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So whats really going on with USAirways

SO I read alot on here, but dont post alot. I read as the pilots from east and west bicker back and forth. I see contract nego's basically dragging out going on 5 years now. The merger is almost 5 years old. Customers still complain about well, basically everything. Management obviously doesnt care that some F/As are literally on food stamps. Nor does management care that the Pilots have given them upwards of 8 Billion dollars since concessions were given eons ago.

Nor does management care that the customer service people are stuck with the worst res/check-in system in the industry. They only care that is cheap.

Management does not care that US is being eaten out of house and home by its contract carriers. One of which has used the money to take over other mainline carriers and become a competitor.

Management does not care that the in-flight product is terrible.
Nor does management care that the Pilots have given them upwards of 8 Billion dollars since concessions were given eons ago.
More like 9.7 billion. plus the lowest labor cost, a great route system and these morons in Tempe can't make a nickel, yet they are the highest paid management team in the industry and we are the lowest paid.

Did someone say bonus for on time departures? We can get written up for a 1 minute delay not to mention getting jacked up by the MOD. Perhaps the author misspelled "bonus". Perhaps "boneus" is more appropriate.

Hey, we are still...
LCC is obviously positioning itself to integrate with AA - American is strong in BOS where US is decresasing ops; ditto for NYC. DCA is a US stronghold and very valuable - a great asset to compete against UAL in IAD. CLT with its new runway and new terminal space not far away is an ideal connecting hub in the SE to compete with the new DAL/NW megacarrier. The only piece of the puzzle that does not fit is PHX. AA has DFW and LAX - so PHX is ???
...and other 2nd tier carriers like JB or AK just don't bring synergistic value to a merger scenario.


I would like for you to take the above first paragraph and substitue jetBlue instead of AA, it makes the same scense. In BOS jetBlue has a large and growing hub. They are a large presence in the NYC market in JFK. They have a LGB and OAK focus cities as well as they are developing MCO. With their young A320 and E190 fleet, strong BOS, NYC, and growing Florida and California market could complement the LCC network and is just as viable scenario as AA in my opinion with your determinants concerning LCC management actions of late.

Just my .02 worth

I would like for you to take the above first paragraph and substitue jetBlue instead of AA, it makes the same scense. In BOS jetBlue has a large and growing hub. They are a large presence in the NYC market in JFK. They have a LGB and OAK focus cities as well as they are developing MCO. With their young A320 and E190 fleet, strong BOS, NYC, and growing Florida and California market could complement the LCC network and is just as viable scenario as AA in my opinion with your determinants concerning LCC management actions of late.

Just my .02 worth

To your point regarding Jet Blue. Consider the following:

US/B6 - total fleet compatibility A320 family and E-190's, unless they're powered differently. Even so from a customer perspective the cabins can easily be reconfigured with minimal cost.

Let's not forget Star Alliance partner LH has a stake in B6 and being aquired by a Star partner makes sense.

Then as you pointed out there is route structure and how it gets integrated in a merged company. On paper it looks like a strong fit.

If US's check book gets a little fatter the whole Republic/Frontier/Midwest operation looks like a strong potential fit as well.

Personally I can't see AA investing in US, it doesn't pass the WIIFM test (What's In It For Me_
Gate agents literally try and slam the door in our faces at the gate so they can get their bonus. Morale is down the toilet....what gives? What the heck is really happening at this airline!!???
It’s not the bonus. Fear of getting in trouble
Oh goody, more merger rumors. After 12 years I've heard so many of these anyone proposing one loses substantial credibility IMO.
Personally I can't see AA investing in US, it doesn't pass the WIIFM test (What's In It For Me_
the only requirement for such a test is that it reduces competition and increases profits for them...
More like 9.7 billion. plus the lowest labor cost, a great route system and these morons in Tempe can't make a nickel, yet they are the highest paid management team in the industry and we are the lowest paid.

I wish people would do their homework before going off on their rant.....Our management team are NOT the highest paid in the industry and although entry level salary in this business is attrocious, believe it or not, we ARE NOT the lowest paid in the industry. Once again, do a little research!
Also....hmmm...let's see...how much money did Delta, Continental and American lose last year?
People, the revenue environment in this industry absolutely sucks and we all know it! Until this business as a whole can grow a set of balls and raise the ticket prices to cover the cost of the operation, this industry will continue it's downward spiral.
Seriously - more merger rumors??? I can't handle it. I lived through the Mohawk gals bumping me back on reserve when I finally could hold a line...then the Piedmont gals...then PSA...then American West. I can't handle another merger. If this is true, I might finally retire and watch 40 years of flying go down the tube. They already destroyed the PIT hub and I could not afford to watch my seniority suffer. The morale around here is the worst ever!
With morale in the toilet the sense of humor factor is at a new low.

You hang in there Gloria. Someday 40 years of junioity will count for something.
Until this business as a whole can grow a set of balls and raise the ticket prices to cover the cost of the operation, this industry will continue it's downward spiral.

Trouble is that there isn't an industry cost of operation. Each airline has it's own cost of operation, some higher and some lower. Why should WN, B6, and FL jump on the fare raising bandwagon when their fares already produce a profit - to help the less fortunate legacies? Even among the legacies there isn't a uniform cost of operation so don't expect CO or DL to raise fares to levels where US can be profitable.

QUOTE (davo77 @ Feb 5 2010, 08:34 PM)
I cant help but think this whole thing we call US Airways is about to go away.

QUOTE (davo77 @ Feb 1 2010, 10:40 PM)
While agree US has lots of problems...we are not going away.... If we survived the past 10 years there is no reason we wont survive for the forseeable future.

Thanks for playing, you’ve been a wonderful contestant! Please exit through the 1L door. We have some lovely parting gifts for you at the top of the jetway.

Looks like Im as confused as Tempe...
Looks like Im as confused as Tempe...

But not as confused as the Jamaican Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade (that title would confuse me)...or maybe he knows something we don't...

“Japan Airlines has filed for its first bankruptcy in ten years, US airways has just been taken over by Delta, the British Government is looking at selling British Airways, Air Italia has been sold and these are countries that are far wealthier than Jamaica and they are finding that running an airline is not an easy business,â€￾ he stated.



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