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Rumor At Afw

Former ModerAAtor said:
Question on AUS -- I know we had pre-existing contracts to perform GSE maintenance for NWA in a couple cities where NWA didn't staff GSE mechanics. If that's the case in AUS, I don't see it as scabbing at all. We were legally obligated to maintain the status quo as it existed prior to the strike,

I don't believe in my lifetime that I will ever ask or consider managements view as to scabbing. With that said, the work being accomplished by AA in Austin is SCAB maintenance. Simply put, there is a strike going on and all mechanic and related work/equipment is considered struck work. Anyone working on struck work is a SCAB regardless of some BS contract. These guys can refuse to work this equipment and AA management can go drag their tugs to a dealership if they are so worried about being sued. Bottom line, no AA unionized employee is legally obligated to work this equipment and there aint sh*t management can do about it.
MCI transplant said:
Princess------ What makes you think aa personel would do the work? aa has only said "It would not work any struck airline!" What if the Scabs came with the Aircraft? Then technically aa wouldn't be doing the work!!! But something is going on! I heard a rummor today that NW would bring in a DC-9 engine change here at MCI! Scabs doing the work! NW wants to lease two of our empty narrow body docks to just do that! Engine changes!!!So where's our Union leaders on all this?? They have been told, but only say that they can't tell aa how to run it's business! Sound like anything you've heard before?????? It's a whole new world out there people!

Didn't happen at MCI - the e-board stopped them cold. :up:
My World said:
Didn't happen at MCI - the e-board stopped them cold. :up:

Maybe so, but how many scabs were hired at the MCI/TWU job fair?
Bill said:
Not to change the subject or anything Princess but if you are who I think you are I heard a "rumor" that you were kissing TWU butt at the recent TWU convention. You and Gary P. and your entire delegation were hammin' it up from what I hear. Care to explain that "rumor"??? Tho't you didn't want anything to do with this union? Oh, and by the way, why didn't you amfa pukes have anyone to challenge those running in the TWU??? HMMMMMMMM???? Now go cry about how bad the TWU is. We see right thru you sister!!!! Can't wait to hear your explanation on this one. Don't lie because I have witnesses!!!!

Also, "rumor" has it that WE DON'T DO STRUCK WORK!!! Which "rumor" will you believe???????????
Gee Billybob, kinda hard on the little Princess aren't ya? Maybe she loves the twu more than you? She might have found that team twu punks, drunks, and cowards are just too persuasive and worldly for her to resist. 😉 I think the best confirmed rumor about you is your jealousy of the Princess Billy, you were not invited to the dues funded twu drunk fest? All that paid time off from work to go be a real twu player. You missed it....a dadgum bummer....not even a chance to ask Jim Little why he was in management for six years.

BTW, A question Billy. How do you challenge the twu International officers when they are all appointed???? Are you really that dense to believe you have any say in you vaunted twu company union outside of the local??? Have you ever voted on a twu International officer? Speak up....is that a NO?

The twu will perform whatever they are told to by AA, no doubt at all. In addition, the twu welcomed many ex-Eastern scabs as members years ago, I'm sure they will be delighted to slither right back in as scabs again. :angry: :down: :angry: :down:
TWU informer said:
Maybe so, but how many scabs were hired at the MCI/TWU job fair?

Can't answer that one. 530 took a black eye on that one for not doing their homework. If anyone took those jobs, they will have to be the ones to live with it. They were old enough to know the difference in right and wrong.
Renting dock space and or hanger space isnt exactly maintenance revenue if our mechanics arent doing the work. Its more like rental income!

The first post mentioned a gear change. Is that not maintenance revenue? Renting dock space woube rental revenue, not income.
Hackman said:
Gee Billybob, kinda hard on the little Princess aren't ya? Maybe she loves the twu more than you? She might have found that team twu punks, drunks, and cowards are just too persuasive and worldly for her to resist. 😉 I think the best confirmed rumor about you is your jealousy of the Princess Billy, you were not invited to the dues funded twu drunk fest? All that paid time off from work to go be a real twu player. You missed it....a dadgum bummer....not even a chance to ask Jim Little why he was in management for six years.

BTW, A question Billy. How do you challenge the twu International officers when they are all appointed???? Are you really that dense to believe you have any say in you vaunted twu company union outside of the local??? Have you ever voted on a twu International officer? Speak up....is that a NO?

The twu will perform whatever they are told to by AA, no doubt at all. In addition, the twu welcomed many ex-Eastern scabs as members years ago, I'm sure they will be delighted to slither right back in as scabs again. :angry: :down: :angry: :down:

Gee Hackman, great diversion!!! Did Princess ask you to step in for her? Where'd she go anyway? All bark and no bite. 🙁 I hear she even stood up in front of everyone and gave a nice little speech about how much she "loves" the TWU and all in the room. :wub: MAJOR KISSUP!!! :wub: I'm just curious as to why she would go to the trouble when everyone knows she's an amfa lover and a TWU hater. Kind of hypocritical wouldn't you say?? Her buddies, including the big amfa lover G.P., were great supporters as well. I'm sure had you been there you would have gone right along with 'em!!! I'd be interested to know how Princess and her buddies voted. Maybe you could find out and let us know. My guess is that you probably won't like the answer, that is if she tells you the truth!!! :lol:
Oneflyer said:
The first post mentioned a gear change. Is that not maintenance revenue? Renting dock space woube rental revenue, not income.
It's just a "gear change" and it's just renting "space".

Putting a family member on the corner for a quick $50 for "gear" or "space" would also be revenue...doesn't mean it was a good idea.
So Bill, Now that you TWU "knuckleheads" have finally figured out who I am, when will you file the charges against me? Let's see Dual-unionism,disloyalty to the International,etc. that would be a nice start wouldn't it? Since you know my name, I can't wait to see who you are Bill. See you in the "kangaroo court"

Love and Kisses, The Princess
I know of one that didn't go to work for a scab employer...btw..I'm glad to see nothing has changed...same poop, different page...
<_< I heard Trans Maridian stoped flying today! Didn't TUL have a contract to work some of their Aircraft? If so, are there any there at TUL now? :huh:
MCI transplant said:
<_< I heard Trans Maridian stoped flying today! Didn't TUL have a contract to work some of their Aircraft? If so, are there any there at TUL now? :huh:
I saw a thrust reverser that may have had Trans Meridian marked on it thursday. I wont be back to work until tuesday but will make a point to check it out then!
scorpian said:
I saw a thrust reverser that may have had Trans Meridian marked on it thursday. I wont be back to work until tuesday but will make a point to check it out then!

There was ONE aircraft in Tulsa, very short stay, not sure what work was done. Could have been an engine pylon mod or a gear change.