Can we continue this thread? Forget the pm and deletions from the moderators. Emotions are flying high. Would anyone be interested in my predictions on the res furloughs? Good , I'm glad you asked. My predictioon is at LEAST 100 out of the 250 number will be voluntary furloughs, especially with the unemployment opportunity, and 24 months travel privilages and 4 year recall. That leaves 150 that will come from PIT. This of course will put the remaining into daily overtime.(duh). Then of course those furloughed will be called back to the classification, whenever and wherever that might be. And after this round, there will be another round (remaining agents in OT) and those recalled will have opportunity in the classification. On and on and on. Till the right number of agents are allocated for remaining agents in OT).The remaining agents will be worked to death or will retire. Then in the END, the company will have the agents, the specialty departments and those overworked ( half dead) agents that talk to customers who want to talk to a real person. There will never ever again be openings in reservations(half dead agents in OT). This will be the future folks...........