My biggest problem is his insistence on this war. Not sure there is as much public support for it as mentioned by the media. Tony Blair is having a hard time selling it to the british. The link between OBL and Saddam is vague at best, 9 out of 11 of the perpetrators were from Saudi Arabia, supposedly a US friendly nation.
It does have the hollow ring of wag the dog. Now, having said that, I am strongly in favour of quelling Saddam, surely a madman. But then what? Certainly, we do not want to be am occupying force, after all, most muslim countries, where as, they may tolerate our presence, still considers us infidels.
What will happen to Iraq, should we remove Sadam? Jugoslavia was held together by a dictator, whos methods were anything but democratic, but now we have fractions fighting on a continuos basis.
Least we forget, we helped Saddam in the Iraq/Iran war, we helped OBL in Afghanistan. Perhaps, it is time we force the Middle East countries to act, certainly that would go over better with the muslims. They may, however, fear for their own saftey, since quite a few ME countries are ruled by dictators and not democracy.