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Rules For The Ramp..Title Edited

81. Our game of spades is timed to precisely end at the last possible second that we have to load the plane without taking a loading delay. Managers and Leads please right this down.

79. Locating a cart to run your bags.............Troublesome.

Locating a cart with a wheel shaped like a football to run your bags.............Priceless!

If you are a runner you know exactly why.

Joe isn't that called the bag extractor. it shoots out bags about every 5 rotations of the wheel.

leaves a nice trail of bags about 15 feet apart all over the ramp
Ramp agents in PHL don't get fired for A/C damage......
They get fired for not running away after they damage an A/C
80. When working the bagroom, being gungho and chasing down the bag that has just passed you and the cart that it is supposed to go on is an effort in futility. Everyone other than you knows that the circular bag belt will bring that bag back to you if you'd just be patient.


Working a bagroom with a baggage carousel is as close to purgatory that any of us should get.
Nightmares :wacko:
84. You know its time to bid out of the bag room when you can tell someone how long it takes for the baggage carousel to make one revolution or the number of slats the carousel contains. You will also know it is time to get out when the carousel stops moving and your mind convinces you that the damb thing is moving backwards.

one positive note for OUR bagroom is we use 2 carts for PHX . 1 for locals and the other for transfers

that way when they show up at the gate they can ZONE LOAD.. a concept that will NEVER catch on

in the the Desert...... Keep up the good work PHX . every missed bag off your inbounds cause of your

lack of PRE PLANNING is being CHARGED back to YOU.. I'm sure Dale is loving that. :lol: :lol:
when i was in LAS the bagroom guys counted the blades on the carousel. that moving backwards thing is really freaky.
85. Receiving an invitation to compete in managements annual a$$ kissing competition is not a good thing but being excluded because it is an amateur contest and you are already considered a pro is even worse.
I have found that if the pilot is slow starting the apu so you can disconnect,cutting off his ac will inspire him
it's esp affective on 175's and 190s
Has anyone tried to measure how far back the carosel moves after
it has stopped? Maybe that would be another reason to Xfer out of the
bagroom..a place I once called home.
87. Ramp Rats, alcohol, and cargo pit tape never has a good outcome.


Especially if you are on the receiving end!!!

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