Secure your internet

Sounds like the guy was hacking neighborhood wireless routers. I take a lap top on vacations and found all sorts active wifi spots in the area. Most are encrypted but some are not.....some have a mickey mouse user pw in the hotel or store everybody could use. That is a bad deal. I wonder if someone could hack into your PC at home, hidden, and load all kinds of stuff without your time I ran a recovery console for SD jpg's I lost and it pulled up some skin I didn't download. It pulled every jpg on the hard drive. Made me wonder. You could screw someone up big time.
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When I bought my first laptop I still hadn't set up WiFi in the house. So out of curiosity I looked for an open network and long behold one of my neighbors had not secured there's. Granted I didn't look at anything bad. Could not help but think that the next person to use it might have less than honorable intentions. Wish I had known who it was do I could have told them to secure it.
Now here's one to take note of. Was using an app to check my home WiFi connection and on the graph representing my network was an exact graph showing another network. After further investigation, I found out Comcast was using my router to expand their network (a common practice for them and I'm sure other companys, i.e. att) for other Comcast users in the area. According to Comcast there was no threat to my personal network or information and since I was the one paying for use of their modem/router (and not receiving any type of discount) and the power bill to enable the device, I had them disable the feature and periodically check to make sure it stays that way.
I'm sure the majority of people don't know about this FEATURE....might want to check yours!
I have not bought a router in a while but the ones I bought all came with a big warning
/disclaimer to change/activate the security. My most recent router came with a random password set up but I changed it anyway.

South. What app did you use? I've never seen an example of what your talking about and I want to run it in mine.
The app I use on iPad to see everything on our routers is Fing. They also have a Windows version that's less pretty, but just as effective.
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southwind said:
According to Comcast there was no threat to my personal network or information and since I was the one paying for use of their modem/router (and not receiving any type of discount) and the power bill to enable the device, I had them disable the feature and periodically check to make sure it stays that way.
You're using their modem/router? I did that for a little while till I realized what they were charging. Went out and bought my own. So go to Best Buy, Fry's etc and get one then get rid of the Comcast modem.