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Was it By straight out seniority... or by PT first and INT and FT last classification?

According to the contract, they can't just layoff PT first; it should be by seniority.

Welllllllll.........last year during the big furlough packet scare of late SEPT, they handed out packets to ALL P/T for sure, even if 25 years, and the last 4 or 5 years of FT, if Im not mistaken..'Twas the basis for a lot of talk, discussion, and misinterpretation and not sure if it was ever resolved, since the remaining offices didnt have to let anyone go.
I know, I was one of the part-timers who got the packet. Big goof on middle management's part. It was resolved, and here in INT anyway, they took back the displacment packets from most of us part-timers.
On 9/25/2002 3:25:12 PM RealityCheck wrote:

not that I necessarily blame them in Reno, but why did the number of pnr errors and complaints(rudeness) go up exponentially during that period?
I was in Reno then, and quite honestly, I don't remember more than a half dozen people who acually took calls during that period. The ones who did were definitely company people, and the rest of us didn't get close enough to any pnrs to sabotage them. Maybe other res offices were also at an all time low morale and it showed.
Alot of numbers being tossed out... now hearing packets for those with 99 hire date and after....and that the number is going to be 250 reps system wide...details still coming in ... HERE WE GO!!!!!
Not to put ideas in mgmts head, but wouldnt it make financial sense to close an office and chance that many topped out agts will not want to transfer, rather than laying off hundreds of low seniority non- topped out(cheaper paid) agents systemwide? Which scenario would save you more money??. Nbr 1 of course. But Number 2 would negate the need for paid inter-office transfers since no other office would have openings at low seniority if generally every office lost agents at the same hire date..I.E.there would be no way to txfr into another office if all 3 offices lost agents from e.g.'99 and later.Therefore no need to implement the sytemwide displacement theory. Vedddddy interesting Arte.....but still stooopid, since rez is nonstop busy 24/7!
I agree NCYankee---hummm so you went to NC. GOOD LUCK was there before Reno. You guys stick to your guns and good luck. Just had to come back to the mountains and now venturing out on my own. Have a good day and say hi to all Reno and Indy people as well as INT people. US has the best bunch of res people in the business and I know--I talk to them all now!!!
31 in Orlando is what I am understanding....do not get it. After the annoucement came out had over 100 calls on hold. Does not management get the picture that after all the agents either take a furlough either volentary or involentary do they not know that this will more than likely be a common occurance??? Guess they could give a darn on that aspect. It appears to me that we are moving back in time during the George Fisher era once again. Well at least I was correct in saying no office will close, at least for the short term.
In INT rumor has it around 50 packets..although depends on the vol furlough numbers....
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 9/26/2002 1:05:09 AM MCORORES wrote: [BR][BR]31 in Orlando is what I am understanding....do not get it. After the annoucement came out had over 100 calls on hold. Does not management get the picture that after all the agents either take a furlough either volentary or involentary do they not know that this will more than likely be a common occurance??? Guess they could give a darn on that aspect. It appears to me that we are moving back in time during the George Fisher era once again. Well at least I was correct in saying no office will close, at least for the short term. [BR]----------------[BR][/BLOCKQUOTE][BR]Hmm so I imagine *edited by moderator* Carstairs didnt come to the MCORCRO just to say hi just a measley 24 hrs before this announcement??..she brought furlough paks along in her carry on bags too, and then never said a thing about it to the attendees at the Tues meeting???..dont they have pdq/comat/fed ex for chores like these??? Who were the one or 2 that said this was just a routine rescheduled visit? HAH!Fooled you twice, shame on you!
Using your logic, do you thing Ms.Carstairs left the 150 or so packets in PIT when she was there a couple weeks ago? And what about INT. FYI, there is only one form letter, copies are made and put together locally for all those affected persons.
IMO it is a mistake to furlough anyone in RES. Not to say that we should be exempt from the job cuts, because everyone is going to be going through them, it is because we allready have an effect way of controlling costs which is VTO. VTO has never been used properly to its full extent and I can not tell you how many times I got paid my topped out salary to read. Do not get me wrong, not complaining about that, but if the VTO option was used correctly, I would not be able to get paid to read. Managements arguement is that it saves on beni costs. Well lets see if we once again go to understaffed situation and overtime is offered on a countinous basis and we have topped out agents working it, cannot see how this is going to save the company anything. Cannot wait to tell the first pax why he/she was on hold for so long is because U decided to furlough employees. Another aspect of what is going on is a new schedule bid....my goodness once again we have another chance to screw that up. Granted there is no such thing as a perfect schedule but we do not even come close to anything that is near perfect.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 9/26/2002 8:13:44 AM oldtimer wrote: [BR][BR]Reality, [BR]Using your logic, do you thing Ms.Carstairs left the 150 or so packets in PIT when she was there a couple weeks ago? And what about INT. FYI, there is only one form letter, copies are made and put together locally for all those affected persons. [BR]----------------[BR][/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][BR]uhh I dont think so..there are one or 2 items out of a packet of 5 or so misc items that are not copied. That come direct from hdqtrs such as job placement pamphlets and 1 or 2 other mass produced non copied items. I saw them firsthand last year before they were burned in effigy. All the material was not copies. Point is,from what I heard from 1 or 2 agts who went to the mtgs is she sat thru all day meetings in Orlando on TUES,not 24 hrs b4 the announcements WED. and said nothing was sure or set in stone, when she knew d*** well it was..and it came out the next day.That's c***** and crafty politics.[BR]And YES I would guess she could have dropped off a few hundred in PIT 2 weeks ago also.If she didnt it doesnt matter, fact is the timing in Orlando of her visit was more than coincidence. No one said she had to do the same exact thing in each city.[BR][BR]And why was the word CRAFTY edited from her name?It's an adjective, and is not cursing or swearing or politically incorrect or bigoted.[/P]
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reality.....hopefully you will be in the 31 affected employees in MCO, or you will volunteer to take the furlough...as you really seem to be so miserable in your current environment. If life has dealt you such a terrible hand, have you considered a better life beyond USAirways? In spite of how much better a reservations office may be without your presence, I don't believe you will find business life on the outside any less dismal than you color your present condition. Although I challenge you to find out differently.
originally post by oldtimer:
reality.....hopefully you will be in the 31 affected employees in MCO, or you will volunteer to take the furlough...as you really seem to be so miserable in your current environment. If life has dealt you such a terrible hand, have you considered a better life beyond USAirways? In spite of how much better a reservations office may be without your presence, I don't believe you will find business life on the outside any less dismal than you color your present condition. Although I challenge you to find out differently.


Does your halo have little Cinderella sparklies on it? If so please share a picture of it.Post it here for us all to see.

Wow, such bold jumping to her defense,... what,... are you sleeping with the woman?

Did it ever occur to your perpetually misinformed, misguided ,insult-laden pea brain that the sneaky Carstairs sentiment was shared by all of that res office today, as evidenced by daylong passing of comments/word of mouth?? I suppose that would mean you wish they were all furloughed as well..right ignoremo?????
On 9/26/2002 8:16:29 PM N628AU wrote:

Right on oldtimer!

Hi, Are you VP, sec, or treasurer of your infantile Follow the Leader club? Where' s your treehouse?Can I vote for you next time? Please?
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