See Ya Later Guys - I''m Outta Here

Heli Ops

Mar 9, 2003
Well guys site protection has gone overboard. I got an email from Kyle saying that I am not allowed to promote anything to do with a competitors site - which I understand and thats why he deleted the link to my photo gallery because it is on the Vert Ref site.

However I think they have gone overboard because I have also been told that I am not allowed to have the username Heli Ops because it promotes my magazine and since I am not an advertiser its not allowable. Like the old saying goes its their sandpit and they make the rules.

To those that have my email address, drop me an email as I wont be visiting this site again.

Heli Ops
I don't think so Elvis. Imagine for a moment that you owned a shoe store, why that example I don't know, okay, imagine you owned a liquor store and a competitor popped in and started advertising his liquor store on your property. How long would it take before you would ask him to remove his ads? No offense to Heli Ops by the way.
Have to agree with LongRanger.

If I''m not mistaken, a similar happening occurred over on the Pprune site prior to something being said.

It''s a forum, not a freebie ad site.

My two cents.
Sorry to see ya go.Cant ya just get a different coloured pail, I mean name and still play in the sandbox.If you are gone for good,goodby,and keep the clean side up!
I should have been a little more specific in this mornings post.
Deleting Heli-Ops link to his site was totally within his duties as the adminstrator & Heli-Ops understood this,but to ask him to change his name because of the tie-in to his magazine was a little overboard.
He should be allowed to continue to post his views/opinions as long he refrains from direct links to his magazine in any name he chooses(maybe he could change it to AllBlacks)
Also I seem to remember in the not too distant past a certain administrator having no problem in posting links to another site in the old Canadian Aviation web site
Caught ya......just checked the "who''s on line thingy" and see''ya still reading the posts.........come on, how can you posssssibbbly leave this crew.

so whatta say?
I''m inclined to agree with Kyle on this one. I seem to recall someone getting sooky like this on the original site, Yeesh!
Forum - as Websters describes it, is a public meeting place for open discussion.
Now in Heli-ops case, he is openly discussing things in a public meeting place am I not right?
If Kyles got a problem with that he maybe should have thought of that a long time ago and left out the ''forum'' on this site. I agree with Elvis, I do seem to remember the push for this site popping up at Canadian Aviation.
Pot calling the kettle black maybe?
And I honestly can''t see how his posts, and his references to his site would affect this site directly, since they are worlds apart and only linked by a common factor of aviation. Get over it Kyle.
Flinger what does sooky mean??

Have You tried for Your new identity
Yeah, terrible old Neville was trying to give us a few more pictures of the next best thing to naked ladies, but obviously endangering the survival of this forum! I''m all for keeping the fox out of the henhouse, but this seems more like ''kitty bar the door.'' A detailed explanation of your perspective wouldn''t hurt, Kyle.
For the record.... I did ask Neville to refrain from posting links to his site. There is obvious reasons for this and we want to make sure this does not become a free-for-all posting links. That's it, nothing more.

I also requested that he change his username of which - after he replied, I told him it was fine to carry on with Heli-Ops as his username just leave his links out. I think this is fair but now I read all of this.

It states right in the forum registration terms of use that advertising is not allowed. We have to determine what is allowed and what is not - and I think this request I made is fair - since it was agreed to when Neville registered - along with all of the other members. I apologize, but we do have to protect our interests in running this site. I don't think site protection has gone overboard at all, Neville. For everyone that has ever visited this site and others from my past, there is a certain calibre of discussion and a very respectful one I might add, that does not warrant spontaneous advertising.

Sorry to see you go. I wish you would have responded to my latest email - the one in which you inquired from initially.


PS - for Elvis and MagSeal - I never once publicly named where I would be after I left, especially at
For what it’s worth, here’s my two cents.

None of us are paying for the website; it’s free to all of us. However, there comes a point when you have to put your foot down and start asking people/companies that may appear to be advertising to actually start paying for advertising on a site that you own and pay for out of your own pocket.

It’s the advertisers that will support you – developing a web site like CA Aviation is not a cheap venture. I’m sure if Neville is willing to pay for advertising, Kyle wouldn’t have a problem with him using Heli-ops as a handle (sorry if I may be wrong here Kyle).

I think it’s too bad that Neville will leave the forum, but knowing Neville (correct me if I’m wrong here Neville), I think it’s more out of spite. It’s his choice; I don’t think Kyle asked him to leave.

I don’t think it’s fair to jump on Kyle who is trying to offer a FREE venue to us all, and at the same time earn himself a respectable living.

I’m sure someone is going to mention that I use Vertical Mag as my handle, but I pay for advertising on this site. There’s no reason why two helicopter magazines can’t advertise on the same site - Neville and I are advertising our respective magazines on two other helicopter sites as well.

Kyle, Neville and myself are all doing what we do for the same reasons, because we each have a genuine interests in the aviation industry, but there comes a time that you have to be able to make a living at doing this. I don’t offer companies to advertise in Vertical for free, nor does Neville in Heli-Ops, and I don’t think Kyle should either even if it is something as simple as using the title of your magazine as your handle.
so he keeps his handle......

leaves out the links...........

and i guess a simple PM would get you a calendar next year????

seems fair i reckon.............

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