Rumor: TWU local 512 Union Officer Deicing a Envoy aircraft


Mar 21, 2014
 I heard that last Sunday a TWU Local 512 Union Officer was Deicing a Envoy aircraft in Chicago (ORD) and a member of Management was helping him do a Tactile Check. Is this how things get done in chicago? I'm surprise that the Envoy TWU local has not bought him up on charges to the International. there is no way we be doing that here and with management helping.....
Kev3188 said:
Who normally sprays Envoy planes at ORD? Is this maybe new work picked up? Doesn't excuse mgmt. being out here of course...
Just curious...
Envoy is American Eagle represented by TWU but a totally different local with a totally different contract. Engaging in this activity if true is no different then if I went upstairs and started checking in passengers when that work is under contract to CWA/IBT agents.
Kev3188 said:
I knew they were Union, I just didn't know if this was covered work for them or not...
I know back in DFW we didn't touch any of their planes. We deiced ours and they did theirs. I don't think that's changed unless the station was outsourced to a vendor.

ORD wouldn't be. Lots of commuters flights there.
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Kev3188 said:
Who normally sprays Envoy planes at ORD? Is this maybe new work picked up? Doesn't excuse mgmt. being out here of course...
Just curious...
I was told that envoy sprays their own aircrafts and Chicago just picked up Republic E175 work. Not like here with the car wash
The thread starts out with, i heard.... can someone bring facts to the table? Otherwise this is nothing more than a rumor.

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