Republicans... the gift that keeps giving

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Hackman said:
Mr. Trey Gowdy sure is a soldier. Listen to him flatten the Infanticide Princess of PP Ms. Cecile Richards, daughter of the old lib (prolly the last)  Governor from Texas Ann Richards. Starts at 3:34.
"Miss Richards, I appreciate the way that you like to frame the issue: you’re the reasonable one, and those of us who have a contrary position are not reasonable.”
Richards protested, saying “I didn’t say that,” but Gowdy interjected:
“No, that’s exactly what you said, much like your ‘people evolve to a more advance viewpoint.”
At one point, Richards told Gowdy that Planned Parenthood would like to make campaign contributions to Republicans, but:
“We don’t think women’s rights should be a partisan issue.”
Gowdy was ready:
“And we don’t think eating dinner salads and drinking wine while you’re discussing infanticide – we have a problem with that, too.
So I’m sure you can understand why we would be as viscerally opposed to what we saw on some of the tapes.”
Game. Set. Match.
He lied about the content of the videos.  Infanticide was not discussed.  The harvesting and donation of tissue was discussed. 
Gowdy was not asking questions.  He was pontificating and trying his damndest to paint her into a corner.
In 2008 there were 2 republican federal candidates who PP donated to.  Not sure about local politicians.
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NewHampshire Black Bears said:
I've got a $100.00 put up against ANYONE'S   $1.00 bill,     that Rove  V.  Wade  will NEVER be overturned  !
Any Takers ?
You  Hackjob ?
Their goal is not to over turn it anymore.  Even they understand it is not likely.  The goal is to make it impossible to obtain one via restrictive legislation.  They are placing heavy burdens on clinics which is shutting them down nation wide.  
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
W H E N...are you going to tell us "D's",..................WHO is going to beat Hillary.  I mean, c'mon man. Grow a PAIR and take a stand.  The friggin'  GOP silence on this board is  DEAFENING.
I mean, for the likes of YOU and  Eolesen and others,.........NOT to have an OPINION, scary.
Look, I KNOW you're not going to predict a CLOWN like Huckabee, or Paul/Jindal/Pataki/Graham/Santorum/Fiorina/Cristy or Religion First-Carson or Baby Face Rubio,........ but there's still T-Rump/Bush/Kasich, so c'mon, Stand Up, be a MAN, GROW a PAIR and Tell Us, ...who's gonna' beat  'HILL  ????
I kwow as you know that Bernie' can't beat 'HILL in the Primary, and I really don't think Joe B. is going to jump-in.
Once More,...........................WHO's gonna' beat 'HILL   ??????????????????????????
Nobody running right now is worried about beating Hitlery. She's doing a good job of continually screwing herself, with lies and deceit, all on her own.

Can't believe you really think that old hag has a shot!
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She has a shot so long as the GOP keeps fielding candidates like Trump, Fiorina, Carson ... et-al.
Not many thought Obama would win a second term given the economy at the time, then the GOP nominated Romney and .... the least worst candidate won.  
Their goal is not to over turn it anymore.  Even they understand it is not likely.  The goal is to make it impossible to obtain one via restrictive legislation.  They are placing heavy burdens on clinics which is shutting them down nation wide.
Imagine the heads exploding on the right if guns were made impossible to obtain via restrictive legislation and heavy burdens were put on gun stores shutting them down nationwide.
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  • #96
Hatu said:
Imagine the heads exploding on the right if guns were made impossible to obtain via restrictive legislation and heavy burdens were put on gun stores shutting them down nationwide.
Come on.  Everyone knows that is not the same thing.  Having control over one's body is not nearly as important as owning a gun.  lol
Ms Tree said:
He lied about the content of the videos.  Infanticide was not discussed.  The harvesting and donation of tissue was discussed. 
Gowdy was not asking questions.  He was pontificating and trying his damndest to paint her into a corner.
In 2008 there were 2 republican federal candidates who PP donated to.  Not sure about local politicians.
He lied about the content, well maybe in your myopic world. Most sane folks would disagree about what the libtard classification of Infanticide is. In the videos as shown, which would be the doctor using forceps in such a way to kill the infant as not to not harm those parts that are up for sale. 
That is a federal crime.
Glenn Quagmire said:
I see you have had enough to drink now to seek out a dog.
Sorry, I only drink on the weekends, which starts tomorrow. Try again Quagtard....Wonder Mutt needs help writing a sentence, you can be her little bi*ch.
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Hackman said:
He lied about the content, well maybe in your myopic world. Most sane folks would disagree about what the libtard classification of Infanticide is. In the videos as shown, which would be the doctor using forceps in such a way to kill the infant as not to not harm those parts that are up for sale. 
That is a federal crime.
It's not a federal crime because 7 of the states investigating PP have found no unlawful conduct.  No charges, federal or other wise have been brought against PP.  Secondly the tissue is not being sold.  Costs are being recovered for the harvesting and processing of the tissue.  Third, the videos that Fiorina and he are talking about were not even real.  they were either re enactments or or outright fabrications. The abortion that Fiorina was/is talking about was a stillbirth and the movement were motor actions.  the Fetus was dead (stillbirth) and the video was shared with out consent and it was not even at a PP facility.  So yea .. both of them lied through their teeth.
I realize that this might be semantics for you but that that is what differentiates a lawful act from a unlawful one.
Let me know when charges are filed and someone is convicted of this"federal crime".
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Ok. Thats a scary quote if true. There have been rumors floating around that hjs bid for the WH is a liberal scam. I hope its not true. that would end up being very bad for the demorsctic party and the country.

I would not put it past that narsasitic prick.
Ms Tree said:
Ok. Thats a scary quote if true. There have been rumors floating around that hjs bid for the WH is a liberal scam. I hope its not true. that would end up being very bad for the demorsctic party and the country.

I would not put it past that narsasitic prick.

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