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Someone Gag Order Bronner


Sep 9, 2002
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The difference is glaring, Lakefield knows a bit about labour, Bronner is clearly an accountant:

Bruce R. Lakefield, president of US Airways, issued a statement praising the tentative agreement that was reached early Friday.
"This is a major step forward for our company, its employees, customers and all other stakeholders," Lakefield said.

US Airways chairman David Bronner said the $300 million in annual savings was a "good number from the pilots" that should be enough to avoid liquidation if combined with cuts from other labor groups and gains in productivity.

"Originally we were after a little less than that," Bronner said in Montgomery, Ala.
Dizel8 said:
"Originally we were after a little less than that," Bronner said in Montgomery, Ala.

I think that's Bronner twisting the knife in labors' back and it's clear he blames same for the BK. I guess that's the "painful clause" 'cause it sure is hard to read and not get really pi$$ed :angry:
All of Bronners comments over the last 8 montths should be introduced in court as proof of killing revenue for US. Bronner/RSA should be liable for all the damage caused to the fine employees of US.
better yet, hope any profit sharing program in all agreements are generous as possible...
unit4clt said:
All of Bronners comments over the last 8 montths should be introduced in court as proof of killing revenue for US. Bronner/RSA should be liable for all the damage caused to the fine employees of US.

I agree...Bronner should be held accountable for being wreckless and irresponsible for his numerous public outbursts. All his comments have had a direct impact on bookings...hence the ability to generate revenue has suffered in kind.

I also believe that all those responsible for orchestraiting the FAILED airbus farmout debacle should resign immediately. Their big plan failed yet again.

Bronner and the entire upper tier need to be replaced with court appointed trutees with solid airline backgrounds. Too many peoples futures are being left to the whims and blunderings of a very few pileage and profit stooges.

When would NOW be the right time to get this business back into control of those whom know how to run one.
I'm not taking an opinion on what Bronner said, but the words "enough to avoid liqudiation" are a paraphrase, not a direct quote from him.

The reporter could have asked, "Is that going to be enough for the company to survive?" and Bronner could have said, "I think so, as long as ..." and turned into what it did.
unit4clt said:
All of Bronners comments over the last 8 montths should be introduced in court as proof of killing revenue for US. Bronner/RSA should be liable for all the damage caused to the fine employees of US.

Thanks for the laugh, not at "you" just the thought. When I was growing up my Father being tough on us kids would always say if we protested to his punishment: I'm the Boss, tough s-h--i-t. He would make no apology, that was the way he was.
Bronner has that same mentality like my old man had: I'm the Boss...lol the memories
cavalier said:
Thanks for the laugh, not at "you" just the thought. When I was growing up my Father being tough on us kids would always say if we protested to his punishment: I'm the Boss, tough s-h--i-t. He would make no apology, that was the way he was.
Bronner has that same mentality like my old man had: I'm the Boss...lol the memories
LOL, great analogy, Cav!! :up: But, really, what don't people understand???? HE INVESTED the MONEY.....HE HOLDS THE CARDS!!!! Why do so many people worry about the "rich" guys?? The point of an INVESTMENT is NOT to EMPLOY you!!! It is a RETURN on your investment!!! Bronner wants, and WILL GET his money back!!!! Even if he ends up losing, it represents less than 1% of RSA!!!! The chest pounders about the "rich" just kill me!!! I know one thing, I've NEVER been employed by a POOR man!!!!!
Well maybe Bronner is speaking the truth? Heck it was his money to lose anyhow, so any neg comments, just affect his own losses or gains!
usfliboi said:
Well maybe Bronner is speaking the truth? Heck it was his money to lose anyhow, so any neg comments, just affect his own losses or gains!
Speaking of gag order....
PineyBob said:
I can't help but wonder if his feelings were hurt because labor chose not to believe him? Wealthy people have feelings too. He is a very large fish in a relatively small pond where he is extremely well respected only to venture out and have his honor and integrity openly challenged.

You say a lot of nice things about him, but if his feelings were hurt because he expected labor at USAir to trust him while talking about pay cuts... well he is plain stupid.

