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Eric if you feel threaten by the diversity policy of American Airlines then maybe you should review that policy. There was no threat from anyone. If you lived and worked at the TUL base you would see that the statements concerning things said, happen often. Ask some of the supervisors!
On 9/29/2002 9:33:08 AM eolesen wrote:

You want to argue organized labor theory vs. practice?

Great. But open up a thread to do it.

You'd think y'all might have learned by now the ability to stay on-topic, rather than continuing to continually take over other threads...

Good to see you were again made moderator of another site!
On 9/29/2002 9:33:08 AM eolesen wrote:

You want to argue organized labor theory vs. practice?

Great. But open up a thread to do it.

You'd think y'all might have learned by now the ability to stay on-topic, rather than continuing to continually take over other threads...

Let's celebrate as we welcome the return of Moderator Eric
Eric if you want someone other than a moderator to monitor your postings in reference to on or off of topic you got it.
Feel threatened I hope not because It is not meant as a threat. You have in the past brought forth some very enlightened information, yet have stretched the topic on occasion and no one has said a word to you. You have in the past, especially at PB taken over a thread.
This thread was off topic way back when someone inserted the President of the United States of America into a discussion about AMR stock sell/hold/buy predcitions.

Funny how nobody jumped on the off topic band wagon then? I fear someone may just be down right anti-union period.

Welcome back, Ladies & Gentlemen,to our regular schedule thread, SELL AMERICAN. With your host 007.

Say 007 what do you think AMR will do this week? Well Tom we will continue to see a downward trend in all stocks with AMR & the airline sector leading the way. DAL just furloughed another 1500 F/As this weekend. Oil has hit $30 a barrel and can only go higher. We all know the biggest cost to an airline is fuel.

Every time oil has stayed above $30 for more than 30 days, its recession time. Really? Yes, I believe the market has yet to factor the rising cost of oil. Rising cost of fuel will hit everones pocket book this winter. Arent the weather people calling for a much colder winter this year? Yes, looks like our old friend El Nino is back. So it looks like people will have to spend more money to heat their homes than fly on airplanes. Everything will get more expensive. We could see inflation return. This time, though, there is little room to lower interest rates to stop it.

With a recession people will be trying to save money and wont be able to afford vacations that include airfare. The airlines already have lost the business traveler and now it looks like the vacation crowd too. Then there is the BIG WAR factor. All in all, VERY tough times ahead for the airlines that could last for years. So you still say, SELL AMERICAN? Yes, I say sell everything you will need your cash for the long hard winter to come.

ALOHA, 007
On 9/29/2002 12:24:25 PM TWAFA007 wrote:

We all know the biggest cost to an airline is fuel.


Really?! Fuel was 11% of AMRs costs in the second Q. You telling me that was more than labor? Recheck math

RV4 Learn to read what is written. I had merely stated that I had participated in the discussion on PB, because I was sick and tired of reading the right wing propaganda, of an individual who claimed to be a union man. If you are not sure of the meaning of a posting why don't you ask for clarification?

Don't bother replying, this posting is off topic and I am dropping this forum.
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