Rules For The Ramp..Title Edited

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  • #181
I have only heard of such things. Never personally been involved in any kind of taping incidence. ;) ;)
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  • #182
88. Ramp Rats have been known to talk to themselves. On occasion they might even answer their own questions. Multiple personalities are rare but they do exist. You might often here someone ask "Who is on that gate?"....... "Its the three Joes"........"Are they getting along with each other today?"......Yea pretty good the one Joe told the other two Joes a joke they hadn't heard."

All this seems innocent enough until you realize there is only one person standing there laughing and his name is Joe.
Don't forget George.

He built himself a nest in one of the abandoned stairways to the ramp.

In the cargo bin he would yell 'I'm not going to mow the f****** lawn.'

Obviously not a management suckup.
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  • #184
89. The aircraft marshalling wands must have had a magic spell cast on them because everyone who picks them up thinks they are THE LITTLE DRUMMER BOY or King Authur preraring for a duel.
not a rule but a question

why when preparing for an a/c arrival you turn on the night wands and they light up

and then while the a/c is coming down the line they magically stop working
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  • #187
90. Keep you orange safety vest handy at all times. Not only is it required to marshall aircraft but it also doubles as a penalty flag.

Moderator note check your pm
88. Ramp Rats have been known to talk to themselves. On occasion they might even answer their own questions. Multiple personalities are rare but they do exist. You might often here someone ask "Who is on that gate?"....... "Its the three Joes"........"Are they getting along with each other today?"......Yea pretty good the one Joe told the other two Joes a joke they hadn't heard."

All this seems innocent enough until you realize there is only one person standing there laughing and his name is Joe.

hitting close to home there joe :lol: :lol: :lol: are sure one of the"Joe's" isn't a Josephine :shock: :lol:
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  • #190
92. If someone says something that is complete "BS" don't hesitate to call "BS" and throw a penalty flag on them. (See Rule #90 above)
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  • #191
93. If you work long enough on the ramp there will come a time when you might be tempted to repeat an unsubstaniated rumor. Feel free to pass on what you have learned as long as it is preceded by a ramp disclaimer. The following are all acceptable examples of ramp disclaimers.

I don't know if this is true or not but this is what I heard...............

This is what "they" were saying on the bus............

I haven't seen it for myself but supposedly this is in workbrain.............

There are other acceptable disclaimers and it is not necessary to know exactly who is being quoted as "they".
93. If you work long enough on the ramp there will come a time when you might be tempted to repeat an unsubstaniated rumor. Feel free to pass on what you have learned as long as it is preceded by a ramp disclaimer. The following are all acceptable examples of ramp disclaimers.

Some one in




"The Sea Shell Lounge"

told me.
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  • #193
94. If you have the ability to herd like a sheepdog, the compasion of a psychologist, the tact of a diplomat, the patients of a saint, possess advanced psychic abilities, are able to control all weather phenomenon including rain/wind/snow/fog, and are capable of answering three or more questions/talk on the phone and type on a keyboard all at the same time you are qualified for CS and have no business on the ramp. Transfer immediately to a CS position.
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  • #194
95. When someone is hired as a "Ramp Rat" there is usually a couple of weeks of classroom and on the job training. Along with this training will come various test. While it is necessary to pass these test your two most important test will be conducted by those people currently working the ramp. Whatever else may happen DO NOT fail both the stupid test and the attitude test. Your future will depend on how well you score on these test.
92. If someone says something that is complete "BS" don't hesitate to call "BS" and throw a penalty flag on them. (See Rule #90 above)

joe this applies to CLT . haven't heard it elsewhere. but in CLT its not BS its HS .. as in Horse S**T. that's a BIG slang down here.

I'm guilty myself of using it. I really don't know which creates more a bull or a horse.

as for your new hire test. believe it or not . ALOT of them FAIL . the stupid and even MORE fail the ATTITUDE test. Never in my life have I seen people

new to a job come in with such an attitude. it blows my mind

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