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Ron Paul


Dec 28, 2009
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SanFranFreako, KommieFornia
first of season to hit Perry


Perry endorsed Gore's presidential campaign in 1988 when he was a Democrat in the Texas legislature, serving as the Texas state chairman for Gore's campaign. Perry switched parties a year later and has backtracked on his support for Gore.

"I came to my senses," Perry has said since.

I did, I didn't, I could, but I couldn't, Should have but I didn't, was for, but was against, turned left, but was right.
first of season to hit Perry


I did, I didn't, I could, but I couldn't, Should have but I didn't, was for, but was against, turned left, but was right.
Too funny. I thought it would be Romney to jump on him first.

Most people have no idea about Perry's past. We in Texas know him all to well.

It will be interesting watching the tea party republicans and the general republican party eat their own for the next few months.

Ron Paul is different this time around. I think he smells the potential for victory. So has Rick Perry been bloodied by this? I think he has. Time and primaries will tell.
If you go to hear Rick Perry speak and he has a question and answer period, here's what you do...

1. If he brags about Texas leading the country in job creation, ask him how many of those jobs were minimum wage (the majority of them). He will say he doesn't have that information.
2. Follow-up: Ask him how many of those jobs offer no benefits--particularly health benefits. Again, the great majority of those jobs.
3. If he brags about raising the percentage of high school students passing the TAKS (Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills--high school seniors have to pass it to receive a HS diploma). He may tell you that it was done by improving the schools or teachers or re-establishing discipline in the classrooms or whatever. The way it was done was by lowering the passing score from 65 to 50.
4. If he brags about having a balanced budget in Texas, remind him that he didn't do that. The Texas State Constitution requires a balanced budget. This last budget, he and the Legislature accomplished the balanced budget with no new taxes by cutting 4 BILLION dollars from the state education budget. But, don't worry, they put in a rider that told the school districts that even though some of them were losing up to 50% of their state funds, they could not lay off any teachers or administrators or increase class sizes. What they did was to pass the requirement to raise taxes to the individual school districts. State taxes did not go up; however, local taxes will. Given the ridiculous restrictions the Legislature put on them, they will have no choice except to raise taxes because they also can not indulge in deficit spending.

Regardless of what Rick Perry tells you he did, he probably didn't. Texas has what is called a weak governor form of government. The governor has less actual power than the Lt. Governor. (I know. It doesn't make sense, but then it doesn't have to. We are TEXAS.)
Still think he's a joke? read on!

Ron Paul Widens MSNBC/NBC Presidential Poll Lead; Over 205,000 Votes Now Cast
Friday, September 9, 2011 - 03:05 by Tony Rutherford HuntingtonNews.Net Reporter

MSNBC's First Read continues attracting votes for its post-Presidential Republican Debate poll. As of 3:30 a.m. Sept 9, more than 205,000 votes have been cast. Ron Paul has widened his lead over Mitt Romney and Rick Perry. Paul has 57.1%, Romney 14.5%, and Perry 12.4%.
Ron Paul widens lead in MSNBC debate online straw poll

Despite the thunderous “thumbs up” for Paul, mainstream media continues to virtually ignore the poll results and the comments about a candidate that the public has enshrined yet the media continues to write him off as not a serious contender for the Presidential nomination. MSNBC, the New York Times, Washington Post, and L.A. Times all called the debate a Romney vs. Perry event.

Is MSNBC screening to make sure only republicans vote and that everyone only votes once?
Is MSNBC screening to make sure only republicans vote and that everyone only votes once?

Couldn't tell ya! None the less it is interesting considering Jon Stewarts rant. I'm going to go try and take the poll and get back to you.

Sorry no luck and no surprise that MSNBC would ignore the results of their own poll since it didn't (for whatever reasons ) turn out like they planned
It was more a rhetorical question. Why is it that actual polls among registered republicans are far different than this internet poll. Anyone can vote, they can vote as often as they like. The only way Paul makes it on the ballot is if he runs as an Indy.

I'm still betting on Romney. I think once people start digging into Perrys past they will see he has bats in the belfry. Romney is the most centrist and more likely to get the independent voters were elections are won. So long as he keeps Bachmann and Palin off the VP slot, he is safe. Put one of them on and I think you might as well just hand the keys back to Obama for 4 more years.