Republicans... the gift that keeps giving

OK..Kero Schnauzer, the Education part I'll "second". but the Wedlock BS is another story.
If Female adult (color) in a Commited relationship with Male adult (color) PURPLE, and stay together in the same home, until said child is (say) 18, then where is the problem ?

I made no comment on personal or moral implications of the numbers.

You seem to be the one that decided to try to attach some other meaning to the numbers. What I posted was simply the raw data of the situation.
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Does it matter who is having them? Does it matter why?

I believe a women should have absolute control over her body. I do not believe public funds should be used. Short of that the government needs to stay out of the woman's body.

Now if republicans actually want to prevent unwanted pregnancies from happening then they are more than welcome to step up to the plate. So far all they have done is add to the problem. They either need to put up or shut up.
OK..Kero Schnauzer, the Education part I'll "second". but the Wedlock BS is another story.
If Female adult (color) in a Commited relationship with Male adult (color) PURPLE, and stay together in the same home, until said child is (say) 18, then where is the problem ?

Marriage status is hardly a problem if both parents are involved in the financial support.

The problem comes in with the uncommitted relationships. Getting child support as a result of a divorce is easier because it's part of a divorce proceeding.

In an unwed situation, you have to get a court order requiring child support, which also requires establishing paternity. That isn't always quick or cheap.

1923? Really?

I keep hearing people talking about the civil war in the secession discussions, and reconstructionists imposing poll taxes in discussions on voter ID, so why not?...

So lets take this to the logical republican conclusion.

HR 1096 is passed and the legal beginning of life is defined as beginning at conception.

So that means having an abortion is murder under the law. Premeditated murder at that. Are republicans going to convict a woman and who ever else participated in the abortion of murder? Are republicans going to reduce the charge? In states which have the death penalty are they going to request the death penalty for a capital murder conviction?

Eolesen, in case you did not figure it out, this is where HR 1096 leads. So how far do you want to go with this?

Wow, it must be nice being able to always project what the "logical republican conclusion" is to everything, Tree.

Yet, when people were talking about "logical liberal conclusions" on how Prop 8 could easily lead to stuff like man-boy marriages, polygamy, and group marriages, that was all quickly dismissed as crazy talk.

Wow Eric, what a Great reference. "The Daily Caller"
Where we can read a 'RAG' with columnists like GINNI THOMAS, wife of Clarence (uncle) THOMAS
Seems 'GINNI' use to work for the (fair and balanced).HERITAGE FOUNDATION.
Christ might as well suggest (next) the JOHN BIRCH society !!!!!!!!!!!

Bears, how much have you posted from Huffington Post? Daily Kos? Other progressive websites?

Daily Caller was started by Tucker Carlson, who if you'll recall, was on CNN and also MSDNC for many years. He's also a Libertarian. The website's focus is on posting news that doesn't make it into the mainstream media. It's a good source for offbeat stuff like this which would never play out on a larger stage.

Now... You seem to spend a lot of time SHOUTING and labeling people for who they are, where they live, or their faith as opposed to what they're saying. You discredit sources simply because of who writes for them, as opposed to what they're saying.

When you can actually start to debate content, instead of simply attacking the source, let me know...
I'm often amused but more often confused by what seems to be near panic and fear of the Libertarian viewpoint.

That the basic notion of individual liberty & responsibility that this nation was founded upon seems to make people so afraid and I don't get why that would be the case.

The basic premise that I'm in charge of me seems to have been thrown out the window by the notion that somehow, some way people in an office thousands of miles away can determine what's best for you even though they never met you.

For example take raw milk. Some think it's better for you. I don't know nor care as I don't drink milk. But why is a persons decision to drink raw milk the business of anyone, anywhere regardless of whether they work for the government? Now if I drank raw milk and as a result mudered my family then that would be the business of government. Same with pot. I mean really when was the last time you saw a pothead go into a frensy and kill anything worse then a bag of Cheeto's?

I just don't why me living as I choose and not giving a damn about how you live is somehow a bad thing?
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Wow, it must be nice being able to always project what the "logical republican conclusion" is to everything, Tree.

Yet, when people were talking about "logical liberal conclusions" on how Prop 8 could easily lead to stuff like man-boy marriages, polygamy, and group marriages, that was all quickly dismissed as crazy talk.

Let's see. HR1096 would have defined life as starting at conception. If life starts at conception and you have an abortion is that not murder? Is it no premeditated murder? If you murder someone do you not face murder charges? What part is being missed here? The argument being used by the religious right is that abortion is wrong because you are killing a human being. So where is my reasoning flawed?

Your ignorance of the law is nothing short of stunning. Adult/child marriages? Seriously are you that ignorant? When do you plan on changing the consent laws? You do know that there is an age of consent right? You people always trot out the child/animal/chair marriage idiocy as if it is real. You you people really that stupid?

As for poligamy or groups getting married … So what? What business is it of yours who gets married. So long as there are no financial advantages who the hell cares?
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I was watching some of the PP hearing.  The best part was when Ms Richards schooled Rep Chattetz about the source of the goofy chart he put up.

He said that the statistics came directly from PP's own report.  Ms Richards pointed out that Chaffetz was lying.  Ooooopssssss!!  If that idiot would have looked at the bottom of the chart that he presented at the hearing he would not have to worry about "getting to the bottom of it" because he would have had his answer.  
Never mind the fact that the chart itself is disingenuous and down right deceitful.  I guess if you don't have facts, just make the stuff up and see if it sticks to the wall.
The entire hearing seemed like really bad optics if you are trying to convince women that you are on their side.  I am sure it played really well to the conservative core of the the GOP but to the moderates and independents .... just showed that the GOP war on women is alive and well.
Soldier on GOP.... 
What do Republican politicians do after a mass shooting: They say it is not the proper time to talk about guns. Emotions are heightened so cannot have a reasonable discourse on the subject. Do not politicize it.

What do Republican politicians do after a video comes out they do not like: While their emotions are heightened they say now is the proper time to talk about it and have congressional hearings. They politicize it to the hilt, even threatening to shut down the government.

Ms Tree said:
I was watching some of the PP hearing.  The best part was when Ms Richards schooled Rep Chattetz about the source of the goofy chart he put up.

He said that the statistics came directly from PP's own report.  Ms Richards pointed out that Chaffetz was lying.  Ooooopssssss!!  If that idiot would have looked at the bottom of the chart that he presented at the hearing he would not have to worry about "getting to the bottom of it" because he would have had his answer.  
Never mind the fact that the chart itself is disingenuous and down right deceitful.  I guess if you don't have facts, just make the stuff up and see if it sticks to the wall.
The entire hearing seemed like really bad optics if you are trying to convince women that you are on their side.  I am sure it played really well to the conservative core of the the GOP but to the moderates and independents .... just showed that the GOP war on women is alive and well.
Soldier on GOP.... 
Mr. Trey Gowdy sure is a soldier. Listen to him flatten the Infanticide Princess of PP Ms. Cecile Richards, daughter of the old lib (prolly the last)  Governor from Texas Ann Richards. Starts at 3:34.
"Miss Richards, I appreciate the way that you like to frame the issue: you’re the reasonable one, and those of us who have a contrary position are not reasonable.”
Richards protested, saying “I didn’t say that,” but Gowdy interjected:
“No, that’s exactly what you said, much like your ‘people evolve to a more advance viewpoint.”
At one point, Richards told Gowdy that Planned Parenthood would like to make campaign contributions to Republicans, but:
“We don’t think women’s rights should be a partisan issue.”
Gowdy was ready:
“And we don’t think eating dinner salads and drinking wine while you’re discussing infanticide – we have a problem with that, too.
So I’m sure you can understand why we would be as viscerally opposed to what we saw on some of the tapes.”
Game. Set. Match.
I've got a $100.00 put up against ANYONE'S   $1.00 bill,     that Rove  V.  Wade  will NEVER be overturned  !
Any Takers ?
You  Hackjob ?
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
I've got a $100.00 put up against ANYONE'S   $1.00 bill,     that Rove  V.  Wade  will NEVER be overturned  !
Any Takers ?
You  Hackjob ?
Well gramps, looking at the sour face of the PP Infanticide leader after Gowdy got done with that ream job he gave her, add in a few more of these extremely damaging and sickening videos of  callous disregard for crunching up little babies and selling the parts, I might have to take that bet.
Especially after Nobammy goes back to community disorganizing in 2016.
GOP does a repeat in 2016 of the libtard government purge in 2014.   
Finally, the cherry on top, Billery gets a orange prison pant suit.
Take some Ensure NHBB, rest those old bones before you have a HA.
PS, can you relax the CAP button for once? My regards.
Hackman said:
Well gramps, looking at the sour face of the PP Infanticide leader after Gowdy got done with that ream job he gave her, add in a few more of these extremely damaging and sickening videos of  callous disregard for crunching up little babies and selling the parts, I might have to take that bet.
Especially after Nobammy goes back to community disorganizing in 2016.
GOP does a repeat in 2016 of the libtard government purge in 2014.   
Finally, the cherry on top, Billery gets a orange prison pant suit.
Take some Ensure NHBB, rest those old bones before you have a HA.
PS, can you relax the CAP button for once? My regards.
W H E N...are you going to tell us "D's",..................WHO is going to beat Hillary.  I mean, c'mon man. Grow a PAIR and take a stand.  The friggin'  GOP silence on this board is  DEAFENING.
I mean, for the likes of YOU and  Eolesen and others,.........NOT to have an OPINION, scary.
Look, I KNOW you're not going to predict a CLOWN like Huckabee, or Paul/Jindal/Pataki/Graham/Santorum/Fiorina/Cristy or Religion First-Carson or Baby Face Rubio,........ but there's still T-Rump/Bush/Kasich, so c'mon, Stand Up, be a MAN, GROW a PAIR and Tell Us, ...who's gonna' beat  'HILL  ????
I kwow as you know that Bernie' can't beat 'HILL in the Primary, and I really don't think Joe B. is going to jump-in.
Once More,...........................WHO's gonna' beat 'HILL   ??????????????????????????
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
W H E N...are you going to tell us "D's",..................WHO is going to beat Hillary.  I mean, c'mon man. Grow a PAIR and take a stand.  The friggin'  GOP silence on this board is  DEAFENING.
I mean, for the likes of YOU and  Eolesen and others,.........NOT to have an OPINION, scary.
Look, I KNOW you're not going to predict a CLOWN like Huckabee, or Paul/Jindal/Pataki/Graham/Santorum/Fiorina/Cristy or Religion First-Carson or Baby Face Rubio,........ but there's still T-Rump/Bush/Kasich, so c'mon, Stand Up, be a MAN, GROW a PAIR and Tell Us, ...who's gonna' beat  'HILL  ????
I kwow as you know that Bernie' can't beat 'HILL in the Primary, and I really don't think Joe B. is going to jump-in.
Once More,...........................WHO's gonna' beat 'HILL   ??????????????????????????
Don't you think, I mean really try hard gramps, that Billery is gonna run a campaign from prison???  Have you watched the Billery news at all???
She lied about her emails, hundreds of classified emails. She's all but d-o-n-e.
Don't question my pair old man, trust me, mine are brass.
Good luck with your delusions for 2016.  The bigger question should be for you is, which libtard is gonna take over when she's locked up?
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
W H E N...are you going to tell us "D's",..................WHO is going to beat Hillary.  I mean, c'mon man. Grow a PAIR and take a stand.  The friggin'  GOP silence on this board is  DEAFENING.
I mean, for the likes of YOU and  Eolesen and others,.........NOT to have an OPINION, scary.
Look, I KNOW you're not going to predict a CLOWN like Huckabee, or Paul/Jindal/Pataki/Graham/Santorum/Fiorina/Cristy or Religion First-Carson or Baby Face Rubio,........ but there's still T-Rump/Bush/Kasich, so c'mon, Stand Up, be a MAN, GROW a PAIR and Tell Us, ...who's gonna' beat  'HILL  ????
I kwow as you know that Bernie' can't beat 'HILL in the Primary, and I really don't think Joe B. is going to jump-in.
Once More,...........................WHO's gonna' beat 'HILL   ??????????????????????????
Hackman said:
Don't you think, I mean really try hard gramps, that Billery is gonna run a campaign from prison???  Have you watched the Billery news at all???
She lied about her emails, hundreds of classified emails. She's all but d-o-n-e.
Don't question my pair old man, trust me, mine are brass.
Good luck with your delusions for 2016.  The bigger question should be for you is, which libtard is gonna take over when she's locked up?
Hackjob,.............................A N O T H E R   refusal to take a stand on a GOP candidate, ..............WHY  ?
(Maybe you can't bring yourself to utter the name of a   New York City   YANKEE).   ????????

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