Why not?
Seems to me that the market has adequate service, why jump in and spark a fare war? Isnt seeking out and serving markets that are undersesrved, like WN does, a better strategy?
Fare war? What are you smoking? A once-a-day flight connecting JFK to the fifth largest metro area in the country isn't being started to attract local customers; it's to connect millions of people in Houston with AA's JFK international operations, some of whom are giving up on UA/CO. Right now, of course, there aren't too many international destinations served from JFK that aren't also served from ORD or DFW, but that's likely to change as AA adds more JFK-International flights.
Over and over and over again we hear about how AA's "network" is deficient compared to UA and DL. This is the first of many expected steps to remedy that.
Dont think there is much of a market to Houston. Would rather see more International, or even more to Boston, DCA or MIA.
NYC-Houston is a huge local market, as WT and every airliner.net teenager can attest. And most all of that local traffic either flies to EWR (thanks to the huge UA/CO hubs at both ends) or LGA (as it is the preferred airport for much of Manhattan). If you want to see more international at JFK, it's not a bad idea to add some feed from the huge cities in this country, like, say, Houston.
If AA had announced six round trips a day from JFK to IAH, then I'd agree with all your posts on this new route. But that's not it. It looks like AA intends to add domestic flights so that more cities have service to all five of the cornerstone cities, and for IAH, JFK was the missing piece. Same with RDU and LAX as LAX was the only hub not connected to RDU.
Yesterday, news sources said that UA-LH made an offer to the EU to give up enough slots at JFK to permit a competitor to fly JFK-FRA.
Wouldn't surprise me if AA takes them up on that offer.