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Should US Airways Top Executives Resign?

Should Dave, Neil, Jerold, and Ben resign do to the poor performance of the airline after restructur

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

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Sep 14, 2002
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The popularity of the top executive team has hit rock bottom due to their past performances, (employee relation, IAM airbus dispute, pilot pensions, sick leave, unable to generate revenue after 2 billion dollars in give back, lies, etc...). I think its time for new leaderships.
By any objective measure, the business plan created for UAIR is a failure. Sold my stock Friday and it felt good.
Do_it_for_Dave said:
I submitted my NO vote. I would like to applaud Dave and company. :up:
WOW. You grade by very high and excellent results, the kind this team is producing. :down:
Actually, they should go to jail for committing complex fraud, but since that wasn't one of the options, I figured I'd go with "Yes they should resign." 😛

Now, now, Do_it, you know you only get to vote once.

They need to go!!! It would boost morale by like 110% Airlineorphan, I agree with you, our fellow co-workers, furloughed or not have been to you know where and back and it is not fair!

DoItForDave: May I ask your status with US Airways? Are you an employee, passenger, or administrative? I'm just curious.
doitfordave must be a stinking admin at the big castle in the sky in ccy with the rest of the gangsters led by that so-called ceo david seigal. Only an idiot would probably vote to keep lying and fraudulent people who cant run an airline, especially a good airline with a lot of excellent employees. Would it be safe if the Employees took over the airline similar to TWA?
I would very much like to see the afore mention exec go, and a few others as well.
And dont give them a "golden parachute" make a lead one. And while at it, have a complete and thoriugh audit done my an INDEPENDENT auditing firm, and see how badly the books have been "cooked".
I just can't get past the notion we're being stage-managed.

I really think dave was wheeled in to execute W&G's plan B, collect all the concessions possible, become the lightning rod, collect his $$$$, and move on.

I think the powers-that-be knew this early on.

Meanwhile, we're focusing on dave, when we should be focusing on what comes next. On another thread, traveler had the most excellent idea regarding dave being accountable to labor for the billions we're investing in the company - each union has a BOD member; they should be reminded they're not there to knosh on the canapes.

Obviously, dave's creds are shot, and I don't know how U can be turned around if the emperor has no clothes.

Leading to my next conspiracy theory; U ain't being operated for the long run.

Chinese curse: May you live in interesting times.
Do_it_for_Dave said:
I submitted my NO vote. I would like to applaud Dave and company. :up:
say,i got an interesting piece of swampland down in florida you may be intersted in......
diogenes said:
I just can't get past the notion we're being stage-managed.

I really think dave was wheeled in to execute W&G's plan B, collect all the concessions possible, become the lightning rod, collect his $$$$, and move on.

Leading to my next conspiracy theory; U ain't being operated for the long run.
My sentiments also, Diogenes.

Since I agree with your post 100%, you must be a very smart fellow. haha 😀

I believe "dave" is doing EXACTLY what he was hired to do. I also believe "dave" WILL BE the last CEO at U, and U will be history long before contract battle time rolls around. We've been HAD, big time. :shock:

Keep on looking, Diogenes... that fellow you're seeking isn't at CCY! 😉
:angry: I mean is it completely IMPOSSIBLE for U to have a somewhat decent management. Is the US Airways story failure? Let's do something and find someone to run this damn airline! And yes I am pissed.
Is Dave S or Dave B running the show? If Dave B is calling the shots and Dave S gets the boot who's to say Siegel's replacement is going to be much better?

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