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Res reduction

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Can we continue this thread? Forget the pm and deletions from the moderators. Emotions are flying high. Would anyone be interested in my predictions on the res furloughs? Good , I'm glad you asked. My predictioon is at LEAST 100 out of the 250 number will be voluntary furloughs, especially with the unemployment opportunity, and 24 months travel privilages and 4 year recall. That leaves 150 that will come from PIT. This of course will put the remaining into daily overtime.(duh). Then of course those furloughed will be called back to the internet.com classification, whenever and wherever that might be. And after this round, there will be another round (remaining agents in OT) and those recalled will have opportunity in the internet.com classification. On and on and on. Till the right number of agents are allocated for internet.com( remaining agents in OT).The remaining agents will be worked to death or will retire. Then in the END, the company will have the internet.com agents, the specialty departments and those overworked ( half dead) agents that talk to customers who want to talk to a real person. There will never ever again be openings in reservations(half dead agents in OT). This will be the future folks...........
On 9/26/2002 9:57:54 PM RealityCheck wrote:



On 9/26/2002 8:16:29 PM N628AU wrote:

Right on oldtimer!



Hi, Are you VP, sec, or treasurer of your infantile Follow the Leader club? Where' s your treehouse?Can I vote for you next time? Please?

I can think for myself thank you very much. I have followed your posts for some time and your complaining has become oh so tiresome. Much like what I think of many who whine and complain daily about what the Company has done to them (real or imagined), I know the great majority of us who are willing to move ahead have no use for your type of attitude. Either get on board or jump ship. Be thankful for being someone who is still employed in this economy. I have many friends who are still out of work from 9/11. I feel very blessed that I still have a job I enjoy in the industry I wish to work in. Bash me all you want, call me whatever name you want if that inflates your obviously fragile ego. I won't lose any sleep over it.
I will say it again and hopefully it won't get deleted this time. Your comments have become very TIRESOME!!!! Reality Check you always have to put others down!!! If you hate this company that much, MOVE ON!!!!
It would be my guess that about 75-100 take the vol package. Anyone got numbers from their city??
On 9/28/2002 2:47:08 AM N628AU wrote:

I can think for myself thank you very much. .

Than try acting like it. You descend out of the blue to post a one liner HERE-HERE like a chanting kid from the Little Rascals Club and expect a different response other than what you got?
If you want reliable accurate customer service assistance, dial Winston CSD 7038.

Even with all of the above instigating post deletions by the moderators, and now a renewed display of defiance to these same moderators just a mere 12 hours later, at 3 in the morning no less( you must work a great shift, a no seniority 430pm shift maybe? HA!),it is par to yet again to see more useless flapping of your collective trap(s).The continued initiation of posting(s) of rebellious opinions and agent bashes, especially by those of little seniority, as evidenced by posting times, possess laughable validity at best. More worthless than U stock. And despite the warnings obviously received, the ramblings coincide with those of a raving lunatic... and are now, more than ever, easily dismissed. I'll let the mods take care of the rest.
I think there are only 9 or 10 in INT that have signed up so far but everybody is talking about it...I would say about 40 more are strongly considering it.. I guess we'll know by next Friday...Also heard unofficialy that PIT had about 68...I think this program is really one the near retirement people are condsidering...I am on the bubble again with 2/29/00 hire date...So it will be pins and needles for a while...
Reality Check,

Check your PM/Email.

Keep burning those sick days.... Never know who's watching!
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