On 9/26/2002 4:09:27 PM Sean wrote:
Umm, last I checked it was congress who makes economic policy. the President cannot legislate. It's basic Political Science.
It's basic political madness.
Economic experts will tell you that you are dead wrong. The President has far less influence on the economy than does congress, which legislates economic policy.
Everytime Dubya opens his big fat war-mongering republican mouth it affects the economy...deeply!
the President has XZERO direct effect on teh economy. he does have some indirect effect, as some portion of the economy is emotional, instead of logical.
Bush isn't starting the war, he's finishing what was started in 1991 and has led to escalating attacks on US interests culminating in the events of 9/11/2001. Perhaps had his predecessor actually done something about the first WTC bombing, the embassy bombings, the USS Cole, etc etc besides bombing an aspirin factory, 9/11/2001 never would have happened.
Don't blame Bill! Little Bush thinks that a war will get him re-elected. His father thought the same thing, and about the same country. His father was a one termer....too!
And PLEASE do not forget that the current recession is due primarily to three specific acute crises: the Telecom and Tech bubble burst of March 2000, the corporate accounting scandals which have been going on for AT LEAST the past 5 years before they were caught, and 9/11/2001.
Wrong, wrong, and wrong. Especially about 9/11. That significant date has nothing to do with the economy. All that date is, is an excuse for the actions being taking by a reactionary administration who sees an opportunity to clamp down on it's own citizens, strip them of their basic social and constitutional rights, and to spend like there's no tomorrow. If you don't think this sets a global tone for the economic strength of the U.S. Economy, and the global market's confidence in Bush as the president, think again.
I repeat, everytime Dubya opens his big fat war-mongering republican mouth, the economy takes a hit, and his jaws have been flapping like sheets in the wind ever since he took office.
No one ever seems to realize that everytime a republican gets into the white house, all he11 breaks loose and we end up in a war with some third world country. Why do the republicans always think that war will repair a weak economy? Bush has already outspent the three administrations before him!
I agree with everything you pointed out DL except for one fact. There is no such thing as a current recession. The countries economy is growing.
Well....I've heard enough. Sorry but I disagree with you 100% on that.
Stop blaming Bill!