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Rumor At Afw

TWU informer said:
There was ONE aircraft in Tulsa, very short stay, not sure what work was done. Could have been an engine pylon mod or a gear change.
<_< I hope that's not the pylon mod you boys couldn't get back on the aircraft ! But that was a 767 wasn't it? Last I heard it was at least 3 weeks late and still not on the Aircraft! Had Redding and the boys here a few weeks ago snooping arround asking questions on how we did ours. For some strange reason didn't get too many answeers!! We're doing the "Full" pylon mod, not just the bushing chance, on Capital 767s. We've done about three aircraft so far.
Wretched Wrench said:
Ummmm.................hasn't the TWU already taken a position on working on NWA aircraft?
As TWU is trying to organize the NW flight attendants could you answer that question?
justanadd said:
As TWU is trying to organize the NW flight attendants could you answer that question?
Whatever you do, do not get the twu as your union. A thread has been started on this subject on the NWA board, feel free to ask questions.
🙁 The princess and her ilk make me silk. If i was in the position of having to provide food and pay the mortgage for my family then strike or no strike, i'd do whatever i'd have to do to make that happen. I also think its easy to call them scabs when your still earning a decent salary and having the luxury to criticise everyone else.
I just wonder if some of you put as much effort and energy into doing your own jobs, as you do in commenting about everybody elses.
A thought has just occurred, some people wonder why we are classed as semi-skilled......for your answer just read the rest of this thread :down:
nofaultfound said:
🙁 The princess and her ilk make me silk. If i was in the position of having to provide food and pay the mortgage for my family then strike or no strike, i'd do whatever i'd have to do to make that happen. I also think its easy to call them scabs when your still earning a decent salary and having the luxury to criticise everyone else.
I just wonder if some of you put as much effort and energy into doing your own jobs, as you do in commenting about everybody elses.
A thought has just occurred, some people wonder why we are classed as semi-skilled......for your answer just read the rest of this thread :down:

As someone who was a full term striker and experienced a long term lock out, I can answer that question.
1. Since when is compromising your principles worth any amount of money? I and many of my fellow f/as were on strike/locked out from 3-6-86 to 5-30-88(for me,longer for others). I was a single mom with 3 children. I got another job for the duration of my time away from flying. My children watched some of their friends duck their heads in shame when we ran into them at a store. Trust me, I always told them, this is your parent's fight, it isn't about you all.
2. I have always been proud of my job performance. The real return is knowing your customers feel they have received fair value for their dollar(s). With over 300 commendations from customers and co-workers, I don't feel you can equate how well you do your job with whether you honored a strike or called someone a scab..We used the term crossover. I do know that TWA's customer service rarings rose in direct proportion to the number of exoerienced full term strikers recalled. Those numbers don't lie.
3. When AA acquired TWA, and the Company "generously" gave us our pay seniority, (only to use it against us as a reason not to recall), many of us were not quite so panicked because we had the experience of being "on the street" and knew that we could support our families.
PS..I retired 4-1 so I would have to play games with the union and co.
nofaultfound said:
🙁 The princess and her ilk make me silk. If i was in the position of having to provide food and pay the mortgage for my family then strike or no strike, i'd do whatever i'd have to do to make that happen. I also think its easy to call them scabs when your still earning a decent salary and having the luxury to criticise everyone else.
I just wonder if some of you put as much effort and energy into doing your own jobs, as you do in commenting about everybody elses.
A thought has just occurred, some people wonder why we are classed as semi-skilled......for your answer just read the rest of this thread :down:

I'm glad I made a scab like you sick. Scabs like you are the cancer of the airline industry.

Now back to the original subject of this tread. The aircraft that will be getting a triple gear change at AFW apparently belongs to an outfit called NORTH AMERICAN AIRLINES. I have heard that this is a 767 freighter.
MCI transplant said:
<_< I heard Trans Maridian stoped flying today! Didn't TUL have a contract to work some of their Aircraft? If so, are there any there at TUL now? :huh:
checked on the thrust reverser and it is meridian airs. The T/R shop did a QVP inspection on it, replaced a bushing and some worn out hardware. I dont think it will leave the base any time soon.
Now back to the original subject of this tread. The aircraft that will be getting a triple gear change at AFW apparently belongs to an outfit called NORTH AMERICAN AIRLINES. I have heard that this is a 767 freighter.

Interesting... NAA was just bought out by World, which is a fairly decent size operator. Once that merger closes, they'll operate MD11's, 767's, and 757's, all of which are types AA has a fair amount of experience with. They had a couple MD80's at one point as well.
I work at Alliance the triple gear change was on a north american cargo plane 767 even A/C type was wrong on that rumor
Granted the twu has a lot off short falls I hope they don't stoop to that leval or I will have to quit after I go and S@&% on my stupid-visor's desk!!!
I work at Alliance the triple gear change was on a north american cargo plane 767 even A/C type was wrong on that rumor
Granted the twu has a lot off short falls I hope they don't stoop to that leval or I will have to quit after I go and S@&% on my stupid-visor's desk!!!
Well start warming up because the twu is looking to do scab work....Page 3 right hand side...Northwest and it is current.
