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A Different Story-- A Good Guess

Art at ISP

Aug 20, 2002
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Dix Hills NY
So I am checking into my hotel in Boston Friday night, and in behind me walks this young lady visibly agitated, cursing out an airline under her breath....

After she gets checked in she starts talking to me just because I am next to her on line--air travel sucks, airline people are rude etc.....

She tells me she missed her connection because her originating flight arrived late. She got to her connecting gate before the door closed and they refused to let her on--the excuse being that she had to travel with her bag, and no way her bag would make the flight. She went on and on how rude and nasty the airline people were. Then she said that she finally got here (BOS), and her bag HAD made the flight that she was denied boarding on, and she was PISSED.

Before I could even ask her for her connecting city, or what airline she was on, due to the nature of her gripe, I just said "sounds to me like you were on US Airways"...note I was KIDDING.

Her response??? "HOW DID YOU KNOW?????"

Her experience was in CLT.....

It just shows to go you.......

I hate being right at times like this.

Oh...and I DROVE to Boston--took a leisurely ride out to Orient Point, took the ferry to New London and drove 2 nice hours to Boston. While I am ranting, I will say that the nav system in my car took me to where it thought my hotel was, but it was 3 miles from the true location. I guess the Nav program was written by US IT.
You have got got to forgive me for asking did you take this young lady with you ? I could never get so lucky 😉
Coach, You are lucky enough at home!! Be good or we'll banish you to the desert! Mama :lol:
So I am checking into my hotel in Boston Friday night, and in behind me walks this young lady visibly agitated, cursing out an airline under her breath....

After she gets checked in she starts talking to me just because I am next to her on line--air travel sucks, airline people are rude etc.....

She tells me she missed her connection because her originating flight arrived late. She got to her connecting gate before the door closed and they refused to let her on--the excuse being that she had to travel with her bag, and no way her bag would make the flight. She went on and on how rude and nasty the airline people were. Then she said that she finally got here (BOS), and her bag HAD made the flight that she was denied boarding on, and she was PISSED.

Before I could even ask her for her connecting city, or what airline she was on, due to the nature of her gripe, I just said "sounds to me like you were on US Airways"...note I was KIDDING.

Her response??? "HOW DID YOU KNOW?????"

Her experience was in CLT.....

It just shows to go you.......

I hate being right at times like this.

Oh...and I DROVE to Boston--took a leisurely ride out to Orient Point, took the ferry to New London and drove 2 nice hours to Boston. While I am ranting, I will say that the nav system in my car took me to where it thought my hotel was, but it was 3 miles from the true location. I guess the Nav program was written by US IT.

We have a bunch of newbies in CLT now. No excuse for what happened to the lady, though.
Nine times out of ten, your bag will make your flight before you.
But just as an aside...was she flying stand-by?
Fascinating story.

You know, there was this great invention back in the early Twentieth Century known as radio. It allowed communications to be conducted from a distance, which is very cool. I know it's used in Pittsburgh to relay information between the ramp and the gate concerning bags and passengers. We tend to get both on our aircraft by waiting for whichever item (bag or passenger) has not arrived. For example:

Inside Supervisor: "Outside Supervisor, Alpha 13 copy."

Outside Supervisor: "Go ahead for A 13."

IS: "We have the passengers from inbound 8888 ready to board. Do we have their bags yet?"

OS: "Let me check......Inside 13...no, not yet. Does anyone know if those bags are away yet?"

Operations: "Inside/Outside A 13...the mainline runners are away from 8888. They should be there in just a few minutes."

OS: "Okay. We'll let you know when we've got the bags and then we'll push."

IS: "Okay, We'll board them."

Wow! What a concept. We do this everyday, and very rarely is there a major problem, unless the wheels up time is quickly approaching. In that case, nothing, and I mean NOT PASSENGERS OR BAGGAGE goes on the flight.

And yet we still manage to get nailed for other stations not delivering their bags to ours. How convenient. :down:
Makes no sense.. they ship people without their bags all the time.. and vice versa.. it's just an inconvenience to do that.. having baggage arrive days after you 😀

In my heart I truly hate to be right about this.....but in fact, there may be more of a ring of truth to what you say.

Just add me to the list of ffolks who have HAD IT with US management.

Stay tuned...we plan on doing something about it.

Regarding the bags, I have been heard from the inside that there is no longer a requirement that you travel with your bag domestically..PBM went away a few years ago. Just think, though--if it were still a regulation, how many violations would US have accrued?????

Oh and Coach--no I didn't bring the lady with me silly, she flew in ... although she and her colleagues did join my boss and colleagues at the bar a couple of times......at least my boss is single.

Thanks for the thought though 😉
Local management has told agent not to put passengers on earlier flights (standby) with out there luggage because of possible baggage claim being file at their destination. The way the story sounds she was confirm on the flight. Just a miss connect. And an agent and/or passenger confused.