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Problems With Devine Engine & Airframe

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mark dymond

No 'After the sale' service and warrantee honoring seems customary with Devine Engine and Airframe. I have had numerous problems with Bruce McWhorter's shop, and cant get so much as an acknoledgement from him, even after sending him SIX! e-mails, complete with vivid pictures, regarding mostly "black and white" issues. Hope others will considering the following when considering his shop. Here is a copy of my latest letter:
This is now the 6th letter Ive sent you, and still no reply.
As you may remember, I departed on a Monday afternoon, right at closing time. I mentioned the high EGTs after the warm-up, but you said the rings have to seat. Plus, if you couldnt get the timing right initially, then how were you intending to get it right the next time?
Next, in previous notes, I listed several problems that I have become aware of, but will list them once more for you. (And if I dont hear from you via private email, I will post this note on the Cessna (and Piper, Beech and Mooney) boards tomorrow, along with the photos, as you do seem to read those.
Here is my most recent letter to you, from May 11, 2005

May 11, 2005 0750

Bruce: Ive sent you (4) notes in March, and have not even received the courtesy of a reply.
Now, after completing an annual inspection, some other problems were found with the work performed at your shop. I am making a claim on the workmanship portion of the warranty you provided in accordance with the work done at your shop.

1. The alternator was improperly installed, not safety wired or secured properly. One bolt was missing the nut, (2) bracket bolts were loose, one causing damage to the threads in the case; holes in brackets and alternator were worn such that they were far 'out of round'. The installation compromised safety. To rectify, all new brackets had to be installed; new alternator, associated hardware, and belt. Materials and labor were $1050. Since the alternator wasnt new, but all the hardware and brackets had to be replaced, I feel it is fair you should cover $700. of this ammt. I have graphic photos of the components if you would like to see them.

2. #1 Cyl EGT probe was installed such that the spark plug cant be removed unless the probe is removed first. Also, it was drilled 1.75" down from the head, whereas it was supposed to be between 2" and 4" down. The other (3) were drilled at 1.85". To rectify this, a new exhaust tube for that cyl will cost $185., and the installation will run 4 hrs @ $75.00, so total of $485. I feel this is totally your responsibility.

3. The rear seats were previously done by an automotive shop. They used automotive grade fabric
and foam. After learning of this, I paid you to completely redo them, incl the foam.(All your internet advertising promotes this, as did your written estimate/offer). I even discussed how to shape the foam with your interior man, Blake. But, you elected to just cover over the existing automotive foam. When I asked you why the foam wasnt done, as agreed upon, you just said "they didnt need it". I assumed that meant that the existing automotive foam was legal for aviation. Well, according to my local FSDO, it turns out that they DO need it. I paid your company do it, and it wasnt done. To get this done at a local airplane upholstery shop will now cost $1250 for the pair, as they have to be recovered. The existing covers wont fit properly over the new, thicker foam. I feel this is totally your responsibility.

4. The aluminum bands (8) that had been around the green rocker arm seals were not put back on after the overhaul. They seem to be showing signs of bulging. To remedy this, my mechanic will need to buy (8) green rubber seals, (8) aluminum bands, (4) valve cover gaskets, and (4) rocker pin retention plate gaskets. Total materials are $57.00, and 5 hrs labor is $375.00, total of $432. I feel this is totally your responsibility, as your shop neglected to re-install the bands.

5. My oil pressure sending switch was damaged while in custody of your shop. I flew into your airport, and it was fine. First time the engine was started, right after the overhaul, it leaked profusely from a large split. You replaced it with a set screw, rendering my Hobbs meter in-op. I had to buy another and have it installed here. $35.00 Again, your responsibility.

Total for the above mentioned items is $2902. As a side note, the plane currently has 97 hrs since the work was done. Also, all these claims are "WORKMANSHIP" claims, not failure of materials claims.
I hope you will have the decency to respond to me re these matters. If you would like to see pictures detailing these items, I will be glad to furnish same.

I am enclosing photos for you re items #1, #2, #4, and #5. And if you choose not to respond again, I will forward the photos, your work orders that clearly stated seat foam was to be REPLACED, along with statements from the IA who recently completed the annual regarding the other (airworthiness) items, to the SAT FSDO, the Texas Consumer Affairs, and the BBB.

Also, you originally promised competition in four weeks. So I bought an advance airplane ticket for five weeks. I had to pay $80.00 two times to change it, because you werent done with work. And when I finally did arrive, seven weeks later, I had to spend five nights in a hotel and rent a car. You never even offered to take responsibility for the delays. And during the annual, the prop had to be removed to deal with the alternator situation, and your shop had loaded the O-ring inside the hub up with RTV. Both the IA and prop shop say this is improper and could lead to blockage in the oil system. (I have pictures of this as well.)

Hope to hear from you soon,
Mark Dymond
Well,I think this is a good example of getting what you paid for. I have seen Devine's ads in the trade-a-plane and always thought of them as a hack shop just from their ads.

Some of you aircraft owners crack me up! You buy a multi-thousand,sometimes million,dollar airplane and then want to pay $5.00/hr to a mechanic to work on it.

You wanted cheap labor and you got it! So quit whining!
Well,I think this is a good example of getting what you paid for. I have seen Devine's ads in the trade-a-plane and always thought of them as a hack shop just from their ads.

Some of you aircraft owners crack me up! You buy a multi-thousand,sometimes million,dollar airplane and then want to pay $5.00/hr to a mechanic to work on it.

You wanted cheap labor and you got it! So quit whining!
Well,I think this is a good example of getting what you paid for. I have seen Devine's ads in the trade-a-plane and always thought of them as a hack shop just from their ads.

Some of you aircraft owners crack me up! You buy a multi-thousand,sometimes million,dollar airplane and then want to pay $5.00/hr to a mechanic to work on it.

You wanted cheap labor and you got it! So quit whining!
Well,I think this is a good example of getting what you paid for. I have seen Devine's ads in the trade-a-plane and always thought of them as a hack shop just from their ads.

Some of you aircraft owners crack me up! You buy a multi-thousand,sometimes million,dollar airplane and then want to pay $5.00/hr to a mechanic to work on it.

You wanted cheap labor and you got it! So quit whining!

Princess: I paid $21000, which is more than double the advertised special. I wanted everything new, except the crank and case. I certainly wasnt trying to get away 'cheap'.