Rules on the airplane


Nov 13, 2004
I really enjoy the Rules of the ramp thread since it is light hearted - in the midst of all the other drama. How about some F/A, pilot unofficial "rules"...oh passengers can input too. You probably have the best ones!! :up:
Here's one: Rule #1 Do not scream at the f/a gate checking your bag. They may become "distracted" and enter the wrong city code on the slip.
Rule #2...If all the overhead bins are full and you see an innocuous looking black/red bag w/ crew not assume it's okay to take the bag out and put yours in then go to the flight attendant and say "Gee one of the passengers asked me to gate check this for them"...It will get you a snarl and "attentive" in-flight service...

Rule #2a...if the same is done for an nonrevenue passenger, expect said jab from nonrev.
Rule # 3: Don't tell the f/a you need a COKE cause you need to take medication. You will get water for that!!!

Rule # 3a: Don't "ring" for a drink when it is clearly too turbulent to get you one.
This is great.
Rule #4 Don't yell at your flight crew about your connection when there's a blizzard out side and the airport is closed down. Its mother nature controlling the situation not your crew. :rolleyes:
Rule #2...If all the overhead bins are full and you see an innocuous looking black/red bag w/ crew not assume it's okay to take the bag out and put yours in then go to the flight attendant and say "Gee one of the passengers asked me to gate check this for them"...It will get you a snarl and "attentive" in-flight service...

Rule #2a...if the same is done for an nonrevenue passenger, expect said jab from nonrev.

oh my Hoodness...did this really happen????? lol!

How about rule #5:
Learn how to share armrest space....jUSt because you have the middle seat does not mean you now have "2" armrests. I actually had this guy think just this and he kept elbowing me and rubbing his elbow in my back! If I wern't a non-rev, they'd be the biggest fist fight you've ever seen! :angry:

Rule #6. Don't rearrange other people's luggage in the overhead space.... don't move MINE just because you want yours there.

Rule #7. Don't be a seat poacher!!! Take your 'assigned seat' and once the doors close, politely ask to be re-seated. Don't take MY window seat just becuase you like it better than the middle! :angry:

Rule #8: If someone is traveling with children, please be considerate and move to another seat if you are traveling by yourself so the family can be seated somewhat closer together. I've been in more than one situation where dudes wouldn't move seats to save their lives...for SHORT flights! Treat people like you would want to be treated.
#9: Don't open an overhead bin to look for baggage space when the flight attendant has told you repeatedly that it is full.
#10 F/A's: Don't ring the cockpit to ask "what time are we going to be there?" five minutes after one of the pilots has made a PA announcement stating what time we're going to be there.

#11 Passengers: Don't ring the call bell to ask the F/A "what time are we going to be there?" five minutes after one of the pilots has made a PA announcement stating what time we're going to be there.
Rule #12: Don't put an oversized bag wheels first in a bin that is too shallow for it, and expect the f/as to find a place for it. If the bin won't close, don't put your bag there. The only place I know of to put it is OFF THE AIRPLANE (or, if you're nice about it, gate check it).

Rule #13: Just because you are a FF, don't think that you don't have to listen to AND respond to the exit row briefing and that you can continue your cell phone conversation during the briefing. If you want to sit in the exit row, you have to play the game the way the FAA set up the rules.
Rule 6 for passengers (sitting next to me): Just because you've been rushing around for the past 3 days does not mean you have an excuse not to take a shower or wear deodorant!

Rule 6 for F/A's: Most of us FF's understand that your pay sucks and you put up with way to much crap but please don't take it out on us. Most of us FF's will try to make your job as easy as possible and help you out in any way possible. We love you!
Rule #14...Please don't hand us a coat as soon as you walk on and announce your seat number. We will be around in just a few minutes when there is a break in the action to take it for you and (if a good f/a) will take your drink order. Of course all of that pertains to our dwindling number of aircraft with actual closets. It just adds to the drama of boarding. On a side note please don't hand us your coat after you have sprinted through the airport. Nobody likes to handle someone else's sweaty clothing. THAT is disgusting.
Rule 6 for passengers (sitting next to me): Just because you've been rushing around for the past 3 days does not mean you have an excuse not to take a shower or wear deodorant!

Rule 6 for F/A's: Most of us FF's understand that your pay sucks and you put up with way to much crap but please don't take it out on us. Most of us FF's will try to make your job as easy as possible and help you out in any way possible. We love you!
Do not clip your fingernails, or change your baby's diaper next to me.
oh my Hoodness...did this really happen????? lol!

If I wasn't non revving I'd have bashed the inconsiderate jerk's head in. He then took two seats(not a POS) but took two seats and claimed both of the seats were his...I had to be taken off the flight and put on the next BOS-DCA shuttle flight after two complaints by the pax...The agents involved were considerate and said they would write his PNR up with a note and that I did not do anything wrong.
15. Aircraft make some strange noises during routine flights. Sometimes you might be seated next to a "white knuckle flyer". You reassure them by letting them know you have been on many flights and everything will be ok. When the wheels retract into the belly the last thing you want to do is look over and say "What the h**l was that noise? I have never heard that before. That was not normal." Panic will surely ensue.
Rule #14...Please don't hand us a coat as soon as you walk on and announce your seat number. We will be around in just a few minutes when there is a break in the action to take it for you and (if a good f/a) will take your drink order. Of course all of that pertains to our dwindling number of aircraft with actual closets. It just adds to the drama of boarding. On a side note please don't hand us your coat after you have sprinted through the airport. Nobody likes to handle someone else's sweaty clothing. THAT is disgusting.

Rule 14A. Also, please do not wave your coat in the air at me while I am in the aisle with a tray full of pre-departure beverages. What do you expect me to do? Take it in my teeth?