Republicans (including Sen. John Cornyn) disagree with Ted Cruz

SparrowHawk said:
SO? My Uncle and the rest of the 3rd Army liberated many camps and I heard my Uncle tell of what he saw exactly once so I can only imagine how bad it really was. Being a bit of WWII and history buff in general I am very aware of the events leading to Hitler's subsequent rise to power. Like it or don't there are similarities. Not so much regarding the men involved but with the outside turmoil flaying around them.
I'm reminded of Eisenhower's answer to the question as to why he routed 300,000 US soldiers through the camps and required German civilians to clean them up. "Because 50 years from now people will try to say this never happened".
I see things, read things that tell me maybe it could happen again. I'd rather be wrong sounding a false alarm then to be wrong and totally enslaved or dead.
Talk to someone who was there,  Talk to a survivor.   Then you will not have to imagine as much.  
SparrowHawk said:
Many, other than I have made the comparison between Hitler and The Liar in Chief.
Yes, ignorant fools who trivialize the evil that Hitler perpetrated by comparing a president to him. 
SparrowHawk said:
Being a bit of WWII and history buff in general I am very aware of the events leading to Hitler's subsequent rise to power. Like it or don't there are similarities. Not so much regarding the men involved but with the outside turmoil flaying around them.
Your not a history buff of WWII.  All you are is some guy who read some comparison of Obama to Hitler and repeated it here.
delldude said:
No I don't . Doesn't matter anymore....He's proven He's not qualified to be president for some 6 years now regardless of where he came from.
Like I said before I'll take him over GWB any day of the week.
delldude said:
What facts? 
Claims that Iraq had an active WMD program.  Which they did not.
delldude said:
How about those WMD's that WERE FOUND.
You mean the pre 1991 sheels that were found buried in the desert that were of little or no military use since the agents had degraded over the years and should have probably some apart if someone attempted to fire them.  Don't know about you but it seems hardly worth the lives that have been spent.
777 fixer said:
Like I said before I'll take him over GWB any day of the week.
GW did more for the military than the current stooge. But of course President Jarrett is calling the ball.
Claims that Iraq had an active WMD program.  Which they did not.
Well it has been shown Saddam was pretty clever at making everyone think he did and then we ousted him.
You mean the pre 1991 sheels that were found buried in the desert that were of little or no military use since the agents had degraded over the years and should have probably some apart if someone attempted to fire them.  Don't know about you but it seems hardly worth the lives that have been spent.
No, not at all. I posted detailed DOD releases and Intel/Armed Services committee testimony proving existence and acknowledgement of many different types being found to this day. And BTW, in those reports they addressed those tired, worn out shells as degraded but usable and still very dangerous.
Do some digging and it quickly becomes apparent the left made a big lie out of the issue and you and others took it hook, line and sinker.
I don't like seeing body bags anymore than you, but if this was such a terrible war, where were the protests? I grew up in the Nam era and can tell you about protests .
And you know when you've exposed a liberal lie with truth. The lib's quit responding to that particular thread......everytime.
The munitions addressed in the report were produced in the 1980s, Maples said. Badly corroded, they could not currently be used as originally intended, Chu added.
While that's reassuring, the agent remaining in the weapons would be very valuable to terrorists and insurgents, Maples said. "We're talking chemical agents here that could be packaged in a different format and have a great effect," he said, referencing the sarin-gas attack on a Japanese subway in the mid-1990s.
This is true even considering any degradation of the chemical agents that may have occurred, Chu said. It's not known exactly how sarin breaks down, but no matter how degraded the agent is, it's still toxic.
delldude said:
GW did more for the military than the current stooge.
Please tell me exactly what he did.
delldude said:
The munitions addressed in the report were produced in the 1980s, Maples said. Badly corroded, they could not currently be used as originally intended, Chu added.
While that's reassuring, the agent remaining in the weapons would be very valuable to terrorists and insurgents, Maples said. "We're talking chemical agents here that could be packaged in a different format and have a great effect," he said, referencing the sarin-gas attack on a Japanese subway in the mid-1990s.
This is true even considering any degradation of the chemical agents that may have occurred, Chu said. It's not known exactly how sarin breaks down, but no matter how degraded the agent is, it's still toxic.
So that's the reason why over a 4000 US servicemen along with over 100000 Iraqi's died and over $1 trillion dollars spent?  Because terrorists or insurgents might have gotten a hold of degraded chemical weapons from the 1980's?
777 fixer said:
Please tell me exactly what he did.
So that's the reason why over a 4000 US servicemen along with over 100000 Iraqi's died and over $1 trillion dollars spent?  Because terrorists or insurgents might have gotten a hold of degraded chemical weapons from the 1980's?
Trying to change the narrative when confronted by facts?
My man tap dancing ?
Muthanna State Establishment is now controlled by ISIS where they have  2500 'old' sarin filled shells in their possesion. You know, the ones Chu made claims about.
Chu said. It's not known exactly how sarin breaks down, but no matter how degraded the agent is, it's still toxic.
Ms Tree said:
Talk to someone who was there,  Talk to a survivor.   Then you will not have to imagine as much.  
I have and I've visited the Anne Frank Museum in Amsterdam and quite frankly even after that I can't imagine the atrocities. I'm just real proud of my Uncle who was in Patton's Third Army and helped liberate the camps.
I recall his talking about not eating for a week and helping the prisoners by giving them HIS food. A small taste, but a big enough one for me.
delldude said:
Trying to change the narrative when confronted by facts?
My man tap dancing ?
Here's the narrative.  The Bush Administration claimed that Saddam Hussein had an active WMD program and posed a threat to use.  Neither of which was true.  What they did find was old artillery rounds buried in the desert of very little military value.  Yet they kept that secret.  Why do you think that is?  
delldude said:
Muthanna State Establishment is now controlled by ISIS where they have  2500 'old' sarin filled shells in their possesion. You know, the ones Chu made claims about.
Chu said. It's not known exactly how sarin breaks down, but no matter how degraded the agent is, it's still toxic.
ISIS would not exist were it not for the invasion of Iraq.  The senior leadership of ISIS so much as admits this.
And even if he didn't say this anyone could figure this out on there own
So lets go down the list.  4000+ dead Americans, 100000+ dead Iraqis, a trillion dollars spent and a group called ISIS.  All for some degraded chemical weapons that pose little or no threat to us.  Hardly worth the price if you ask me.
SparrowHawk said:
I have and I've visited the Anne Frank Museum in Amsterdam and quite frankly even after that I can't imagine the atrocities. I'm just real proud of my Uncle who was in Patton's Third Army and helped liberate the camps.
I recall his talking about not eating for a week and helping the prisoners by giving them HIS food. A small taste, but a big enough one for me.
Ann Frank died. She was hidden for a while and was betrayed. The Nazis sent them to Bergen Belsen where they died. While a visit to her hiding place is a good start, talk to a survivor (still a few left like my father). Then perhaps you would not be so flippant with the comparisons. I have lived with the stories my entire life. I have heard other stories from friends of my parents who are also survivors. I have woken up to my dads screams caused by his nightmares. I have his number on my computer as my desk top so that I will never ever forget. I have a copy of his original birth certificate where the Nazi's changed his middle name to "Israel" so that the 'Juden' could be readily identified.

Your uncle saw the after math which was bad enough. My father, mother, grandmothers, aunts and grand fathers lived it. Some did not survive. My father never leaves so much as a crumb on his plate.

You seem like an intelligent guy. I hardly agree with you on anything but you argue your point and you are consistent. When you start with the Nazi BS I loose interest. There is no comparison. None. Not one shred. It's like saying Hitler breathed air and Obama breathes air so they are similar. BS. Feel free to continue if you want but it does not do crap for your credibility. Just my opinion which I am sure means nothing to you, what ever.
SparrowHawk said:
I have and I've visited the Anne Frank Museum in Amsterdam and quite frankly even after that I can't imagine the atrocities.  
Yet you compare the president to Hitler.  Which tells me you were not paying attention.
777 fixer said:
Yet you compare the president to Hitler.  Which tells me you were not paying attention.
I said there were similarities.
Such as Jonathan Gruber's comments:
He’s on record repeatedly making the case from social science that abortion is a “social good” because it reduces the number of “marginal children,” by which he means urban poor—those he says can be counted on to commit crimes if they were ever born. 

Gruber co-authored a paper during the Clinton years which argued that legal abortion had saved the U.S. taxpayer upwards of $14 billion in welfare benefits and that it also lowered crime..
The above sounds very much like:
Within a few months, the T4 Program—named for the Chancellery offices that directed it from the Berlin address Tiergartenstrasse 4—involved virtually the entire German psychiatric community. A new bureaucracy, headed by physicians, was established with a mandate to kill anyone deemed to have a “life unworthy of living.” Some physicians active in the study of eugenics, who saw Nazism as “applied biology,” enthusiastically endorsed this program. However, the criteria for inclusion in this program were not exclusively genetic, nor were they necessarily based on infirmity. An important criterion was economic. Nazi officials assigned people to this program largely based on their economic productivity. The Nazis referred to the program’s victims as “burdensome lives” and “useless eaters.”
777 fixer said:
Here's the narrative.  The Bush Administration claimed that Saddam Hussein had an active WMD program and posed a threat to use.  Neither of which was true.  What they did find was old artillery rounds buried in the desert of very little military value.  Yet they kept that secret.  Why do you think that is?  
ISIS would not exist were it not for the invasion of Iraq.  The senior leadership of ISIS so much as admits this.
And even if he didn't say this anyone could figure this out on there own
So lets go down the list.  4000+ dead Americans, 100000+ dead Iraqis, a trillion dollars spent and a group called ISIS.  All for some degraded chemical weapons that pose little or no threat to us.  Hardly worth the price if you ask me.
Shells still highly toxic of no military value yet ISIS is scarfing them up when found. Maybe you wouldn't object to storing a few in your garage if they are of no military value as you say.
ISIS has been around for a couple decades...the Islamic State has been envisioned for centuries. Only an idiot would have thought no one would take Iraq after Obama pulled out too early.
You're still wrong on the WMD's found and it was proven, you can't deal with the facts.
I don't recollect it a secret......those rounds were found.....early in the 2003 invasion.
It was Hussane's obstruction to UN inspection efforts that made it look like he was indeed still rebuilding or producing WMD's. That is what convinced many to his ambitions. Saddam Hussane violated the UN agreement .
You don't think kicking out the inspectors in '98 had anything to do with our return?
delldude said:
ISIS has been around for a couple decades...the Islamic State has been envisioned for centuries. 
One of their senior leaders says otherwise "If there was no American prison in Iraq, there would be no ISIS".
delldude said:
Shells still highly toxic of no military value yet ISIS is scarfing them up when found. 
You still don't get it.  There would be no ISIS scarfing up anything in Iraq were it not for the 2003 invasion.
delldude said:
 Maybe you wouldn't object to storing a few in your garage if they are of no military value as you say.
Sure why not, store them in my garage.  Of course I don't have to worry about that since even if they do have them they have no way to deliver them here.
delldude said:
 Only an idiot would have thought no one would take Iraq after Obama pulled out too early.
Only an idiot would make the decision to invade the country in the first place.
delldude said:
You're still wrong on the WMD's found and it was proven, you can't deal with the facts.
Wrong that there was no active WMD program?  There wasn't any.  Fact.
delldude said:
I don't recollect it a secret......those rounds were found.....early in the 2003 invasion.
Facts say otherwise.

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