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Rumor At Afw

Oneflyer said:
Who gives a Sh!t? It more revenue for the company. It more proof that AA can compete with 3rd party maintenance vendors. You guys #### about your salaries, but then you #### about AA bringing in new sources of revenue.

Here is a hint, the more revenue maintenance brings in, the stonger your bargaining position becomes. That is much more likely to get you your pay back than changing your damn union.

Yeah,and here at TUL we recently had a B-757 Private Jet owned by an executive of Microsoft Corporation.A very nice ,plush interior,and some AA employees lacking intelligence had the stupidty to go on the A/C and lounge on it.As a result dirt,grease,trash ect. was leftover in the aftermath.
With incompetent people like this at AA no 3rd party customer should ever bring another aircraft to AA for work.So much for 3rd party work with AA employees like this who show no respect for other people's nice A/C.
goingboeing said:
Yeah,and here at TUL we recently had a B-757 Private Jet owned by an executive of Microsoft Corporation.A very nice ,plush interior,and some AA employees lacking intelligence had the stupidty to go on the A/C and lounge on it.As a result dirt,grease,trash ect. was leftover in the aftermath.
With incompetent people like this at AA no 3rd party customer should ever bring another aircraft to AA for work.So much for 3rd party work with AA employees like this who show no respect for other people's nice A/C.
care to share what the 757 private jet was doing here at TUL? if work was being accomplished which I would surmise then a/c get "dirty" "greasy" etc... until the check is in its final stages then it is cleaned from front to back... why not tell the truth?
Not to change the subject or anything Princess but if you are who I think you are I heard a "rumor" that you were kissing TWU butt at the recent TWU convention. You and Gary P. and your entire delegation were hammin' it up from what I hear. Care to explain that "rumor"??? Tho't you didn't want anything to do with this union? Oh, and by the way, why didn't you amfa pukes have anyone to challenge those running in the TWU??? HMMMMMMMM???? Now go cry about how bad the TWU is. We see right thru you sister!!!! Can't wait to hear your explanation on this one. Don't lie because I have witnesses!!!!

Also, "rumor" has it that WE DON'T DO STRUCK WORK!!! Which "rumor" will you believe???????????
Bill said:
Not to change the subject or anything Princess but if you are who I think you are I heard a "rumor" that you were kissing TWU butt at the recent TWU convention.  You and Gary P. and your entire delegation were hammin' it up from what I hear.  Care to explain that "rumor"???  Tho't you didn't want anything to do with this union?  Oh, and by the way, why didn't you amfa pukes have anyone to challenge those running in the TWU??? HMMMMMMMM????  Now go cry about how bad the TWU is.  We see right thru you sister!!!!  Can't wait to hear your explanation on this one.  Don't lie because I have witnesses!!!!

Also, "rumor" has it that WE DON'T DO STRUCK WORK!!!  Which "rumor" will you believe???????????

Why do you call it a rumor?
There is a letter posted in the the twu negotiated bulletin boards here in tul signed by some dude named gless that says we wont do struck work!
Oneflyer said:
Who gives a Sh!t? It more revenue for the company. It more proof that AA can compete with 3rd party maintenance vendors. You guys #### about your salaries, but then you #### about AA bringing in new sources of revenue.

Here is a hint, the more revenue maintenance brings in, the stonger your bargaining position becomes. That is much more likely to get you your pay back than changing your damn union.

Just curious oneflyer, what position do you hold with AA?

Renting dock space and or hanger space isnt exactly maintenance revenue if our mechanics arent doing the work. Its more like rental income!
Bill said:
Not to change the subject or anything Princess but if you are who I think you are I heard a "rumor" that you were kissing TWU butt at the recent TWU convention.  You and Gary P. and your entire delegation were hammin' it up from what I hear.  Care to explain that "rumor"???  Tho't you didn't want anything to do with this union?  Oh, and by the way, why didn't you amfa pukes have anyone to challenge those running in the TWU??? HMMMMMMMM????  Now go cry about how bad the TWU is.  We see right thru you sister!!!!  Can't wait to hear your explanation on this one.  Don't lie because I have witnesses!!!!

Also, "rumor" has it that WE DON'T DO STRUCK WORK!!!  Which "rumor" will you believe???????????

Well Sweetie, why don't you file charges against me 😛 ? I was sent by AMFA to spy 😛h34r: on the TWU Convention(TWU beer guzzling contest). I got all the dirt on the TWU and how they have agreed with AA to do struck work :down: .
Don't backtrack now Princess!!! Why do you have to spy????? The TWU doing something that amfa wished they could do?????? Pathetic answer!! If I was against the TWU and it's leaders as much as you and your amfa cohorts claim to be, I sure wouldn't be kissin' their a**es in front of everyone!! Much less professing your love for the union and it's members. Did you tell your other amfa buddies that part??? You might want to view the tape and make sure that was you up there!!!! Sure looked like you to me!!

Why didn't you put someone in to go against O'Brien or Little??? Put up or shut up Princess!!!! Women can be cowards too!!!!
scorpian said:
Why do you call it a rumor?
There is a letter posted in the the twu negotiated bulletin boards here in tul signed by some dude named gless that says we wont do struck work!

Just being sarcastic, amfa lover!! Princess would rather show her ignorance by posting "rumors", trying to stir up some sh** is all. Why don't you ask her why she was professing her love for the TWU in front of everyone? Even those who know that she publicy criticizes them. Apparently Princess hasn't seen the letter, huh??? :huh:

Or maybe she knew the truth would come out about her love for the TWU so she was posting this crap to cover her a**, wha'd'ya' think???? :lol: :lol: :lol:
local 12 proud said:
care to share what the 757 private jet was doing here at TUL? if work was being accomplished which I would surmise then a/c get "dirty" "greasy" etc... until the check is in its final stages then it is cleaned from front to back... why not tell the truth?
I'm sure you like to go back into the shop area of the car dealership and find grease on your seats or carpet,dirt or trash in the floorboard of your Lexus while it is being worked on.
You do not trash out the MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR Interior of a private jet during any phase of the maintenance! If you do not understand this principle then you do not belong in aircraft maintenance.
It is one thing to trash out your own aircraft but entirely something else to do it to a customers aircraft.
This is the truth whether or not you believe it.
Bill said:
Also, "rumor" has it that WE DON'T DO STRUCK WORK!!! Which "rumor" will you believe???????????
I guess, except in Austin... :down:
goingboeing said:
I'm sure you like to go back into the shop area of the car dealership and find grease on your seats or carpet,dirt or trash in the floorboard of your Lexus while it is being worked on.
You do not trash out the MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR Interior of a private jet during any phase of the maintenance! If you do not understand this principle then you do not belong in aircraft maintenance.
It is one thing to trash out your own aircraft but entirely something else to do it to a customers aircraft.
This is the truth whether or not you believe it.
well i don't believe it, I think your LIAR ive never seen our very own aircraft in the condition you describe and I happen to work in O/H :shock:
local 12 proud said:
well i don't believe it, I think your LIAR ive never seen our very own aircraft in the condition you describe and I happen to work in O/H :shock:

This posting speaks for itself and does not require any futher elobaration from me.
I believe I've heard these Change from Within arguments before. Chuck Shalk and Bob Owens attempted to Change from Within and were banned for life.

Did so called labor leader Chicken Little run for something? Last I knew he was appointed his position.
Question on AUS -- I know we had pre-existing contracts to perform GSE maintenance for NWA in a couple cities where NWA didn't staff GSE mechanics. If that's the case in AUS, I don't see it as scabbing at all. We were legally obligated to maintain the status quo as it existed prior to the strike, and now that NWA is in bankruptcy, we're obligated to maintain the status quo until NWA decides to affirm or reject our existing contract.

As for lease returns.... many of the aircraft rejected by NWA were literally abandoned to the owners in an as-is condition, meaning that NWA had court permission -not- to perform required checks. That obligation falls on the aircraft owner, so even if AMFA weren't on strike, the owner would be free to take that work anywhere they wanted to have required checks accomplished, as was the case when we wound up with a couple UAL 777's at AFW last year.