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[P][STRONG]From Moderator....[/STRONG][/P]
[P][STRONG]RealityCheck - I asked you to contact me via email and I told you to await until I heard anything. This is not the place for this. This was a PM sent to you, the person did not post it publicly. I suggest to you that you take it publicly as well.[/STRONG][BR][BR][FONT color=#cc3300][STRONG]Thread is now closed. Stay on topic.[/STRONG][/FONT][/P]
If anyone is sounding stoogely or foolish on here it is RealityCheck. In post after countless post you gripe and moan about how awfull your job is and how
awfull the company is, it does get tiresome (and from reading other posts I know I'm not alone in that feeling). However, now you are using demeaning words and talking down to people that you assume have lower seniority than you do. Well, perhaps you should stop and think about that for a moment. If it were not for the people with lower seniority, you would not have what one would assume to be those Monday thru Friday day hours, instead of working nights, weekends, and holidays. It's posts from individuals like you that make me sad. I feel sorry for the people that have to work with you on a daily basis, unless they are all like you. There were many times when there were differences in opinion between senior and junior agents in our office, but they never got to the point where the junior agents were talked down to in such a manner as you choose to do on here. I could go on but I am trying to remain a bit reserve as I do not know you personally and do not want to lower myself to hurtfull personal attacks. I'm sure though that your response will be filled with the jabbing quips you are so fond of using and tell me how I know nothing and that anyones opinion other than yours does not count. I anxiously await your insult laden reply.
It was requested that this topic stay on topic. It has not, so it is now closed.
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