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Republic To Hold Conference Call Today

usfliboi said:
POT is black
Can you ever add to the topic at hand?

And you were proven not to be what you are, so you have ZERO credibility.
700UW said:
320 you act like a child.

You have been proven wrong time after time after time, you don't even stand behind you own words.

You are a management wannabe being used.

Get a serious dose of reality, when you have 99% of the board saying the samething about you, it has creedence.

You have no credibility.

Accept reality.
:up: :up: AMEN AMEN, Your are right on. 320 better get used to the term EMB cpt realll soon, cause after all is said and done MOST of US will become an EMB airline...Watch, the proverbial S%#T is going to hit the fan!!! The original plan to downsize mainline and become a small Little airline is about to unfold...
Remember Siegel said US could turn into a regional airline and that is what is exactly happening.
Why does every topic have to turn into a USA320PILOT bash? You people are pathetic...take it for what its worth and form your own opinions. I for one, appreciate his posts, and don't believe everything I read, but I don't feel the need to bash his posts on an hourly basis.

Back to the topic, FUNGUY2, why do you think U is adding cost. I thought the fee for service was reduced from cost + 8% to cost + 5%, that sounds like a savings to me?
jack mama said:
Why does every topic have to turn into a USA320PILOT bash? You people are pathetic...take it for what its worth and form your own opinions. I for one, appreciate his posts, and don't believe everything I read, but I don't feel the need to bash his posts on an hourly basis.


Because he brings it on himself with his lies and hypocritical posts. Use your ignore button then you can read just his.

For what its worth I agree with you. USA320Pilot has been posting his opinions pretty much non-stop since 1999 both on this website and on his pilotaction group.

It is his hobby and something that he obviously enjoys. If it gives him a sense of security and control over his destiny to research the company and try and determine what the future might hold for him, then who can blame him for trying?

Its a public message board and he has as much a right to post as any of us.

Personally I stopped reading his posts several years ago. I find them to be a little bit long-winded, a little bit condescending, and to provide little useful information to the average furloughed pilot.

That doesn't have anything to do with his posts or who he is as a man -- it simply has to do with the fact that we're at different places in our life looking at US Airways from a different perspective. He, very likely, would not be interested in my perspectives any more than I am interested in his.

If more people would simply ignore the posts they dont want to read rather than starting a war -- think of all of the bandwidth we'd save! :up:

700UW said:
And you were proven not to be what you are...
And with that, we enter the world of surrealism.

I, too, have been proven not to be what I am. :blink:
You did not come on the boards and pretend to be what you are not in regard to what you do at US, you clearly stated you are not employed at US.
jack mama said:
Back to the topic, FUNGUY2, why do you think U is adding cost. I thought the fee for service was reduced from cost + 8% to cost + 5%, that sounds like a savings to me?
Why should it be "cost+" anything? Why not a competitive bid with the regional absorbing all fuel price increases and satisfying certain minimum performance standards? How can an airline in bankruptcy and on the brink be in a position to provide a sheltered environment for another airline?

Jonathan Orenstein, call your office!!
USA320Pilot said:

O.K. I will take you bait and answer your questions, but to be honest, I do not read every post and most of your I ignore. Today I skimmed your last post and caught these two questions.

UVN asked: “Like why is it you are never wrong?â€￾

USA320Pilot answers: I am human and I am wrong all the time. When I am, I admit it. Moreover, the erase on my pencil clearly indicates I make mistakes.

UVN asked: Why is it you are allowed to post whatever you want but when someone questions it you go silent or come back and attact them for their credibility or whatever else you want to?

USA320Pilot answers: With all due respect, I believe your question is invalid and does not have an answer. I am not disrespectful or use personal insults. I never go silent, but many of the posts I do not read.

Best regards,


can't touch dat.....
jack mama said:
Back to the topic, FUNGUY2, why do you think U is adding cost. I thought the fee for service was reduced from cost + 8% to cost + 5%, that sounds like a savings to me?

You may be right... My point was this: on the 13(+) EMB-170's, a guaranteed profit of 5% to Republic was just added on to the operating costs of those particular aircraft. That is a cost that is not there today, since these aircraft are flown by US Airways Group.

Same for the slots... If US Airways has to pay a "rent" to Republic/Chautauqua for the DCA/LGA slots, that is an added cost that is not there today (as far as I know).

However, the reduction in guaranteed profit + the potential removal of 15 higher-cost 50-seaters may actually reduce the cost per ASM on the Republic/Chautauqua contract, however, I have no way of knowing that. Somehow, I doubt it though... There has to be an incentive for Republic to do this deal... more profit is probably part of the motive.

I am sure long-term survivability is part of the motive too... the ownership of the slots are a big deal to this. One thing I did not hear from the conference call that I would have liked to hear is this: What happens to the slot trust if US Airways ceases to exist? If the answer is what I think it is (they go to Republic free and clear), then Republic/Chautuaqua long-term survival is assured, with or without US Airways.
NAPAUS said:
:up: :up: AMEN AMEN, Your are right on. 320 better get used to the term EMB cpt realll soon, cause after all is said and done MOST of US will become an EMB airline...Watch, the proverbial S%#T is going to hit the fan!!! The original plan to downsize mainline and become a small Little airline is about to unfold...

Uh, considering we just sold that fleet doesn't look like him or any of us will be working those. It will indeed be an EMB airline, operated by someone else.

There is a place for people to analyze public information, but I believe "inside" information is more telling.

In a statement US Airways said, "This transaction provides us with new equity, reduced debt, enhanced liquidity, and a strengthened relationship with a key regional airline partner, as well as efficiencies in running the business that will allow us to focus more of our resources on the mainline operations," said Lakefield. "Overall, we will have both flexibility and a stronger regional jet network that will improve both our bottom line and service to our customers."

Funguy2, I get the impression from your posts about "adding costs" that you believe the US Airways-Republic deal will not improve US Airways' finances. Can you explain to me how US Airways' CEO does, who previously was the president of Lehman Bros-Europe, and you apparently do not?



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