Republicans... the gift that keeps giving

I don't think God has a place in either party's platform. Separation of church & state and all that...

Sounds like your a morals voter. That's obviously fine, but I think it's a mindset that the changing demographics in this country increasingly disagrees with.

Really? Then why did your party have to fake a vote, to insert the name God and the capital of Israel is Jerusalem into their platform ?

And I think we can all see where the changing demographics are taking us !

Twinkie anyone ?
Never heard a republican telling a woman what she can do with her body ! Now, they may have different views and represent the rights, of the body inside said women !

What cave do you live in?!

Really? Then why did your party have to fake a vote, to insert the name God and the capital of Israel is Jerusalem into their platform ?

My party?

BTW, did you miss the part where I said *I* don't think He/She belongs in either party's platform?

And I think we can all see where the changing demographics are taking us !

Yep, to a better tomorrow.

Twinkie anyone ?

So you consider Greece a better tomorrow, 'cause that's where we're headed!

My bad...........didn't know you were a Republican !

Never said I agreed all things republican,i.e.womans body, here !
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Try reading the COTUS (not sure why I keep asking you to as it never seems to happen) and learn who rights apply to. The COTUS is quite specific on that point.

By defending the 'rights' of an unborn fetus over the rights of the mother they are most definitely telling the mother what she may or may not do with her body. Since the fetus cannot survive out side the womb earlier than 24 weeks and even then it is risky at best there is no separating the two no matter what kind of mental gymnastics you would like to exercise.

After that point the fetus is still inside the womb of the mother. And if the mother wants it out, who is government to say that she must carry it to term? I guess according to republicans it is OK for government to expand into the private lives of people huh?

Since I know you will never read the COTUS because then you might actually learn something, I'll save you the time regarding the first statement. A fetus does not have any rights. Hence the reason for trying, and failing to pass HR 1096 in 2011.

All you are doing is trying to pass along more lies. I'll just add this to the list of crap you have no understanding of and have no interest in researching.
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Really? Then why did your party have to fake a vote, to insert the name God and the capital of Israel is Jerusalem into their platform ?

And I think we can all see where the changing demographics are taking us !

Twinkie anyone ?

Because it is politics. There are too many people who do not understand the separation of church and state and they want to have religion as part of the party. SO the DNC caved to the religious nut jobs and put it in the platform to placate them.
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Sounds an awful lot like Bill Clinton, actually.

No the hypocrisy is pure republican. Abortion bad .... Don;t worry about the two my girlfriend had which I supported. Premarital sex bad .. Just say no..... except don't worry about the unprotected sex I had with my girlfriend which caused her to have two abortions. Adultery is bad … but don't worry about the multiple affairs I had, some with my patients that was a clear violation of my medical ethics.

But hey, it was 10 years ago so I have learned my lesson and we're all good. You are one limber little republican to be able to justify all that BS.

Clinton lied under oath about an affair. Clinton did not campaign on family values. No one gave a crap that he had sex in the WH with Lewinsky. The only ones who cared were the republicans (Gingrich) who thought they could make political hay out of it. Never mind the fact that Gingrich was banging his assistant as his wife was in the hospital with cancer.

That is you republican moral compass. That compass is FUBAR but you are too dense to recognize it.
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How many of those pro-choice proponents have actually had an abortion or been involved in a relationship where the woman had to seek one?

So if my rights are not infringed I cannot stand up for equal rights? That is a weak argument to put it nicely. Whether or not I ever had one or know someone (I have known 2 personally) that has had one has no bearing on promoting a womans right to control her own body.
Silly me, I thought Clinton was a headliner on defending women against the evils of the Republicans, even though he has a long & documented history of sexual harassment claims, suits and cheating on his wife.

The irony in all this is that abortion wasn't even an issue on the Republican's platform. It was a pivot issue brought up by Democrats and the media.

The DNC knew that sexual freedom and freedom from religion were far more important to talk about than far less important issues like the economic stability of the country....

It worked. People like you obviously bought into that.

Personally, I find abortion abhorrent. That doesn't mean I want to restrict anyone's ability to obtain one. Yet in the binary world that people like you live in, if I don't support it for myself, obviously I want to take it away from someone else.
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Silly me, I thought Clinton was a headliner on defending women against the evils of the Republicans, even though he has a long & documented history of sexual harassment claims, suits and cheating on his wife.

The irony in all this is that abortion wasn't even an issue on the Republican's platform. It was a pivot issue brought up by Democrats and the media.

The DNC knew that sexual freedom and freedom from religion were far more important to talk about than far less important issues like the economic stability of the country....

It worked. People like you obviously bought into that.

Personally, I find abortion abhorrent. That doesn't mean I want to restrict anyone's ability to obtain one. Yet in the binary world that people like you live in, if I don't support it for myself, obviously I want to take it away from someone else.
So if my rights are not infringed I cannot stand up for equal rights? That is a weak argument to put it nicely. Whether or not I ever had one or know someone (I have known 2 personally) that has had one has no bearing on promoting a womans right to control her own body.

If you were a friend, you'd tell her it was cheaper and less painful, to buy a condom !
Oh, that's right, you want me as a tax-payer, to furnish free condoms !

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