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Should US Airways Top Executives Resign?

Should Dave, Neil, Jerold, and Ben resign do to the poor performance of the airline after restructur

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  • No

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Is Dave S or Dave B running the show? If Dave B is calling the shots and Dave S gets the boot who's to say Siegel's replacement is going to be much better?
tug_slug said:
Is Dave S or Dave B running the show? If Dave B is calling the shots and Dave S gets the boot who's to say Siegel's replacement is going to be much better?
tug slug,

Sacking Seigel if nothing else will aid in exposing the truth to the questions you brought up.

Seigel's resignation is only phase one...we need to shed ourselves of all whom have the ability to carry out his agenda...and if that is done?...and if his Modus Operandi lives in yet another ?....We will then know without fail that Dr David Bronner is the one making policy...but we need to destroy the instrument of that policy (Seigel and Crew) to get to that truth that you and the rest of us seek.

Should Bronner be exposed as the culprit?...we now that U is hanging until it can be sold , merged or run into the ground ?..either way it bids poorly for all of us..or most of us...but adavnce warning can allow for individual planning.

Many of our life choices for our futures can be based upon un-covering truths...yet hoping to save what is ours to begin with.

I hope this makes sense to you ?? 🙂
I am going to 'Clarence Thomas' this question. I have no opinion as what I think will have no bearing on anything in this company. I do know that since I have been at USAirways, the schedules for the flight crews are probably the worst in the business and no amount of begging and pleading for schedules that fly more than they sit has changed anything. We sit more than we fly which is a huge waste of all resources. Our airplanes sit when they should be flying. Our crews sit when they would rather be flying. This should have been addressed years ago but the sad truth is that no one even cares about saving money or it would have been changed long ago. Dave wants us to be a Southwest-like operation but it is all talk or changes similar to this would have begun when he stepped foot on the property. Southwest airplanes have 30 minute turnarounds and not much sitting time. They fly fly fly and then they are done. I cannot tell you how many 3 hour sits I and my fiance have done just before our last leg home. There is no reason that our crews should have several two or three hour sits each day of the trip. What a complete waste of money on the part of USAir.
:down: do what was done in the middle ages.....Off with their heads!

RESIGN NOW``````````` :down: :down: :down: :down: :down:
tug_slug said:
Is Dave S or Dave B running the show? If Dave B is calling the shots and Dave S gets the boot who's to say Siegel's replacement is going to be much better?
At this point...what is there to lose??
I can tell you IMO two do need to go. BBB for performance alone (this airline has yet to be marketed nor make inroads towards increasing revenue). Glass needs to go because that alone will go a long way to soothing labor relations. I think Seigel is not all good nor bad, simply a numbers guy like so many CEOs are these days (damned Harvard).
Hula Girl,

I agree with you..we sit more than we fly on most days. I used to (furloughed now) hate flying the crappy 737 trips because they usually had the most sit time..but right before I was furloughed it was all the trips no matter what a/c you flew that had heavy sit times. I always sat in CLT. They always seem to have you sit a few minutes shy of getting that hotel room too. Then you would fly to phl and sit again...so, yeah we would sit for 6 hours and fly 4..hmm...This airline does not make sense..maybe...now this is an idea..but, maybe if we fly more rather than sit..we would not be losing money. Just an idea "DAVEY". :up:
Do_it_for_Dave said:
I submitted my NO vote. I would like to applaud Dave and company. :up:
You should smoke some of this, maybe you would come back to terra firma bro –here it’s good stuff try some, you need it. This lying weasel has been discovered! At his credibility level he couldn’t sell a day old knish to a family of starving rats. Applaud what, screwing up a great franchise? You must be one incredible brown nose to post that pathetic, putrid, palsied, piece of paltry, palavered prose!! :down: :down: :down: :down:

This buds for you, you can have the hole thing, it might help.
Actually, the mismanagement goes back to the Schofield days, and the high-handedness and mean-spiritness of the middle echelons goes back 15 years.

It has been obvious to me the front-line supes must pay fealty to the manager, and him to the regional, and so on. No one may question CCY, regardless of how inane, useless or down-right stupid the policy is. And as I have seen the same policy 'amended' four times in one shift, CCY dictates don't exactly inspire confidence.

The number one way to stay in good with the boss? Piss on the troops frequently.

I swear to the gods, 'Catbert', the evil h.r. director, is based on somebody at U! 😀

Upper management? Just a start.
:censored: WAKE UP PEOPLE !! How much more pain are you going to take from Dave and his jackals. I didn't need, but one brick in my forehead, before, I knew what Dave and his mismanagement team were all about. Looks like some of you need a brick house to fall on you, to wake up. Do It For Dave, rethink your vote, your smarter than that. Dave needs to go, it takes an uneducated idiot to think Dave, is the master planner. The employees gave Jim Jones..er...oops.. Dave, 2 billion dollars let's review, that's 2 B I L L I O N D O L L A R S and Dave still can't show a profit. It's not the employees, it's DAVE AND HIS MISMANAGEMENT TEAM.
Dave & Dave are your only choice now. They stay. At least until you all go.

Besides, exactly who do you suppose would take this job and what could they do differently?

By all means go ahead and vent in this thread. Get drunk, yell, kick the dog.

Then wake up tomorrow and do something different with your life.
:rant: PLEASE , whatkindoffreshhell, Are you an employee with U or are you just a loud mouth just spouting off, just to here yourself ? You mean to tell me that your satisfied with the loss of money and benefits, only to be told that you need to GIVE more to a management team, that's inept. Dave, is not the only choose out there, the board has to stop making millionaires and find a management team that know how to run a company. We have given enough !! Oh, by the way I have too many years with the company, I'm STAYING, Dave is the problem it's that simple.If you don't like my posts don't read them or if you don't like that, then, there is a sprig of mistletoe on my coattail.

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