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Rumour- E170 Ops

So, pretty much like I thought, same division, just one less layer of mgmt which does make sense. I guess the foolish Express brand will remain even though the certificate, call sign, manuals, employees, service levels, onboard food and beverage programs, flight numbers, boarding passes, crew announcements, web site designation, cabin comfort, baggage policies, and terminal location minus PHL are all the the US Airways product rather than the US Airways Express product used on the RJs and props. I guess it makes sense to someone in Crystal City who has likely never flown the airline or has any familiarity at all with the idea of marketing and brand definition.

That said, I don't think they would be kooky enough to cram a first class cabin onto the most uncomfortable RJ they have (the CRJ) while not putting one on the larger EJets. The domestic short haul first class product is already an embarrassment, I can only imagine what they'd try to pass off for first on a CRJ. It would also make the Express brand even more inconsistant, which is increasingly frustrating to the customer.

The E170 was scheduled to do some US Airways Shuttle flying starting in March. More inconsistency! Shuttle was all coach but with generous legroom and amenities, then they said nah, it's just regular mainline 737s which they bragged about having a first class cabin (equal to the former Shuttle coach product). Now they say just kidding, here's the 170, which ironically is closest to the original Shuttle product everyone liked, mixed in with mainline, dual class Airbuses and 73s. They need to make up thier mind what they want to offer and who they want to be.

The 170 Shuttle flights were loaded and even in crew pairings but are now being pulled. One thing I heard was that the AFA objected, cllaiming that all Shuttle flying is supposed to be done by mainline as per the agreement after the Shuttle was merged. Again, since the 170 technically IS mainline, who knows if they would even have an argument.

I often wonder how great US Airways would be if it defined it's products, worked to unite rather than divide it's company, and stopped doing everything in it's power to make things as complicated and confusing as possible for it's customers and employees.
I just heard today from someone who said that all MDA ramp personnel except leads will be moving over to work mainline planes in B-C con as of tomorrow, continuing through the next month at PHL. Supposedly they're getting some independant contractors are going to work over in F-con with basically no training.
I believe the MAA ramp personnel will be going over to the mainline operations, supposedly temporarily, and people from frieght (?) will be taking over in F.

Also, the MAA flights in F were being handled by a mix of mainline customer service agents and new hire, off-the-street "MAA" agents, the mainline folks basically training and supervising the new people. The mainline customer service folks will be leaving F this week so it will all be in the hands of the new hires. So in terminal F, all Express flights operated by Piedmont, PSA, Mesa, and Chautauqua will be ground handled by Piedmont. Except for MAA (really mainline) flights which will be handled at the gates and on the ramp by a whole new division of people with little or no experience.

More of that inexplicable redundancy and mass confusion, with more layers of management and different contracts. It's enough to make your head spin. There just is not any other airline in the world that operates in such a bizarre, complex way.

MDA-MAA, just depends on when you got on here. Your employee designation is MD0-7####-01-100, thus the company see's us as MDA. For those who have been around since early in the divisions life, MAA is correct as the "Muscular Distrophie Association" had coined MDA. Either way works for me.....

As for the 3 in production, it was explained to me (by someone who should know), that they were unsure whether the aircraft would come before or after BR exit.

Also for 320: MAA operates 25 aircraft including the three additional recieved this past week. The count of 28 would be to include the three in production, see above.
Per the mainline contract, express workers including MDA CANNOT work mainline flights.

Now they can hire you from MDA to mainline, but as long as you are MDA you cannot work the mainline flights.

If that occurs, what happend at X-mas would probably reoccur.

DISCLAIMER: Now that statement is ONLY my opinion, because they are radical group up in PHL.

On another note:

Hey A320, thought the MDA were flying shuttle flights in February?

Soldwholesale, Where is Mesa's 737s that you said Mesa was buying and setting up?
Mesa is still working on the 737, they own one aircraft and are currently negotiating with their MEC for a two year contract extension in return for decent narrow body pay rates.

MAA was scheduled to fly shuttle routes, but it was a violation of the contract so MAA employees will be pay protected for those flights and the actual flights will be flown by mainline aircraft.
Funny Mesa does not own their RJs they lease everyone of them.

And since you say the own one 737 now what is the tail # and where is the plane and lets see where Mesa's Operating Certificate says they can fly it.

And according you your posts, Mesa should have had them all ready and been flying 10 months ago. Gee I guess credibilty is not an issue with you.

SoldWholeSale said:
No tail #'s until the sale is complete, but since they want 40 /-400's and we only have 43.......

An Air Carrier Inspector at an unnamed FSDO who will be involved in the process for one company or the other is a friend. He is in a need to know position.

SoldWholeSale said:
The planes aren't gone yet..... The transaction takes place closer to year end or first of next.

You don't have to believe anything I say. If everything I had said so far were untrue, that would put me on par for this message board for conjecture and guessing. Lets watch for the next month or two and see how really full of crap I am.


SoldWholeSale said:
No, not announced. Yes, from a very good source though.

SoldWholeSale said:
Paying down the ATSB loan by 250 million enabled UAIR to more freely sell assets. Shuttle can be sold on any given day to just about anyone of the BOD choosing.

No worries though. The Mesa Air Group 737's will start service from PIT, not a shuttle city from what I've heard. Interestingly enough, this happens in about the same time frame as MAA opening a base in PHL.

SoldWholeSale said:
Wanna bet? All of Mesa Airlines operating certificates are held by the Dallas FSDO which is where Mesa origionally started Jet service from Ft. Worth. You check, both Mesa Airlines and Freedom Airlines certificates are held there.

Proving runs start in June, revenue in July. Not everyone works at the USAirways pace of business. You would also be amazed at how many Mesa/Freedom pilots already posess 737 types in an effort to get on with SWA, its not exactly a difficult type to get. It takes less than six weeks to add a new equipment type to an existing certificate, two weeks to type a pilot, and two weeks to finish "initial cadre" IOE. Mesa already contracts out a good bit of maintenance, why would a 737 be any different? No "bit of time" would be longer than 60 days.

Like you, I would rather they didn't, but its hard to bet against the lead horse!

You want facts, you drive by PHX Goodyear airport and you will see 3 ex-UAL Shuttle 737-300's getting ready for paint. Guess who they belong to?

SoldWholeSale said:
I agree.....There is NO quality control enforced by USAirways or any major with its contract carriers. Just take a look around the next time you walk through the terminal. Hard to imagine anyone with so little pride as some I see in disheveled, incomplete, and mismatched uniforms.

No, Mesa 737's is not a "Chip fact". I know the gentleman who was responsible for proof reading the manuals which once there are serial # specifics supplied for the aircraft will be sent to the Dallas FSDO for approval.

SoldWholeSale said:
Actually, Mesa has finished 737 manuals and has secured leases on three ex-UAL 737-300's. JO has spoken openly about his desire to fly 737's very recently in the press.

You are correct about the paint though, from what I hear they will not be in Mesa colors...


I rest my case.
700UW, If you knew more about how bringing a new type onto a certificate worked, you would also understand its not a big deal and can be done from scratch in about 90 days. Who said the planes would be on the Mesa certificate? Mesa Air Group owns more than one certificate. The fat lady hasn't sang just yet.

Someone needs to buy you a playboy so you might be able to get off on something other than living on these boards trying to discredit anyone who doesn't agree with you......
Glad to see that is the most intelligent thing you can come up with when proven to be wrong.

All I did was go by what you have posted since last April, those are your own words that YOU posted that has shown you to be wrong on all accounts. And it is YOUR own posts that have discredited yourself, I only brought them to light.

And all I want is facts, so what is the tail #, where is the plane, and who's certificate it will be on, I mean your own posts say your friend knows the information and you can release it after the plane is purchased.

You also stated proving runs in June and July, it is now February, are they stealth 737s?

So which is it?

And maybe you been looking at the pictures in playboy too much and that is why your information to this date has shown to be wrong?
xoxo said:
MDA is NOT being "merged" into mainline...

The management structure is being shifted so that the separate layer of MDA management will no longer be in place. So the same people that run flgiht ops for mainline will run flight ops for MDA. Same Base Chief Pilots and so on...

That is it. Not a merger, nor are MDA positions avail to mainline personnel to bid into except by the same procedures in place beforehand.


The lower paying mgt positions at MDA are being upgraded to the higher paying positions at Mainine. And for the employees, the higher paying jobs at Mainline are being downgraded to MDA. The transformation is well underway.

There is no merger. It is just smoke and mirrors.

My understanding was that the division was to get 6 170's. 3 already here, and 3 more by the end of March. This financing was announced a little while ago, also includes 3 new crj's for PSA. Once these AC are delivered, that is it untill if and when new financing was arranged.
America West's CRJ900s were initially delivered with 1+2 in F and 2+2 in Y. Most United CRJ700s have F (1+2) and Y.

FM2436 said:
How do you create a First Class in a CRJ-900 or 705? Do you place three seats across the cabin (1+2) or do you keep the four seats across the cabin (2+2) but give the passenger greater leg room?
SoldWholeSale said:
700UW, If you knew more about how bringing a new type onto a certificate worked, you would also understand its not a big deal and can be done from scratch in about 90 days. Who said the planes would be on the Mesa certificate? Mesa Air Group owns more than one certificate. The fat lady hasn't sang just yet.

Someone needs to buy you a playboy so you might be able to get off on something other than living on these boards trying to discredit anyone who doesn't agree with you......

Amen! Well said.
700UW said:
Per the mainline contract, express workers including MDA CANNOT work mainline flights.

Now they can hire you from MDA to mainline, but as long as you are MDA you cannot work the mainline flights.


Well, seems like you better let someone know because there are MAA guys out there in B-C con working mainline flights. I also heard from the a steward that the contract says that MAA can work mainline flights in "emergency situations." Certain days we'll work there, and other we'll work over in F.

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