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So whats really going on with USAirways

Your all right the morale is awful. Worst part is the contempt we all have for one another .You simply feel that not only Management will not support you but your fellow employees will run from you when your in need.them.Its not bad enough that people are losing there home your all losing your heads,there are people throughout the system that are sick so remember there are some in a worse position. Mind you I will fight for all of you but pick your battles your health is at risk. Let USAirways spin we can write reports attend meetings but if all of you could just do that we would be farther ahead.
i think we have great senior managment and that their doing a wonderfull job! :up: two thumbs up !
Seriously - more merger rumors??? I can't handle it. I lived through the Mohawk gals bumping me back on reserve when I finally could hold a line...then the Piedmont gals...then PSA...then American West. I can't handle another merger. If this is true, I might finally retire and watch 40 years of flying go down the tube. They already destroyed the PIT hub and I could not afford to watch my seniority suffer. The morale around here is the worst ever!

Little dose of reality here:

First, the PSA merger took place BEFORE the Piedmont "gals" came along. If you were affected by the Mohawk merger, then America West flight attendants made absolutely NO DIFFERENCE in what you could hold, since Mohawk happened in the 1970s, and AWA didn't exist until the 1980s. (Aside from the fact that the US/AW crew operations have not been merged.)

Can't handle another merger? Retire already.
It's important to understand that keeping us badly paid partially triggers their bonuses.

That's considered a positive in management world.

That they got it by using the bankruptcy system was dirty, but again, that's a positive in their world, because no one else had pulled that off, and that falls under "creativity".

Face it, the unions, all of us were caught sleeping and didn't see the pension dump, the manipulation of the bankruptcy code and the ensuing pain until it was too late. When MBA students look at this in their textbooks it will read something like "the airline industry was allowed to set back compensation to levels unseen for thirty years. Employees never were able to regain the lost value. . ."

The one that really burns me is that governments knew thirty years ago to move their employees to a 401K system rather than a pension system, understanding that they were unsustainable. Unions resisted any enroachments on pension systems and thus ensured their dump. It would have been far better to grandfather the pensions and transition something else for new employees-who would effectively consent to it, and it would probably have prevented the dump.

The airline industry as we knew it is effectively over. Ryan Air has won. His $25 tickets and kill them with an oxygen usage charge has tenaciously taken hold. Consumers want a $200 ticket. When they get socked with the ancillary revenues their psyche recognizes "choice" somewhere in the process. That it is too late to do anything about the "choices" doesn't seem to bother them as much as when they troll the internet for fares. Like business travelers, the consumers that plan ahead and manage those ancillary fees are not as many as those who do not. Eventually they will, but for now they're an effective revenue gainer. As Kirby said, yes, we have lost customers to SWA due to luggage charges, but not enough of them to change the policy and lose the revenue.

The good news is, Tempe gets this, and it is keeping US in business. The bad news is that they still don't recognize soft items, such as labor peace as revenue gainers as well.

Until they realize that US' reputation as inferior and the spotty customer service that originates with labor discontent are directly linked to profitability, misery are US prevails.
Little dose of reality here:

First, the PSA merger took place BEFORE the Piedmont "gals" came along. If you were affected by the Mohawk merger, then America West flight attendants made absolutely NO DIFFERENCE in what you could hold, since Mohawk happened in the 1970s, and AWA didn't exist until the 1980s. (Aside from the fact that the US/AW crew operations have not been merged.)

Can't handle another merger? Retire already.

Uh, haven't you caught over the past couple years that this poster is a character, a piss-take on US F/As? They are being funny! You seem to be the only one that takes it all serious and responds straight-faced...
Uh, haven't you caught over the past couple years that this poster is a character, a piss-take on US F/As? They are being funny! You seem to be the only one that takes it all serious and responds straight-faced...
I tried to clue him in as well with ZERO luck. :down: I wonder if he thinks Floyd is real as well?? :up:
i think we have great senior managment and that their doing a wonderfull job! :up: two thumbs up !

I'd check the date on that aspirin bottle of yours before using the words "doing a wonderful job" and great senior management in the same sentence again. Did a wonderful job is a more accurate statement, since they've managed to keep the doors open for two airlines that should be gone by now. This mgmt. team has pruned this operation down to the point of nothing left to prune. Now they need to prove that it's a viable operation with long term prospects. For that they need customer service/marketing leadership and better employee morale. They're failing badly. Building a strong balance sheet is not the only solution, it's only the beginning...Business 101, (no prerequisits).
To be fair, he does keep saying they are doing a wonder'full' job, not a wonderful one. Perhaps he means they are 'full' of childlike 'wonder' at how to look beyond the Arizona market and have an attractive brand?

But probably not...

I would like for you to take the above first paragraph and substitue jetBlue instead of AA, it makes the same scense. In BOS jetBlue has a large and growing hub. They are a large presence in the NYC market in JFK. They have a LGB and OAK focus cities as well as they are developing MCO. With their young A320 and E190 fleet, strong BOS, NYC, and growing Florida and California market could complement the LCC network and is just as viable scenario as AA in my opinion with your determinants concerning LCC management actions of late.

Just my .02 worth

In a recent crew news session, Doug was asked if an airline like Jet Blue would make a good merger partner and his response was it would not be feasible. The purpose of a merger is to reduce capacity among the legacy hub and spoke carriers. Merging with Jet Blue would not solve the problem that is creating the need for consolidation in the first place. Consolidation needs to be between the major legacy airlines.
Little dose of reality here:

First, the PSA merger took place BEFORE the Piedmont "gals" came along. If you were affected by the Mohawk merger, then America West flight attendants made absolutely NO DIFFERENCE in what you could hold, since Mohawk happened in the 1970s, and AWA didn't exist until the 1980s. (Aside from the fact that the US/AW crew operations have not been merged.)

Can't handle another merger? Retire already.

Oh my --- sorry dear for upsetting you so much. You remind me of my second husband, Frank. He was a f/o at Northwest Orient. I bet you are one of those federal flight deck officers...I can tell your type a mile away. Yes I am still bitter over the Mohawk gals bumping me back on reserve. And at least the PSA & Piedmont gals were classy. This airline has been destroyed since the Westies took over. I just couldn't imagine the stress of another integration. I am glad to see you handle it so well....

Betty where is the Visine???? The FDO wants some coffee....Yeah the one with the tupee and cheap shoes.

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