Republicans (including Sen. John Cornyn) disagree with Ted Cruz

777 fixer said:
One of their senior leaders says otherwise "If there was no American prison in Iraq, there would be no ISIS".
You still don't get it.  There would be no ISIS scarfing up anything in Iraq were it not for the 2003 invasion.
Sure why not, store them in my garage.  Of course I don't have to worry about that since even if they do have them they have no way to deliver them here.
Only an idiot would make the decision to invade the country in the first place.
Wrong that there was no active WMD program?  There wasn't any.  Fact.
Facts say otherwise.
You miss the point that ISIS would have reared its head sooner or later with or with the prison. It was cooking for several decades, Iraq was a vacuum that would soon be filled and ISIS lays at the feet of Barack Obama .
Thanks for proving my point that more than your old worn out shells were found.....and Bush didn't lie.
Info was out in 2006 as to WMD"s found. fact
Hussein made it appear he was active with WMD , fact.
See ISIS got uranium for a dirty bomb from Iraq purportedly in Eu? Hope they don't got a couple ADM's  here.
777 fixer said:
I cut and pasted something to make a point. The Gruber/Nazi comparrison however leaves you without retort and their are other examples.
Like for instance our recent attempts by the Obama Administration to regulate private ownership of firearms.and the German Firearms laws of 1938 Here's a very interesting tidbit from a somewhat unlikely source
There are very strong cases to be made that the Obama Regimes desire to remain in power via legal means.
When Bush endorses Obama's actions in the ME what more proof do you need that we are ruled by tyrannts like Hitler?
There are very strong cases to be made that the Obama Regimes desire to remain in power via legal means.
When Bush endorses Obama's actions in the ME what more proof do you need that we are ruled by tyrannts like Hitler?
Let me know when you post from a death camp.
Dog Wonder said:
Gas prices and unemployment are down. Stock market at record highs. Socialism must be working.
Unemployment is down? 
Given the millions of jobs lost in the financial crisis, even solid hiring is still not enough to put the huge backlog of unemployed Americans back to work right away. The jobs recovery has dragged on for four years now, and long-term unemployment remains elevated with 3.5 million people out of a job for six months or more.
Stock market at record highs? 
Same people that believe in transparency feed you that?
The stock market is sky high due to the manipulation of our currency by the Federal Reserve.
Besides which most of the people I know are far more concerned with the prices at the Supermarket than the stock market as they have to buy food in order to survive to go to work at one of the three part time jobs Obama "created" they now hold in order to reduce the unemployment rate look better and to keep from starving to death.
Looks like all 57 states will be busy clinging to their guns and religion while they are busy keeping their health plan if they like, because we're to stupid.
I wonder if they use Common Core methods to calculate the National Debt while eating one of Michelle Obama's "healthy lunches". You know like the ones her kids eat at their swanky private school.
With "Help" like this from our government we'll starve to death.
Gas prices are low for many reasons.NONE of them have a thing to do with who is residing in the White House. The relationship of the Petrodollar to the US Dollar is a huge part of the reason for the decline this time. Basic Laws of Supply & Demand are also at paly.
Way back I stated that neither Bush nor Obama could be fairly blamed for gas prices low  or high.
If you want to blame someone try Nixon/Kissinger and the creation of the Petrodollar, along with taking us totally off the Gold Standard.
777 fixer said:
I wasn't talking about you. I was speaking in general.

Are you kidding me?  GWB invaded a country based on BS.  Over four thousand Americans came home in body bags.  Over a hundred thousand Iraqis have been killed.  Now there's this little group called ISIS that would not exist were it not for GWB.  And by the way GWB ordered drone strikes too.
A war Demorats supported!
People tend to throw all of the blame at the sitting President. On issues of Foreign policy it is the sitting President's fault. 
You can also fault a sitting Presidents economic policy where appropriate. Areas such as budget and tax rates come to mind. 
BUT, to single out any sitting President for the price of a specific commodity Is a bit much. WHY? well if there is an upheaval in a commodity market more than just the price of the specific commodity will be affected. It will "Trickle Down" throughout the economy.
What you can blame on a President is a money policy that cedes control to unelected central bankers and their ability to take a fiat currency for their own goals. This is the primary reason for the stock market growth. It's using the Fed to pump money into stocks to create a rosier picture of the overall economy. Just as the creation of millions of part time jobs lowers the unemployment rate. 
Where the house of cards falls apart is in income growth. Right now literally the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. 
Obama and every sitting President post Nixon had the opportunity to end this glorified Ponzi Scheme by simply auditing the Federal Reserve. Based on what I've read I think it is entirely possible that the Republic would not survive the publishing of a full audit. I firmly believe that if an audit were conducted and published that we would have a second civil war. How violent it would be is of course open for discussion. Same would happen if the currency collapses. Ron Paul is a bit more pessimistic than I on this but it could happen..
SparrowHawk said:
People tend to throw all of the blame at the sitting President. On issues of Foreign policy it is the sitting President's fault. 
You can also fault a sitting Presidents economic policy where appropriate. Areas such as budget and tax rates come to mind. 
BUT, to single out any sitting President for the price of a specific commodity Is a bit much. WHY? well if there is an upheaval in a commodity market more than just the price of the specific commodity will be affected. It will "Trickle Down" throughout the economy.
What you can blame on a President is a money policy that cedes control to unelected central bankers and their ability to take a fiat currency for their own goals. This is the primary reason for the stock market growth. It's using the Fed to pump money into stocks to create a rosier picture of the overall economy. Just as the creation of millions of part time jobs lowers the unemployment rate. 
Where the house of cards falls apart is in income growth. Right now literally the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. 
Obama and every sitting President post Nixon had the opportunity to end this glorified Ponzi Scheme by simply auditing the Federal Reserve. Based on what I've read I think it is entirely possible that the Republic would not survive the publishing of a full audit. I firmly believe that if an audit were conducted and published that we would have a second civil war. How violent it would be is of course open for discussion. Same would happen if the currency collapses. Ron Paul is a bit more pessimistic than I on this but it could happen..
Val  Jarrett is totally responsible for our foreign policy success.
delldude said:
Unemployment is down? 

Stock market at record highs? 
Same people that believe in transparency feed you that?
He meant to say " More people have given up seeking employment"!

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