's ugly.................................................too.

SkyHigh...I think we've humored you enough. Now...here's some unvarnished truth for you.

I've been to KCFlyer's house. He lives in Southern Johnson County, Kansas in an upscale neighborhood of houses which (I'm guessing) sell from $350K-$600K.

I'm an Army LTC with a wife who is gainfully employed by a local school district. We're not quite as high on the food chain as KC, but we pull in low 6 figures every year and manage to have a heated swimming pool in a house in a doctor lawyer neighborhood.

Do you know what KC and I have in common? We both fly Southwest. It's our airline of choice. The reason we have nice things is we don't squander money unnecessarily on things that have no lasting value...namely, a seat in a metal tube that whisks us from point A to point B.

You can keep on thinking Southwest caters solely to the scum of the earth, SkyHigh...I'm sure that will be quite all right with Southwest management and employees. You see, that's what USAirways management did when Southwest arrived in Baltimore.

They said things like:

"Only cheap, trashy people will fly them"

"Business travelers won't fly on Southwest"

"harrrrummpppph they don't even have First Class"

And you know, as Paul Harvey would say, the "rest of the story."

USAirways got handed their head on a platter and BWI belongs to the people with the ugly 737s.

That will keep happening in other places until USAirways figures out how to compete effectively with them.

The way to compete is not to pretend that they cater to cheap trashy people.

Your management ought to listen to Art_at_ISP....he's got it about half right. Frankly, I am not sure how many people out there would pay much of a premium to avoid Southwest.....some of us would pay a small premium in order to fly with them over someone else. But the bottom line is your airline is all dorked up because of its fare structure.....and until they change it, you guys are toast.

Have a nice day.
So don't interpret posts that are stating the ugly truth as bashing..

...I suggest you take your own advice the next time someone comes here and states that your airline is low class, a cattle car and has no frills SERVICE.
Yep, that's ugly.................................................too.

You know, I might accept that if I saw it printed in several different business and travel publications, but the sad truth for you is that I have seen several articles in those aforementioned publications that you feel are "bashing" US, but I have seen nary an article about Southwest being "low class, cattle car and no frills service". There is a difference between someone reporting on the financial condition of an airline in a respected publication, and an individual posting their misguided opinions on an internet message board. But if it makes you feel better, I will humor you:

"US Airways management has done a brilliant job of guiding the company thru the rocky waters of bankruptcy twice. They are a high class airline, with assigned seating, limitless upgrade opportunities for their elite passengers, who haven't paid anywhere close to a profitable fare for a coach seat, much less a first class seat, but that's beside the point....US Airways has a first class for those who want to take advantage of the company. No way do they cater to the scum of the earth flyer....I believe it is a requirement that no ticket be sold to anyone who travels in anything less than "business casual" attire. I honestly believe that US will survive, provided the labor force is open to a fourth, or possibly fifth round of concessions in the next year."

There...I believe that sums up your thought processes, and I could say that all day, every day, for the next month. But the sad truth for you is that those business publications may be pretty accurate. And...as one of those "low class" customers that SWA attracts, I can honestly say that I have bought more "full fare" tickets on Southwest this past year than I bought super saver tickets on any of the "real" airlines.
ELP_WN_Psgr said:
I've been to KCFlyer's house. He lives in Southern Johnson County, Kansas in an upscale neighborhood of houses which (I'm guessing) sell from $350K-$600K.

Sky high states: I own a house worth over a MILLION. Paid off. In fact, they tear down houses in the $500K range and rebuild LARGER in my neighborhood.

The reason we have nice things is we don't squander money unnecessarily on things that have no lasting value...namely, a seat in a metal tube that whisks us from point A to point B.

Sky high states: Completely agree.

There is a difference between someone reporting on the financial condition of an airline in a respected publication, and an individual posting their misguided opinions on an internet message board.

Sky high states: Exactly. For an airline that has been bashed, had negative opinions posted, or a perceived reputation over the internet, AND YOURS HAS, you may NOW understand why I came to the defense of mine. But I doubt it, you guys are defensive, and rightfully so, the rest of the industry is against you. Just like U employees though, they know the rest of the industry is now battling against it's survival. YOU KNOW THE FEELING.
SKY HIGH said:
I own a house worth over a MILLION. Paid off. In fact, they tear down houses in the $500K range and rebuild LARGER in my neighborhood.
:lol: Thanks for the laugh. Not that I think you're lying. It's just mighty funny to read the oneupmanship.
mweiss said:
:lol: Thanks for the laugh. Not that I think you're lying. It's just mighty funny to read the oneupmanship.

Sky high states: Yep, it's all about oneupmanship. LOOK at the LENGTH OF THEIR POSTS to prove their points. LOL!!!
SKY HIGH said:
mweiss said:
:lol: Thanks for the laugh. Not that I think you're lying. It's just mighty funny to read the oneupmanship.

Sky high states: Yep, it's all about oneupmanship. LOOK at the LENGTH OF THEIR POSTS to prove their points. LOL!!!

Where did I try to one up you anywhere? How's this for brevity - US is in dire financial straits...fact or opinion?
swflyer said:
Can anyone tell me how this incredibly important discussion has anything to do with the topic??

Take it to the yahoo board <_<

I don't know if this was caught before, so I thought a re-post might help. <_<
KCFlyer said:
What did jetdoc say that was bashing U? Hell, he used to WORK for U. And the topic, "the begining of the end of U" isn't bashing - it's pretty much stating fact. Your management, not your people, have guided U to the point where it most likely cannot be saved. Your managment hasn't been proactive in addressing the very real threat posed by SWA and other LCC's. Your managment is totally reactionary, and in several instances, they have reacted to the point of retreat. Why should we expect anything different with PIT or PHL? YOur management has sucked so bad that the employees now look at SWA or AirTran as the reason that U is where it is. That's not true at all....U mangement could have taken steps well in advance of SWA's entry into PHL to stem the defections. Instead...they twiddle their thumbs and do NOTHING until the canyon blue jets show up, then their response is to UNDERCUT the fares that SWA has. Here's a tip for U managment....nobody has ever beat Southwest with that strategy. And U has pretty much bailed on PIT -even before any hard core competition at that airport.

So don't interpret posts that are stating the ugly truth as bashing...Where have either of the posters you cited took glee in the dire straits that U is in? Only one poster who purports to be a SWA employee is doing that.

You're correct KC, I was posting my experience up in Philly on that day, nothing more, nothing less, I don't know what that other poster was talking about.
luver41 said:
Geez, this is getting as bad as they Yahoo LUV board.

Sorry...you're right. I reviewed several of sky high's posts and they seem to have it in for SWA. Couldn't help but notice this in one of his/her posts:

BALANCE? LIKE a PAYCHECK that a FLIGHT ATTENDANT can actually survive on?

Yet in this thread, he/she states:

Sky high states: I own a house worth over a MILLION. Paid off. In fact, they tear down houses in the $500K range and rebuild LARGER in my neighborhood.

Looks like US must have been paying enough to survive on. And I've come to conclude that skyhigh is the U equivalent of WNrforlife.

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