Republicans... the gift that keeps giving

Yes it would be better. My Name is Ms Tree, let me be your tour guide to reality. The optimum out come is not always ways what happens. Contraceptives fail, accidents happen, heat of the moment happens.

As Dog pointed out above, the republicans not only do not care about that and make every effort to block anything that would prevent unwanted pregnancy such as sex ed, contraceptives, family planning. The republican idea of birth control is just say no. Like that works so well. Just ask Sarah Palin, Bristol Palin and Track Palin how saying no worked.

It boggles the mind how republicans can be against abortion and also be against everything everything that would help prevent unwanted pregnancy. That has got to be the dumbest set of positions I have ever heard. It's like being on the Titanic and not liking life boats.

Maybe because Republicas believe in personal responsibility, instead of a Government baby-sitter !
This brings up another issue. Both of the friends who had abortions were under 18 when it happened. They had their entire life ahead of them. If they had the child as a single unwed mother they would have born the brunt of the responsibility of raising the child. We all know the fathers are not held responsible for their actions by society. So not only do you end up with a child parent but you end up with one who more than likely will not complete their education and will more than likely end up on the public dole. But hey, so long as the republicans just ignore the problem and stay the course with "just say no" which has been proven to be infective, all will be good in the world.

Perhaps had birth control been available to my friends they may not have become pregnant and had an abortion. Perhaps had sex education been available my friends would not have become pregnant and had an abortion. Perhaps had their been family planning centers available (not really popular in the 'enlightened south') my friends would not have become pregnant and had an abortion.

So the question is as always, would you like to spend a few dollars now and prevent abortions from happening (I thought that was what the republicans wanted?) or would you rather spend more money later and promote abortions (I thought that is what republicans did not want?). What do republicans pick, spend more and promote abortions. What a much of immoral ignorant hypocritical dumb asses.

Just say no to republican ignorance.

So basically, no matter what the reason, which I believe, in the case of incest or rape is legitimate, you value the future of the mother's life, over the life of the child !
And I believe whether the father is in the picture or not, he should be made financially responsible , for said child !
So basically, no matter what the reason, which I believe, in the case of incest or rape is legitimate, you value the future of the mother's life, over the life of the child !
And I believe whether the father is in the picture or not, he should be made financially responsible , for said child !
I think what he is saying is that he values the mother's right to make the choice, no matter the situation.

And fathers do have a legal (and moral) financial responsibility for the child.
Understand the point of choice, but there again, I personally don't think, being 17 and worried about what a pregnancy will do to your personal and socail life, is a legitimate reason for abortion ! And there again, we enter the age old grudge,.......when does life begin and exactly what say-so that life has, concerning an abortion ?

And again, apparently no one was worried about it, when they didn't use contraceptives and sorry Tree, "The condom broke" is not a viable excuse for the number of abortions !
  • In one year, only two of every 100 couples who use condoms consistently and correctly will experience an unintended pregnancy—two pregnancies arising from an estimated 8,300 acts of sexual intercourse, for a 0.02 percent per-condom pregnancy rate.[3]
  • In one year with perfect use (meaning couples use condoms consistently and correctly at every act of sex), 98 percent of women relying on male condoms will remain pregnancy free. With typical use, 85 percent relying on male condoms will remain pregnancy free.[3]
  • http://www.advocates...ublications/416
Understand the point of choice, but there again, I personally don't think, being 17 and worried about what a pregnancy will do to your personal and socail life, is a legitimate reason for abortion !
Neither do I. But I also do not believe it is up to me or anyone else to make that decision for her. That decision should be (and is at this time) up to her and hopefully she could get some people who can assist her in making an informed decision (planned parenthood is one of those places).
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Maybe because Republicas believe in personal responsibility, instead of a Government baby-sitter !
The responsibility is a secondary issue. What is happening is republicans like you do not want abortion to be legal but you will not lift a finger to prevent the pregnancies and you would rather either spend the money to help the kids afterward or just let them hoof it on their own without government assistance.

That is the logic of a republican.
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So basically, no matter what the reason, which I believe, in the case of incest or rape is legitimate, you value the future of the mother's life, over the life of the child !
And I believe whether the father is in the picture or not, he should be made financially responsible , for said child !


In agreement with that but you have to find him first, get money out of him next and that still does not give an unwanted child a good home to grow up in.
Current Data on the subject:

92% of college educated women are married when they have a child.
62% With post secondary schooling are married when they have a child.
43% of women with high school diploma are married when they have a child.

Racial divides:

73% of black babies are born out of wedlock.
53% of latino babies are born out of wedlock.
29% of white babies are born out of wedlock.

Latest data I could find on the subject from 2012.
Other data I could find on subject:

In 2000 Us women population as follows:

White 69%
Black 12.3%
Hispanic 12.5%

Abortion by race:

White 36%
Hispanic 25%
Black 36%

In 2005 the numbers showed there were 292,808 African American deaths in the United States. The same period in 2005 show approx 447,700 abortions performed on black women. The abortion rate is about double the death rate. The article did not have the numbers for the other races.

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